Source code for pymchelper.writers.trip98ddd

import logging
import math
import os
import time
import numpy as np

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TRiP98DDDWriter(object): """ Writer for TRiP98 DDD files. File format is described here: Only liquid water target is supported now. """ _suffix_template = '{projectile:s}.{material:s}.{unit:s}{energy:s}' _ddd_header_template = """!filetype ddd !fileversion {fileversion:s} !filedate {filedate:s} !projectile {projectile:s} !material {material:s} !composition {composition:s} !density {density:f} !energy {energy:f} # # {creator:s} # # z[g/cm**2] dE/dz[MeV/(g/cm**2)] FWHM1[g/cm**2] factor FWHM2[g/cm**2] !ddd """ def __init__(self, filename, options): self.ddd_filename = filename self.energy_MeV_u = # energy in MeV/u self.projectile = options.projectile # projectile code, i.e. 1H, 12C self.suffix = '' self.ngauss = options.ngauss self.verbosity = options.verbose if not self.ddd_filename.endswith(".ddd"): self.ddd_filename += ".ddd" self.outputdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(self.ddd_filename)) self.threshold = 3e-3 env_var_name = 'DDD_TAIL_THRESHOLD' if env_var_name in os.environ: self.threshold = float(os.environ[env_var_name])"Setting tail threshold based on {:s} to {:f}".format(env_var_name, self.threshold))
[docs] def write(self, estimator): # guess projectile and energy from MC data if self.projectile is None: try: element_names = ['n', 'H', 'He', 'Li', 'Be', 'B', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'Ne', 'Na', 'Mg', 'Al', 'Si', 'P', 'S', 'Cl', 'Ar', 'K', 'Ca', 'Sc', 'Ti', 'V', 'Cr', 'Mn', 'Fe', 'Co', 'Ni', 'Cu', 'Zn', 'Ga', 'Ge', 'As', 'Se', 'Br', 'Kr', 'Rb', 'Sr', 'Y', 'Zr', 'Nb', 'Mo', 'Tc', 'Ru', 'Rh', 'Pd', 'Ag', 'Cd', 'In', 'Sn', 'Sb', 'Te', 'I', 'Xe', 'Cs', 'Ba', 'La', 'Ce', 'Pr', 'Nd', 'Pm', 'Sm', 'Eu', 'Gd', 'Tb', 'Dy', 'Ho', 'Er', 'Tm', 'Yb', 'Lu', 'Hf', 'Ta', 'W', 'Re', 'Os', 'Ir', 'Pt', 'Au', 'Hg', 'Tl', 'Pb', 'Bi', 'Po', 'At', 'Rn', 'Fr', 'Ra', 'Ac', 'Th', 'Pa', 'U', 'Np', 'Pu', 'Am', 'Cm', 'Bk', 'Cf', 'Es', 'Fm', 'Md', 'No', 'Lr', 'Rf', 'Db', 'Sg', 'Bh', 'Hs', 'Mt', 'Ds', 'Rg', 'Cn', 'Nh', 'Fl', 'Mc', 'Lv', 'Ts', 'Og'] self.projectile = "{:d}{:s}".format( int(estimator.projectile_a), element_names[int(estimator.projectile_z)], ) except AttributeError: self.projectile = '' logger.error('Projectile not available in raw data, setting to empty string') if self.energy_MeV_u is None: try: self.energy_MeV_u = getattr(estimator, 'Tmax_MeV/amu') except AttributeError: self.energy_MeV_u = 0.0 logger.error('Projectile energy not available in raw data, setting to 0') # The usual naming convention is <pp>.<tt>.<uuu><eeeee>.ddd, where <pp> denotes the projectile, # <tt> the target material, <uuu> the unit (keV, MeV, GeV) and <eeeee> the energy in these units, # with the decimal point after the middle digit. Example: 12C.H2O.MeV27000.spc refers to 270 MeV/u. self.suffix = self._suffix_template.format(projectile=self.projectile, material='H2O', unit='MeV', energy=str(int(self.energy_MeV_u * 100)).zfill(5)) # save to single page to a file without number (i.e. output.ddd) if len(estimator.pages) == 1: self.write_single_page(estimator, estimator.pages[0], self.ddd_filename) else: # split output path into directory, basename and extension dir_path = os.path.dirname(self.ddd_filename) if not os.path.exists(dir_path):"Creating {}".format(dir_path)) os.makedirs(dir_path) file_base_part, file_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.ddd_filename)) # loop over all pages and save an image for each of them for i, page in enumerate(estimator.pages): # calculate output filename. it will include page number padded with zeros. # for 10-99 pages the filename would look like: output_p01.ddd, ... output_p99.ddd # for 100-999 pages the filename would look like: output_p001.ddd, ... output_p999.ddd zero_padded_page_no = str(i + 1).zfill(len(str(len(estimator.pages)))) output_filename = "{}_p{}{}".format(file_base_part, zero_padded_page_no, file_ext) output_path = os.path.join(dir_path, output_filename) # save the output file"Writing {}".format(output_path)) self.write_single_page(estimator, page, output_path) return 0
[docs] def write_single_page(self, estimator, page, filename):"Writing {:s}".format(filename)) from pymchelper.shieldhit.detector.detector_type import SHDetType if page.dettyp != SHDetType.ddd: logger.warning("Incompatible estimator {:s} used, use {:s} instead".format(page.dettyp, SHDetType.ddd)) return 1 # extract data from detector data data = self._extract_data(estimator, page) # in order to avoid fitting data to noisy region far behind Bragg peak tail, # find the range of z coordinate which contains (1-threshold) of the deposited energy cum_dose = LateralDepthDoseProfile.cumulative_dose(data.dose_MeV_g_1d) cum_dose_left = LateralDepthDoseProfile.cumulative_dose_left(cum_dose) thr_ind = cum_dose_left.size - np.searchsorted(cum_dose_left[::-1], self.threshold) - 1 z_fitting_cm_1d = data.z_cm_1d[:thr_ind] dose_fitting_MeV_g_1d = data.dose_MeV_g_1d[:thr_ind] # r_fitting_cm_2d, z_fitting_cm_2d = np.meshgrid(data.r_cm_1d, z_fitting_cm_1d) # dose_fitting_MeV_g_2d = data.dose_MeV_g_2d[0:thr_ind] if self.verbosity > 0:"Plotting base data..") fig = DebuggingPlots(data).base_data(zmax_cm=z_fitting_cm_1d[-1], threshold=self.threshold) fig_filename = "{:s}_depth_dose.png".format(os.path.splitext(filename)[0])"Writing {:s}".format(fig_filename)) fig.savefig(fig_filename) fig = DebuggingPlots(data).base_data(zmax_cm=z_fitting_cm_1d[-1], threshold=self.threshold, logy=True) fig_filename = "{:s}_depth_dose_log.png".format(os.path.splitext(filename)[0])"Writing {:s}".format(fig_filename)) fig.savefig(fig_filename) if self.ngauss in (1, 2): fig = DebuggingPlots(data).map2d() fig_filename = "{:s}_dose_map.png".format(os.path.splitext(filename)[0])"Writing {:s}".format(fig_filename)) fig.savefig(fig_filename) fig = DebuggingPlots(data).map2d(zlog=True) fig_filename = "{:s}_dose_map_log.png".format(os.path.splitext(filename)[0])"Writing {:s}".format(fig_filename)) fig.savefig(fig_filename) fit_results = FitResultCollection(z_fitting_cm_1d.size) if self.ngauss in (1, 2):"Fitting...") if data.r_cm_1d.size < 10: logger.warning("Number of bins in R dimension is {:d} and is lower than 10.".format(data.r_cm_1d.size)) return 1 # for each depth fit a lateral beam with gaussian models for ind, z_cm in enumerate(z_fitting_cm_1d): dose_at_z = data.dose_MeV_g_2d[ind] # take into account only this position in r for which dose is positive r_fitting_cm = data.r_cm_1d[dose_at_z > 0] dose_fitting_1d_positive_MeV_g = dose_at_z[dose_at_z > 0] # perform the fit params, params_error = self._lateral_fit(r_fitting_cm, dose_fitting_1d_positive_MeV_g, self.ngauss) if params is None and params_error