pymchelper is a toolkit for manipulating output and input files of particle transport codes, such as FLUKA and SHIELD-HIT12A. It provides a command line program, called convertmc which simplifies process of converting binary output files to graphs, tabulated plain data files (which can be open by MS Excel) and other formats. Toolkit can also serve as a library in Python language, which can be used to read data from binary files into convenient Python objects. This allows further data processing using other Python tools and libraries.


First be sure to have Python framework installed, then type:

pip install pymchelper

In case you don’t have administrator rights, add --user flag to pip command. In this situation converter will be probably installed in ~/.local/bin directory.

To be able to use tripcube converter install also pytrip98 Python package using pip.

For more detailed instruction, see installation guide.


To convert single SHIELDHIT12A output file, called dose.bdo file to a PNG image run:

convertmc dose.bdo plot_dose.png --converter image

Let us assume you ran SHIELD-HIT12A on a cluster specifying 5 different estimators in detect.dat and running 100 parallel jobs. As an output you have 500 .bdo files. convertmc converter can automatically discover which files belong to which estimator and automatically generate 5 output files. To convert all *.bdo files to a set of PNG images you shouldn’t specify output file name, just run:

convertmc --many "*.bdo" --converter image

The same output format as in standard convertmc converter, shipped with SHIELD-HIT12A code can be achieved with --converter standard option. In this case ASCII file with 4 columns will be saved.

Reduced ASCII output (i.e. only two columns for 1D scoring) can be produced with --converter plotdata option. Converters can be combined. Following command will generate ASCII data which can be digested by gnuplot and accompanying gnuplot scripts:

convertmc --many "*.bdo" --converter plotdata gnuplot

TRiP98 binary .dos cubes (two files: ASCII .hed and binary .dos) can be generated with --converter tripcube. It will produce output only for MSH and VOXMESH SHIELD-HIT12A scorers.

More on https://pymchelper.readthedocs.io/


  • reading *.bdo files generated by SHIELD-HIT12A code
  • reading *_fort* files generated by FLUKA
  • writing PNG images (1 and 2D plots)
  • writing tabulated ASCII files
  • writing gnuplot scripts
  • writing binary files with .dos cubes in TRiP98 format


Full documentation can be found here: https://pymchelper.readthedocs.io/

If you would like to download the code and modify it, read first this.