Installation guide

If you are familiar with python and pip tool, simply type following command to install the package:

$ pip install pymchelper


$ pip install matplotlib
$ pip install pytrip98

to get the recommended dependencies enabling image and tripcube converters respectively.

If your are a less advanced user, read the rest of the page.

Installation guide is divided in three phases:

  • prerequisites (mainly Python installation)
  • main package installation
  • recommended dependency installation

There are two groups of users: full-control (administrator) and limited-control (regular ones). It might sound strange, but if you own a PC with Windows or Linux installed and are the only user of it, then the full-control (administrator) instruction if for you.

For limited users we assume that they can write files to their home directory, but not necessary elsewhere. An example of limited users are those who are using computing cluster. Typically the access to cluster is given to many users and none of them has administrator rights.

This instruction is mainly targeted ar full-control users, trying to convert Monte Carlo results files on their own computers.

Procedure for full-control users

Prerequisites - python interpreter

First we need to check if Python interpreter is installed. Under Linux try if one of following commands (printing Python version) works:

$ python --version
$ python3 --version

Under Windows try running the same commands under command line. To start command line under Windows, press Windows button (or click “Windows” logo in the menu) and type cmd.

At the time of writing Python language interpreter has two popular versions: 2.x (Python 2) and 3.x (Python 3) families. Command python invokes either Python 2 or 3, while python3 can invoke only Python 3.

pymchelper supports most of the modern Python versions, mainly: 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6. Check if your interpreter version is supported.

If none of python and python3 commands are present, then Python interpreter has to be installed.

We suggest to use the newest version available (from 3.x family).

Under Linux the best way is to use your package manager.

  • apt-get install python3 (python 3) or apt-get install python (python 2) for Debian and Ubuntu
  • dnf install python3 (python 3) or dnf install python (python 2) for Fedora
  • yum install python3 (python 3) or yum install python (python 2) for CentOS and SLC

Under Windows the best way is to go to the webpage, download and run the installer. On the first screen we recommend to mark “Add Python to PATH”. The result will be that you will be able to run python interpreter from command line as any other command. We recommend Windows users to use Python 3.5 or newer.

Single file distribution

pymchelper is shipped as a single file executable. It can be downloaded from webpage using the web browser. Command line download for Linux can also be done (here an example with 0.3.6 version, newer versions should also be available):

$ wget -O convertmc

We publish single file executable with .pyz extension, but it can be stripped for a convenience of Linux users. After downloading the file, make sure it has executable bits set:

$ chmod ugo+x convertmc

When new version if released, replace downloaded file with newer one.

Now you can start the application under Linux by typing in terminal:

$ ./convertmc --help

Windows users can simply type:

$ convertmc.pyz --help

As pymchelper doesn’t have any mechanism of automatic updates, we recommend to use installation using pip tool, described below. It makes easy upgrade and uninstallation procedure.

Prerequisites - pip tool

pip is a tool for installing and managing Python packages. It downloads the packages from central Internet repository and installs them in a similar way as apps are downloaded on your smartphone by Google Play or Apple Store.

Try the following commands (printing pip version):

$ pip --version
$ pip3 --version

In a similar way to python interpreter pip is a tool for Python 2 or 3, while pip3 works exclusively for Python 3. If none of these commands are present, then pip has to be installed.

Follow the package installation for your system. On some systems instructions mentioned below have to be prefixed with sudo command.

  • apt-get install python3-pip (python 3) or apt-get install python-pip (python 2) for Debian and Ubuntu
  • dnf install python3-pip (python 3) or dnf install python-pip (python 2) for Fedora
  • yum install python3-pip (python 3) or yum install python-pip (python 2) for CentOS and SLC

Under Windows the best way is to follow User installation method, described here:

main application - pip package installation

Now it is time to install pymchelper package. It consists of executable file called convertmc and bunch of necessary code files.

Administrator installation is very simple, but requires to save some files in system-wide directories (i.e. /usr). On some systems commands mentioned below have to be prefixed with sudo command:

$ pip install pymchelper

To upgrade the pymchelper to newer version, simply type:

$ pip install --upgrade pymchelper

To completely remove pymchelper from your system, use following command:

$ pip uninstall pymchelper

Now convertmc script should be installed for all users and can be invoked by typing:

$ convertmc --help

Procedure for limited-control users

Prerequisites - python interpreter

First take a look on prerequisites for limited-control users (python) to learn how to check if python is installed.