is None: # fitting failed, i.e. due to missing scipy return 1 fwhm1_cm, factor, fwhm2_cm, dz0_MeV_cm_g = params fwhm1_cm_error, factor_error, fwhm2_cm_error, dz0_MeV_cm_g_error = params_error fit_results.z_cm[ind] = z_cm['fwhm1_cm'][ind] = fwhm1_cm fit_results.error['fwhm1_cm'][ind] = fwhm1_cm_error['dz0_MeV_cm_g'][ind] = dz0_MeV_cm_g fit_results.error['dz0_MeV_cm_g'][ind] = dz0_MeV_cm_g_error if self.ngauss == 2:['fwhm2_cm'][ind] = fwhm2_cm fit_results.error['fwhm2_cm'][ind] = fwhm2_cm_error['factor'][ind] = factor fit_results.error['factor'][ind] = factor_error if self.verbosity > 0 and self.ngauss in (1, 2):"Plotting fitting results...") fig = DebuggingPlots(data).fit_summary( fit_results ) fig_filename = "{:s}_fitting.png".format(os.path.splitext(filename)[0])"Writing {:s}".format(fig_filename)) fig.savefig(fig_filename)"Writing " + filename) from pymchelper import __version__ as _pmcversion _creator_info = "Created with pymchelper {:s}".format(_pmcversion) # prepare header of DDD file header = self._ddd_header_template.format( fileversion='19980520', filedate=time.strftime('%c'), # Locale's appropriate date and time representation projectile=self.projectile, material='H2O', composition='H2O', density=1, creator=_creator_info, energy=self.energy_MeV_u) filename_with_suffix = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] filename_with_suffix += '_' filename_with_suffix += self.suffix filename_with_suffix += '.ddd'"Saving {:s}".format(filename_with_suffix)) # write the contents of the files with open(filename_with_suffix, 'w') as ddd_file: ddd_file.write(header) # TODO write to DDD gaussian amplitude, not the dose in central bin if self.ngauss == 2: for z_cm, dose, fwhm1_cm, weight, fwhm2_cm in zip(z_fitting_cm_1d, dose_fitting_MeV_g_1d,['fwhm1_cm'],['factor'],['fwhm2_cm']): ddd_file.write('{:g} {:g} {:g} {:g} {:g}\n'.format(z_cm, dose, fwhm1_cm, weight, fwhm2_cm)) elif self.ngauss == 1: for z_cm, dose, fwhm_cm in zip(z_fitting_cm_1d, dose_fitting_MeV_g_1d,['fwhm1_cm']): ddd_file.write('{:g} {:g} {:g}\n'.format(z_cm, dose, fwhm_cm)) elif self.ngauss == 0: for z_cm, dose in zip(z_fitting_cm_1d, dose_fitting_MeV_g_1d): ddd_file.write('{:g} {:g}\n'.format(z_cm, dose)) return 0
@classmethod def _extract_data(cls, estimator, page): if estimator.x.n > 1: r_step_cm =[1] -[0] else: r_step_cm = estimator.x.max_val if estimator.z.n > 1: z_step_cm =[1] -[0] else: z_step_cm = estimator.z.max_val data = LateralDepthDoseProfile(,, dose_MeV_g_2d=page.data_raw.reshape((estimator.z.n, estimator.x.n)), dose_error_MeV_g_2d=page.error_raw.reshape((estimator.z.n, estimator.x.n)), r_step_cm=r_step_cm, z_step_cm=z_step_cm) return data @classmethod def _lateral_fit(cls, r_cm, dose_MeV_g, ngauss=1): variance = np.average(r_cm ** 2, weights=dose_MeV_g) start_amp_MeV_g = dose_MeV_g.max() start_sigma_cm = np.sqrt(variance) min_amp_MeV_g = 1e-10 * dose_MeV_g.max() min_sigma_cm = 1e-2 * start_sigma_cm max_amp_MeV_g = 2.0 * dose_MeV_g.max() max_sigma_cm = 1e4 * start_sigma_cm try: from scipy.optimize import curve_fit except ImportError: logger.error("scipy package missing, to install type `pip install scipy`") return None, None if ngauss == 1: try: popt, pcov = curve_fit(f=FittingMethods.gauss_r_MeV_cm_g, xdata=r_cm, ydata=dose_MeV_g * r_cm, p0=[start_amp_MeV_g, start_sigma_cm], bounds=([[min_amp_MeV_g, min_sigma_cm], [max_amp_MeV_g, max_sigma_cm]]), sigma=None) # TODO