Source code for pymchelper.writers.shieldhit

import logging

import numpy as np

from pymchelper.shieldhit.detector.detector_type import SHDetType
from pymchelper.shieldhit.detector.estimator_type import SHGeoType

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SHBinaryWriter: def __init__(self, filename, options): self.filename = filename
[docs] def write(self, estimator): # TODO pass
[docs]class TxtWriter: @staticmethod def _axis_name(geo_type, axis_no): cyl = ['R', 'PHI', 'Z'] msh = ['X', 'Y', 'Z'] if geo_type in (SHGeoType.cyl, SHGeoType.dcyl): return cyl[axis_no] else: return msh[axis_no] def __init__(self, filename, options): if filename.endswith(".txt"): self.filename = filename else: self.filename = filename + ".txt" = '' self.ay = '' = '' @staticmethod def _header_first_line(estimator): """first line with estimator geo type""" result = "# DETECTOR OUTPUT\n" if estimator.geotyp in (SHGeoType.plane, SHGeoType.dplane,): result = "# DETECTOR OUTPUT PLANE/DPLANE\n" elif estimator.geotyp in (, SHGeoType.dzone,): result = "# DETECTOR OUTPUT ZONE/DZONE\n" elif estimator.geotyp in (SHGeoType.msh, SHGeoType.dmsh,): result = "# DETECTOR OUTPUT MSH/DMSH\n" elif estimator.geotyp == SHGeoType.geomap: result = "# DETECTOR OUTPUT GEOMAP\n" return result def _header_geometric_info(self, det): """next block - scoring object geometrical information""" from pymchelper.writers.fortranformatter import format_d result = "" if det.geotyp in {SHGeoType.plane, SHGeoType.dplane}: result += "# PLANE point(X,Y,Z) :" result += "{:s}".format(format_d(10, 3, result += "{:s}".format(format_d(10, 3, result += "{:s}\n".format(format_d(10, 3, result += "# PLANE normal vect(Vx,Vy,Vz):" result += "{:s}".format(format_d(10, 3, det.nx)) result += "{:s}".format(format_d(10, 3, det.ny)) result += "{:s}\n".format(format_d(10, 3, elif det.geotyp in {, SHGeoType.dzone}: result += "# ZONE START:{:6d} ZONE END:{:6d}\n".format(int(det.x.min_val), int(det.x.max_val)) else: result += "# {:s} BIN:{:6d} {:s} BIN:{:6d} {:s} BIN:{:6d}\n".format(, det.x.n, self.ay, det.y.n,, det.z.n) return result @staticmethod def _header_scored_value(geotyp, dettyp, particle): """scored value and optionally particle type""" result = "" if geotyp != SHGeoType.geomap and particle: result += "# JPART:{:6d} DETECTOR TYPE: {:s}\n".format(particle, str(dettyp).ljust(10)) else: det_type_name = str(dettyp) if dettyp in (, SHDetType.medium,): det_type_name += "#" result += "# DETECTOR TYPE: {:s}\n".format(str(det_type_name).ljust(10)) return result def _header_no_of_bins_and_prim(self, estimator): from pymchelper.writers.fortranformatter import format_d header = "" # number of bins in each dimensions if estimator.geotyp not in (SHGeoType.plane, SHGeoType.dplane,, SHGeoType.dzone): header += "# {:s} START:{:s}".format(, format_d(10, 3, estimator.x.min_val)) header += " {:s} START:{:s}".format(self.ay, format_d(10, 3, estimator.y.min_val)) header += " {:s} START:{:s}\n".format(, format_d(10, 3, estimator.z.min_val)) header += "# {:s} END :{:s}".format(, format_d(10, 3, estimator.x.max_val)) header += " {:s} END :{:s}".format(self.ay, format_d(10, 3, estimator.y.max_val)) header += " {:s} END :{:s}\n".format(, format_d(10, 3, estimator.z.max_val)) # number of primaries header += "# PRIMARIES:" + format_d(10, 3, estimator.number_of_primaries) + "\n" return header
[docs] def write(self, estimator): if len(estimator.pages) > 1: print("Conversion of data with multiple pages not supported yet") return False from pymchelper.writers.fortranformatter import format_e page = estimator.pages[0] = self._axis_name(estimator.geotyp, 0) self.ay = self._axis_name(estimator.geotyp, 1) = self._axis_name(estimator.geotyp, 2) # original bdo2txt is not saving header data for some of cylindrical scorers, hence we do the same if estimator.geotyp in (SHGeoType.cyl, SHGeoType.dcyl,) and \ page.dettyp in (SHDetType.fluence, SHDetType.avg_energy, SHDetType.avg_beta, header = "" else: header = self._header_first_line(estimator) header += self._header_geometric_info(estimator) header += self._header_scored_value(estimator.geotyp, page.dettyp, getattr(estimator, 'particle', None)) header += self._header_no_of_bins_and_prim(estimator) # dump data with open(self.filename, 'w') as fout:"Writing: " + self.filename) fout.write(header) det_error = page.error_raw.ravel() if np.all(np.isnan(page.error_raw)): det_error = [None] * page.data_raw.size xmesh = page.axis(0) ymesh = page.axis(1) zmesh = page.axis(2) logger.debug('xmesh {}'.format(xmesh)) logger.debug('ymesh {}'.format(ymesh)) logger.debug('zmesh {}'.format(zmesh)) zlist, ylist, xlist = np.meshgrid(,,, indexing='ij') logger.debug('xlist {}'.format(xlist)) logger.debug('ylist {}'.format(ylist)) logger.debug('zlist {}'.format(zlist)) for x, y, z, v, e in zip(xlist.ravel(), ylist.ravel(), zlist.ravel(),, det_error): if estimator.geotyp in {, SHGeoType.dzone}: x = 0.0 # dirty hack to be compliant with old bdo2txt and files generated in old (<0.6) BDO format # this hack will be removed at some point together with bdo-style converter elif not hasattr(estimator, "mc_code_version") and estimator.geotyp == SHGeoType.plane: x = ( + estimator.nx) / 2.0 y = ( + estimator.ny) / 2.0 z = ( + / 2.0 else: x = float('nan') if np.isnan(x) else x y = float('nan') if np.isnan(y) else y z = float('nan') if np.isnan(z) else z v = float('nan') if np.isnan(v) else v tmp = format_e(14, 7, x) + " " + format_e(14, 7, y) + " " + \ format_e(14, 7, z) + " " + format_e(23, 16, v) if e is not None: e = float('nan') if np.isnan(e) else e tmp += " " + format_e(23, 16, e) tmp += "\n" fout.write(tmp) return 0