Source code for pymchelper.writers.plots

import logging
import os
from enum import IntEnum

import numpy as np

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PlotAxis(IntEnum): x = 1 y = 2 z = 3
[docs]class PlotDataWriter: """gnuplot data writer""" def __init__(self, filename, options): self.filename = filename if not self.filename.endswith(".dat"): self.filename += ".dat"
[docs] def write(self, estimator): """TODO""" # save to single page to a file without number (i.e. output.dat) if len(estimator.pages) == 1: self.write_single_page(estimator.pages[0], self.filename) else: # split output path into directory, basename and extension dir_path = os.path.dirname(self.filename) if not os.path.exists(dir_path):"Creating {}".format(dir_path)) os.makedirs(dir_path) file_base_part, file_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.filename)) # loop over all pages and save an image for each of them for i, page in enumerate(estimator.pages): # calculate output filename. it will include page number padded with zeros. # for 10-99 pages the filename would look like: output_p01.png, ... output_p99.png # for 100-999 pages the filename would look like: output_p001.png, ... output_p999.png zero_padded_page_no = str(i + 1).zfill(len(str(len(estimator.pages)))) output_filename = "{}_p{}{}".format(file_base_part, zero_padded_page_no, file_ext) output_path = os.path.join(dir_path, output_filename) # save the output file"Writing {}".format(output_path)) self.write_single_page(page, output_path) return 0
[docs] def write_single_page(self, page, filename): """TODO""""Writing: " + filename) # special case for 0-dim data if page.dimension == 0: # save two numbers to the file if not np.all(np.isnan(page.error_raw)) and np.any(page.error_raw): np.savetxt(self.filename, [[page.data_raw, page.error_raw]], fmt="%g %g", delimiter=' ') else: # save one number to the file np.savetxt(self.filename, [page.data_raw], fmt="%g", delimiter=' ') else: axis_numbers = list(range(page.dimension)) # each axis may have different number of points, this is what we store here: axis_data_columns_1d = [page.plot_axis(i).data for i in axis_numbers] # now we calculate running index for each axis axis_data_columns_long = [np.meshgrid(*axis_data_columns_1d, indexing='ij')[i].ravel() for i in axis_numbers] fmt = "%g" + " %g" * page.dimension data_to_save = axis_data_columns_long + [page.data_raw] # if error information is present save it as additional column if not np.all(np.isnan(page.error_raw)) and np.any(page.error_raw): fmt += " %g" data_to_save += [page.error_raw] # transpose from rows to columns data_columns = np.transpose(data_to_save) # save space-delimited text file np.savetxt(filename, data_columns, fmt=fmt, delimiter=' ') return 0
[docs]class GnuplotDataWriter: """TODO""" def __init__(self, filename, options): self.data_filename = filename self.script_filename = filename self.plot_filename = filename if not self.plot_filename.endswith(".png"): self.plot_filename += ".png" if not self.script_filename.endswith(".plot"): self.script_filename += ".plot" if not self.data_filename.endswith(".dat"): self.data_filename += ".dat" dirname = os.path.split(self.script_filename)[0] self.awk_script_filename = os.path.join(dirname, "addblanks.awk") _awk_2d_script_content = """/^[[:blank:]]*#/ {next} # ignore comments (lines starting with #) NF < 3 {next} # ignore lines which don't have at least 3 columns $2 != prev {printf \"\\n\"; prev=$2} # print blank line {print} # print the line """ _header = """set term png set output \"{plot_filename}\" set title \"{title}\" set xlabel \"{xlabel}\" set ylabel \"{ylabel}\" """ _error_plot_command = "'./{data_filename}' u 1:(max($2-$3,0.0)):($2+$3) w filledcurves " \ "fs transparent solid 0.2 lc 3 title '1-sigma confidence', " _plotting_command = { 1: """max(x,y) = (x > y) ? x : y plot {error_plot} './{data_filename}' u 1:2 w l lt 1 lw 2 lc -1 title 'mean value' """, 2: """set view map splot \"<awk -f addblanks.awk '{data_filename}'\" u 1:2:3 with pm3d """ }