return also parameter errors perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) dz0_MeV_cm_g, sigma_cm = popt dz0_MeV_cm_g_error, sigma_cm_error = perr except RuntimeError as e: logger.warning(e) dz0_MeV_cm_g, sigma_cm = np.nan, np.nan dz0_MeV_cm_g_error, sigma_cm_error = np.nan, np.nan factor = 0.0 factor_error = 0.0 fwhm2_cm = 0.0 fwhm2_cm_error = 0.0 elif ngauss == 2: start_weigth = 0.99 start_sigma2_add_cm = 0.1 min_weigth = 0.55 min_sigma2_add_cm = 1e-1 max_weigth = 1.0 - 1e-12 max_sigma2_add_cm = 20.0 try: popt, pcov = curve_fit(f=FittingMethods.gauss2_r_MeV_cm_g, xdata=r_cm, ydata=dose_MeV_g * r_cm, p0=[start_amp_MeV_g, start_sigma_cm, start_weigth, start_sigma2_add_cm], bounds=([min_amp_MeV_g, min_sigma_cm, min_weigth, min_sigma2_add_cm], [max_amp_MeV_g, max_sigma_cm, max_weigth, max_sigma2_add_cm]), sigma=None) perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) dz0_MeV_cm_g_error, sigma_cm_error, factor_error, sigma2_add_cm_error = perr dz0_MeV_cm_g, sigma_cm, factor, sigma2_add_cm = popt except RuntimeError as e: logger.warning(e) dz0_MeV_cm_g_error, sigma_cm_error, factor_error, sigma2_add_cm_error = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan dz0_MeV_cm_g, sigma_cm, factor, sigma2_add_cm = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan # TODO return also parameter errors sigma2_cm = sigma_cm + sigma2_add_cm sigma2_cm_error = (sigma_cm_error**2 + sigma2_add_cm_error**2)**0.5 fwhm2_cm = sigma2_cm * FittingMethods._sigma_to_fwhm fwhm2_cm_error = sigma2_cm_error * FittingMethods._sigma_to_fwhm fwhm1_cm = sigma_cm * FittingMethods._sigma_to_fwhm fwhm1_cm_error = sigma_cm_error * FittingMethods._sigma_to_fwhm params = fwhm1_cm, factor, fwhm2_cm, dz0_MeV_cm_g params_error = fwhm1_cm_error, factor_error, fwhm2_cm_error, dz0_MeV_cm_g_error return params, params_error
[docs]class FitResultCollection(object): """ Fit results collection (along Z axis) """ def __init__(self, n): self.z_cm = np.zeros(shape=(n,)) = np.zeros(shape=(n,), dtype=[('fwhm1_cm', 'double'), ('fwhm2_cm', 'double'), ('factor', 'double'), ('dz0_MeV_cm_g', 'double'), ] ) self.error = np.zeros(shape=(n,), dtype=[('fwhm1_cm', 'double'), ('fwhm2_cm', 'double'), ('factor', 'double'), ('dz0_MeV_cm_g', 'double'), ] )
[docs]class LateralDepthDoseProfile(object): """ Base data for fitting """ def __init__(self, r_cm_1d, z_cm_1d, dose_MeV_g_2d, dose_error_MeV_g_2d, r_step_cm=None, z_step_cm=None): # 1D arrays of r,z self.r_cm_1d = r_cm_1d self.z_cm_1d = z_cm_1d # 2D arrays of r,z, dose and error self.r_cm_2d, self.z_cm_2d = np.meshgrid(self.r_cm_1d, self.z_cm_1d) self.dose_MeV_g_2d = dose_MeV_g_2d self.dose_error_MeV_g_2d = dose_error_MeV_g_2d # dose in the very central bin if z_step_cm: bin_width_z_cm = z_step_cm elif self.z_cm_1d.size > 1: bin_width_z_cm = self.z_cm_1d[1] - self.z_cm_1d[0] else: raise Exception("Z depth step cannot be estimated") if r_step_cm: bin_width_r_cm = r_step_cm elif self.r_cm_1d.size > 1: bin_width_r_cm = self.r_cm_1d[1] - self.r_cm_1d[0] else: raise Exception("Z depth step cannot be estimated") # Bin volume increases as we move away from beam axis # i-th bin volume = dz * pi * (r_i_max^2 - r_i_min^2 ) # r_i_max = r_i + dr / 2 # r_i_min = r_i - dr / 2 # r_i_max^2 - r_i_min^2 = (r_i_max - r_i_min)*(r_i_max + r_i_min) = dr * 2 * r_i thus # i-th bin volume = 2 * pi * dr * r_i * dz bin_volume_data_cm3_1d = 2.0 * np.pi * bin_width_r_cm * self.r_cm_1d * bin_width_z_cm # we assume density of 1 g/c3 density_g_cm3 = 1.0 energy_in_bin_MeV_2d = self.dose_MeV_g_2d * bin_volume_data_cm3_1d * density_g_cm3 total_bin_mass_g = density_g_cm3 * bin_width_z_cm * np.pi * (self.r_cm_1d[-1] + bin_width_r_cm / 2.0) ** 2 total_energy_at_depth_MeV_1d = np.sum(energy_in_bin_MeV_2d, axis=1) self.dose_MeV_g_1d = total_energy_at_depth_MeV_1d / total_bin_mass_g