In case Python is missing and you are regular user, the best would be contact somebody with administrator rights and ask to install Python interpreter in the system.

Installation of Python without administrator rights is possible, but in case something goes wrong it require expert knowledge.

As an user you will need to download Python interpreter source code (written in C language) and compile it. For that purpose you will need a C language compiler (i.e. gcc) and some other tools (i.e. make). These tools are usually installed by somebody with administrator rights. Python installer might not complain about missing SSL libraries (i.e. libssl-dev under Ubuntu) and will compile successfully, but we recommend to install it (SSL libraries) before, to have easier installation of pip package manager in the next steps.

When installing as user under Linux we advice to unpack downloaded source code in $HOME/tmp directory and keep it there. It may be needed for upgrade or deinstallation purpose.

Let us install Python 2.7 for Linux into $HOME/usr/py27 directory. First let us create $HOME/tmp directory and step into it:

$ mkdir -p $HOME/tmp
$ cd $HOME/tmp

Now its time to download and unpack source code package. We show an example with 2.7.12 version, but newer one can be problably found on

$ wget
$ tar -zxf Python-2.7.12.tgz
$ cd Python-2.7.12

Finally let us start compilation process (it might take couple of minutes). This process might be interrupted by some error message. Do not hesitate to find a professional help to fix it:

$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/usr/py27
$ make
$ make install

Python2.7 is now installed into $HOME/usr/py27 directory. In order to execute python interpreter, you need to provide full path to the executable file, i.e.:

$ $HOME/usr/py27/bin/python --version

In a similar way python3.x can be installed.

User installation for Windows is not covered by this document.

Single file distribution

Single file distribution is the same as for full-control users, see single file distribution for limited-control users.

Prerequisites - pip tool

First take a look on prerequisites for limited-control users (pip) to learn how to check if pip is installed.

If none of these commands are present, then pip has to be installed.

Follow the instruction from here, mainly - download installation script using your web browser, or by typing in the terminal (in case using Linux):

$ wget

Now use your python interpreter to execute downloaded script. It will install pip in your home directory:

$ python --user

Try if pip command is available by typing:

$ $HOME/.local/bin/pip --version

If this method fails you can also try to use a ensurepip approach. It works with Python versions: 2.7 (starting from 2.7.9), 3.4 and newer. To install pip, simply type:

$ python -m ensurepip

Similar method can be used for Windows.

main application - pip package installation

Now it is time to install pymchelper package. It consists of executable file called convertmc and bunch of necessary code files.

User installation will put the pymchelper under some hidden directory (for Linux it will be $HOME/.local, for Windows it might be %userprofile%appdataroamingpythonpython35Scripts or other)

To install the package, type in the terminal:

$ pip install pymchelper --user

If pip command is missing on your system, replace pip with pip3 in abovementioned instruction.

To upgrade the pymchelper to newer version, simply type:

$ pip install --upgrade pymchelper --user

To completely remove pymchelper from your system, use following command:

$ pip uninstall pymchelper

In most of modern systems all executables found in $HOME/.local/bin (or equivalent) directory (convertmc executable will be saved there) can be called like normal commands (i.e. pwd, cd). It means that after installation you should be able to simply type in terminal: convertmc to use this package

$ convertmc --help

If this is not the case, please prefix the command with the directory it was saved and call it in the following way:

$ $HOME/.local/bin/convertmc --help

or for Windows:

$ %userprofile%\appdata\roaming\python\python35\Scripts\convertmc --help

Recommended dependencies

There are two converters which require additional dependencies.

image converter (directly producing PNG images from MC data) needs matplotlib python library, which can be installed using following command:

$ pip install matplotlib –user

tripcube converter (producing TRiP98 cube files from MC data) needs pytrip98 python library, which can be installed using following command:

$ pip install pytrip98 --user

Right now the installation requires compilation of C extension which leads to complex compilation. Only for experts. It is better to wait until this issue: is fixed.