[docs] @staticmethod def cumulative_dose(dose_1d): cumsum = np.cumsum(dose_1d) cumsum /= np.sum(dose_1d) return cumsum
[docs] @staticmethod def cumulative_dose_left(cumsum): cum_dose_left = np.array(cumsum) cum_dose_left *= -1.0 cum_dose_left += 1.0 return cum_dose_left
[docs]class FittingMethods(object): """ Functions describing Gaussian functions modelling lateral dose distributions """ _sigma_to_fwhm = 2. * (2. * math.log(2.)) ** 0.5
[docs] @classmethod def gauss_MeV_g(cls, x_cm, amp_MeV_cm_g, sigma_cm): return amp_MeV_cm_g / (2.0 * np.pi * sigma_cm) * np.exp(-x_cm ** 2 / (2.0 * sigma_cm ** 2))
[docs] @classmethod def gauss_r_MeV_cm_g(cls, x_cm, amp_MeV_cm_g, sigma_cm): return cls.gauss_MeV_g(x_cm, amp_MeV_cm_g, sigma_cm) * x_cm
[docs] @classmethod def gauss2_MeV_g(cls, x_cm, amp_MeV_cm_g, sigma1_cm, weight, sigma2_add_cm): return amp_MeV_cm_g / (2.0 * np.pi) * ( (weight / sigma1_cm) * np.exp(-x_cm ** 2 / (2.0 * sigma1_cm ** 2)) + ((1.0 - weight) / (sigma1_cm + sigma2_add_cm)) * np.exp(-x_cm ** 2 / (2.0 * (sigma1_cm + sigma2_add_cm) ** 2)) )
[docs] @classmethod def gauss2_MeV_g_1st(cls, x_cm, amp_MeV_cm_g, sigma1_cm, weight, sigma2_add_cm): return amp_MeV_cm_g / (2.0 * np.pi) * (weight / sigma1_cm) * np.exp(-x_cm ** 2 / (2.0 * sigma1_cm ** 2))
[docs] @classmethod def gauss2_MeV_g_2nd(cls, x_cm, amp_MeV_cm_g, sigma1_cm, weight, sigma2_add_cm): return amp_MeV_cm_g / (2.0 * np.pi) * ((1.0 - weight) / (sigma1_cm + sigma2_add_cm)) * np.exp( -x_cm ** 2 / (2.0 * (sigma1_cm + sigma2_add_cm) ** 2))
[docs] @classmethod def gauss2_r_MeV_cm_g(cls, x_cm, amp_MeV_cm_g, sigma1_cm, weight, sigma2_add_cm): return cls.gauss2_MeV_g(x_cm, amp_MeV_cm_g, sigma1_cm, weight, sigma2_add_cm) * x_cm
[docs]class DebuggingPlots(object): """ Debugging plots, mostly needed to inspect if Gaussian function fitting was successful """ def __init__(self, base_data): = base_data
[docs] def base_data(self, zmax_cm, threshold, logy=False): try: logging.getLogger('matplotlib').setLevel(logging.INFO) import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # set matplotlib logging level to ERROR, in order not to pollute our log space logging.getLogger('matplotlib').setLevel(logging.ERROR) except ImportError: logger.error("Matplotlib not installed, output won't be generated") return 1 fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(,, color='blue', label='dose') ax.axvspan( 0, zmax_cm, alpha=0.1, color='green', label="fitting area, covers {:g} % of dose".format(100.0 * (1 - threshold))) ax.legend(loc=0) ax.set_xlabel('z [cm]') ax.set_ylabel('dose [MeV/g]') if logy: ax.set_yscale('log') return fig
[docs] def map2d(self, zlog=False): try: logging.getLogger('matplotlib').setLevel(logging.INFO) import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import colors except ImportError: logger.error("Matplotlib not installed, output won't be generated") return 1 fig, ax = plt.subplots() # configure scale on Z axis if zlog: norm = colors.LogNorm([ > 0].min(), else: norm = colors.Normalize(, im = ax.pcolormesh(,,, norm=norm, cmap='gnuplot2', label='dose') ax.set_xlabel("Z [cm]") ax.set_ylabel("R [cm]") cbar = fig.colorbar(im) cbar.set_label("dose [MeV/g]", rotation=270, verticalalignment='bottom') return fig
# if z_fitting_cm_1d is not None and np.any(fwhm1_cm): # plt.plot(z_fitting_cm_1d, fwhm1_cm, color='g', label="fwhm1") # if z_fitting_cm_1d is not None and np.any(fwhm2_cm): # plt.plot(z_fitting_cm_1d, fwhm2_cm, color='r', label="fwhm2") # plot legend only if some of the FWHM 1-D overlays are present # adding legend to only pcolormesh plot will result in a warning about missing labels # if z_fitting_cm_1d is not None and (np.any(fwhm1_cm) or np.any(fwhm2_cm)): # plt.legend(loc=0) # plt.xlabel("z [cm]") # plt.ylabel("r [cm]") # plt.xlim((z_fitting_cm_2d.min(), z_fitting_cm_2d.max())) # if np.any(fwhm1_cm) and np.any(fwhm2_cm): # plt.ylim((r_fitting_cm_2d.min(), max(max(fwhm1_cm), max(fwhm2_cm)))) # plt.clim((1e-8 * dose_fitting_MeV_g2d.max(), dose_fitting_MeV_g2d.max())) # out_filename = prefix + 'dosemap' + suffix + '.png' #'Saving ' + out_filename) # plt.savefig(out_filename) # if self.verbosity > 1: # plt.yscale('log') # out_filename = prefix + 'dosemap_log' + suffix + '.png' #'Saving ' + out_filename) # plt.savefig(out_filename) # plt.close() # # if self.verbosity > 2 and (np.any(fwhm1_cm) or np.any(fwhm2_cm)): # # TODO add plotting sum of 2 gausses # # sigma1_cm = fwhm1_cm / self._sigma_to_fwhm # sigma2_cm = fwhm2_cm / self._sigma_to_fwhm # gauss_amplitude_MeV_g = dz0_MeV_cm_g_data # for z_cm, sigma1_at_z_cm, sigma2_at_z_cm, factor, amplitude_MeV_g in \ # zip(z_fitting_cm_1d, sigma1_cm, sigma2_cm, weight, gauss_amplitude_MeV_g): # dose_mc_MeV_g = self.dose_data_MeV_g_2d[self.z_data_cm_2d == z_cm] # title = "Z = {:4.3f} cm, sigma1 = {:4.3f} cm".format(z_cm, sigma1_at_z_cm) # plt.plot(self.r_data_cm_1d, dose_mc_MeV_g, 'k.', label="data") # if self.ngauss == 1: # gauss_data_MeV_g = self.gauss_MeV_g(self.r_data_cm_1d, amplitude_MeV_g, sigma1_at_z_cm) # plt.plot(self.r_data_cm_1d, gauss_data_MeV_g, label="fit") # elif self.ngauss == 2: # gauss_data_MeV_g = self.gauss2_MeV_g(self.r_data_cm_1d, amplitude_MeV_g, # sigma1_at_z_cm, factor, sigma2_at_z_cm) # gauss_data_MeV_g_1st = self.gauss2_MeV_g_1st(self.r_data_cm_1d, amplitude_MeV_g, # sigma1_at_z_cm, factor, sigma2_at_z_cm) # gauss_data_MeV_g_2nd = self.gauss2_MeV_g_2nd(self.r_data_cm_1d, amplitude_MeV_g, # sigma1_at_z_cm, factor, sigma2_at_z_cm) # plt.plot(self.r_data_cm_1d, gauss_data_MeV_g, label="fit") # plt.plot(self.r_data_cm_1d, gauss_data_MeV_g_1st, label="fit 1st gauss") # plt.plot(self.r_data_cm_1d, gauss_data_MeV_g_2nd, label="fit 2nd gauss") # title += ", sigma2 = {:4.3f} cm, factor = {:4.6f}".format(sigma2_at_z_cm, factor) # logger.debug("Plotting at " + title) # plt.title(title) # plt.legend(loc=0) # plt.yscale('log') # plt.xlabel("r [cm]") # plt.ylabel("dose [MeV/g]") # plt.ylim([dose_mc_MeV_g.min(), dose_mc_MeV_g.max()]) # if self.ngauss == 1: # plt.ylim([dose_mc_MeV_g.min(), max(gauss_data_MeV_g.max(), dose_mc_MeV_g.max())]) # out_filename = prefix + "fit_details_{:4.3f}_log".format(z_cm) + suffix + '.png' #'Saving ' + out_filename) # plt.savefig(out_filename) # # plt.xscale('log') # plt.xlim([0, self.r_data_cm_1d.max()]) # out_filename = prefix + "fit_details_{:4.3f}_loglog".format(z_cm) + suffix + '.png' #'Saving ' + out_filename) # plt.savefig(out_filename) # # plt.xscale('linear') # plt.xlim([0, 5.0 * sigma2_at_z_cm]) # plt.ylim([dose_mc_MeV_g[self.r_data_cm_1d < 5.0 * sigma2_at_z_cm].min(), dose_mc_MeV_g.max()]) # out_filename = prefix + "fit_details_{:4.3f}_small_log".format(z_cm) + suffix + '.png' #'Saving ' + out_filename) # plt.savefig(out_filename) # # plt.close() # # plt.plot(self.r_data_cm_1d, dose_mc_MeV_g * self.r_data_cm_1d, 'k.', label="data") # plt.plot(self.r_data_cm_1d, gauss_data_MeV_g * self.r_data_cm_1d, label="fit") # plt.legend(loc=0) # plt.ylabel("dose * r [MeV cm/g]") # plt.ylim([(dose_mc_MeV_g * self.r_data_cm_1d).min(), (dose_mc_MeV_g * self.r_data_cm_1d).max()]) # plt.yscale('log') # out_filename = prefix + "fit_details_{:4.3f}_r_log".format(z_cm) + suffix + '.png' #'Saving ' + out_filename) # plt.savefig(out_filename) # plt.xscale('log') # out_filename = prefix + "fit_details_{:4.3f}_r_loglog".format(z_cm) + suffix + '.png' #'Saving ' + out_filename) # plt.savefig(out_filename) # plt.close()
[docs] @staticmethod def fit_summary(fit_results): try: logging.getLogger('matplotlib').setLevel(logging.INFO) import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # set matplotlib logging level to ERROR, in order not to pollute our log space logging.getLogger('matplotlib').setLevel(logging.ERROR) except ImportError: logger.error("Matplotlib not installed, output won't be generated") return 1 # left Y axis dedicated to FWHM, right one to weight fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax2 = ax1.twinx() lns1 = ax1.plot(fit_results.z_cm,['fwhm1_cm'], 'g', label='fwhm1') upper_fwhm1_line =['fwhm1_cm'] + fit_results.error['fwhm1_cm'] lower_fwhm1_line =['fwhm1_cm'] - fit_results.error['fwhm1_cm'] ax1.fill_between(fit_results.z_cm, lower_fwhm1_line, upper_fwhm1_line, where=upper_fwhm1_line >= lower_fwhm1_line, facecolor='green', alpha=0.1, interpolate=True) if['fwhm2_cm'].sum() > 0: lns2 = ax1.plot(fit_results.z_cm,['fwhm2_cm'], 'r', label='fwhm2') upper_fwhm2_line =['fwhm2_cm'] + fit_results.error['fwhm2_cm'] lower_fwhm2_line =['fwhm2_cm'] - fit_results.error['fwhm2_cm'] ax1.fill_between(fit_results.z_cm, lower_fwhm2_line, upper_fwhm2_line, where=upper_fwhm2_line >= lower_fwhm2_line, facecolor='red', alpha=0.1, interpolate=True) lns3 = ax2.plot(fit_results.z_cm,['factor'], 'b', label='factor') upper_weight_line =['factor'] + fit_results.error['factor'] lower_weight_line =['factor'] - fit_results.error['factor'] ax2.fill_between(fit_results.z_cm, lower_weight_line, upper_weight_line, where=upper_weight_line >= lower_weight_line, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.1, interpolate=True) ax2.set_ylabel('weight of FWHM1 (factor)') ax2.set_ylim([0, 1]) ax1.set_xlabel('Z [cm]') ax1.set_ylabel('FWHM [cm]') # add by hand line plots and labels to legend line_objs = lns1 if['fwhm2_cm'].sum() > 0: line_objs += lns2 line_objs += lns3 labels = [line_obj.get_label() for line_obj in line_objs] ax1.legend(line_objs, labels, loc=0) return fig
# # r_step_cm = self.r_data_cm_1d[1] - self.r_data_cm_1d[0] # r_max_cm = self.r_data_cm_1d[-1] + 0.5 * r_step_cm # beam model for single gaussian is following: # G(r, sigma) = 1 / (2pi sigma) * exp( - 0.5 r^2 / sigma^2) # D(z,r) = D(z,0) * G(r, sigma) # for double gaussian it is following: # D(z,r) = D(z,0) * ( w * G(r, sigma1) + (1-w) * G(r, sigma2)) # # to get depth dose profile D(z) we need to calculate average dose in some volume at depth z # (calculating average dose in a subspace separated by two planes at z=z0 and z=z0+dz will lead to zero dose) # we cannot use simple arithmetic mean, as we are dealing with cylindrical scoring and bin mass depends on r # # let rmax be radius of biggest bin in cylindrical scoring # we calculate D(z) which will correspond to depth-dose profile measured with ion. chamber of radius rmax # it is basically energy E(z) deposited in slice of radius rmax and thickness dz divided by slice mass # D(z) = E(z) / m(z) = E(z) / (pi rmax^2 dz rho) # energy E(z) is the sum of energy in all cylindrical shell in a slice and can be calculated as integral # thin shell has surface at radius r has surface: 2 pi r dr, thus # E(z) = \int_0^rmax D(r,z) rho dz 2 pi r dr # finally: # D(z) = \int_0^rmax D(r,z) rho dz 2 pi r dr / (pi rmax^2 dz rho) which leads to: # # D(z) = 2 / rmax^2 \int_0^rmax D(r,z) r dr # # for single gaussian model this gives: # # D(z) = 2 / rmax^2 \int_0^rmax D(z,0) * G(r, sigma) r dr = D(z,0) / rmax^2 \int_0^rmax G(r, sigma) r dr # = D(z,0) / (2 pi sigma rmax^2) \int_0^rmax exp( - 0.5 r^2 / sigma^2) r dr # # integral \int exp( - 0.5 r^2 / sigma^2) r dr is easy to calculate: # # # \int exp( - 0.5 r^2 / sigma^2) r dr = -sigma^2 exp( - 0.5 r^2 / sigma^2) # # which leads to # # \int_0^rmax exp( - 0.5 r^2 / sigma^2) r dr = sigma^2 ( 1 - exp( - 0.5 rmax^2 / sigma^2)) # # this means depth-dose curve for single gaussian model can be expressed as: # # D(z) = D(z,0) / (2 pi sigma rmax^2) * sigma^2 ( 1 - exp( - 0.5 rmax^2 / sigma^2)) # # or # # D(z) = sigma * D(z,0) * ( 1 - exp( - 0.5 rmax^2 / sigma^2)) / (2 pi rmax^2) # # double gaussian can be calculated in similar way and leads to: # # D(z) = D(z,0) / (2 pi rmax^2) * ( w * sigma1 * ( 1 - exp( - 0.5 rmax^2 / sigma1^2)) + # ( (1-w) * sigma2 * ( 1 - exp( - 0.5 rmax^2 / sigma2^2))) # # # if self.ngauss == 1: # sigma1_cm = fwhm1_cm_data / self._sigma_to_fwhm # # sigma * D(z,0) / (2 pi rmax^2) # fit_dose_MeV_g = sigma1_cm * dz0_MeV_cm_g_data / (2.0 * np.pi * r_max_cm ** 2) # # missing ( 1 - exp( - 0.5 rmax^2 / sigma^2)) # fit_dose_MeV_g *= (np.ones_like(sigma1_cm) - np.exp(-0.5 * r_max_cm / sigma1_cm**2)) # plt.plot(z_fitting_cm_1d, fit_dose_MeV_g, 'r', label='dose fit') # if self.ngauss == 2: # sigma1_cm = fwhm1_cm_data / self._sigma_to_fwhm # sigma2_cm = fwhm2_cm_data / self._sigma_to_fwhm # w = weight_data # # # ( w * sigma1 * ( 1 - exp( - 0.5 rmax^2 / sigma1^2)) # fit_dose_MeV_g = w * sigma1_cm * \ # (np.ones_like(sigma1_cm) - np.exp(-0.5 * r_max_cm / sigma1_cm**2)) # # # ( (1-w) * sigma2 * ( 1 - exp( - 0.5 rmax^2 / sigma2^2))) # fit_dose_MeV_g += (np.ones_like(w) - w) * sigma2_cm * \ # (np.ones_like(sigma2_cm) - np.exp(-0.5 * r_max_cm / sigma2_cm**2)) # # # D(z,0) / (2 pi rmax^2) # fit_dose_MeV_g *= dz0_MeV_cm_g_data / (2.0 * np.pi * r_max_cm ** 2) # plt.plot(z_fitting_cm_1d, fit_dose_MeV_g, 'r', label='dose fit') # # plt.plot(z_fitting_cm_1d, dose_fitting_MeV_g_1d, 'b', label='dose MC') # plt.xlabel('z [cm]') # plt.ylabel('dose [MeV/g]') # plt.legend(loc=0) # out_filename = prefix + 'dose_fit.png' #'Saving ' + out_filename) # plt.savefig(out_filename) # if self.verbosity > 1: # plt.yscale('log') # out_filename = prefix + 'dose_fit_log.png' #'Saving ' + out_filename) # plt.savefig(out_filename) # plt.close()