[docs] def write(self, estimator): """TODO""" if len(estimator.pages) > 1: print("Conversion of data with multiple pages not supported yet") return False # skip plotting 0-D and 3-D data if estimator.dimension not in {1, 2}: return False page = estimator.pages[0] # set labels plot_x_axis = page.plot_axis(0) xlabel = ImageWriter._make_label(plot_x_axis.unit, if estimator.dimension == 1: ylabel = ImageWriter._make_label(page.unit, elif estimator.dimension == 2: plot_y_axis = page.plot_axis(1) ylabel = ImageWriter._make_label(plot_y_axis.unit, # for 2-D plots write additional awk script to convert data # as described in gnuplot faq: with open(self.awk_script_filename, 'w') as script_file:"Writing: " + self.awk_script_filename) script_file.write(self._awk_2d_script_content) # save gnuplot script with open(self.script_filename, 'w') as script_file:"Writing: " + self.script_filename) script_file.write(self._header.format(plot_filename=self.plot_filename, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, plt_cmd = self._plotting_command[page.dimension] # add error plot if error data present err_cmd = "" if np.any(page.error): err_cmd = self._error_plot_command.format(data_filename=self.data_filename) script_file.write(plt_cmd.format(data_filename=self.data_filename, error_plot=err_cmd)) return 0
[docs]class ImageWriter: """Writer responsible for creating PNG images using matplotlib library""" def __init__(self, filename, options):"{:s} options: {:s}".format(repr(self.__class__), repr(options))) self.plot_filename = filename if not self.plot_filename.endswith(".png"): self.plot_filename += ".png" self.colormap = options.colormap self.axis_with_logscale = {PlotAxis[name] for name in options.log} default_colormap = 'gnuplot2' @staticmethod def _make_label(unit, name): """Make label for plot axis""" return name + " " + "[" + unit + "]"
[docs] def get_page_figure(self, page): """Calculate matplotlib figure object for a single page in estimator""" try: import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import colors # set matplotlib logging level to ERROR, in order not to pollute our log space logging.getLogger('matplotlib').setLevel(logging.ERROR) except ImportError: logger.error("Matplotlib not installed, output won't be generated") return None # skip plotting 1-D and 3-D and higher dimensional data if page.dimension not in (1, 2): return None data_raw = page.data_raw error_raw = page.error_raw plot_x_axis = page.plot_axis(0) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlabel(self._make_label(plot_x_axis.unit, # we use symmetrical logarithmic scale as horizontal (X) axis for 1D and 2D plots # can have negative values as well (i.e. span from -4. to 4.) if PlotAxis.x in self.axis_with_logscale: ax.set_xscale('symlog') # 1-D plotting if page.dimension == 1: # scored values cannot be negative, hence we use purely logarithmic scale for vertical axis if PlotAxis.y in self.axis_with_logscale: ax.set_yscale('log') # add optional error area if np.any(page.error): ax.fill_between(, (data_raw - error_raw).clip(0.0), (data_raw + error_raw).clip(0.0, 1.05 * data_raw.max()), alpha=0.2, edgecolor='#CC4F1B', facecolor='#FF9848', antialiased=True) ax.set_ylabel(self._make_label(page.unit, ax.grid(True, alpha=0.3) ax.plot(, data_raw) elif page.dimension == 2: plot_y_axis = page.plot_axis(1) x_axis_label = self._make_label(plot_x_axis.unit, y_axis_label = self._make_label(plot_y_axis.unit, z_axis_label = self._make_label(page.unit, # we use symmetrical logarithmic scale as vertical (Y) axis for 2D plots # can have negative values as well (i.e. span from -4. to 4.) if PlotAxis.y in self.axis_with_logscale: ax.set_yscale('symlog') # configure logscale on Z axis if PlotAxis.z in self.axis_with_logscale: norm = colors.LogNorm(vmin=data_raw[data_raw > 0].min(), vmax=data_raw.max()) else: norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=data_raw.min(), vmax=data_raw.max()) xspan = [plot_x_axis.min_val, plot_x_axis.max_val] yspan = [plot_y_axis.min_val, plot_y_axis.max_val] zdata = data_raw.reshape((plot_y_axis.n, plot_x_axis.n)) plt.xlabel(x_axis_label) plt.ylabel(y_axis_label) plt.grid(True, alpha=0.3) im = ax.pcolorfast(xspan, yspan, zdata, cmap=self.colormap, norm=norm) cbar = plt.colorbar(im) if PlotAxis.z in self.axis_with_logscale: import matplotlib.ticker as ticker cbar.set_ticks(ticker.LogLocator(subs='all', numticks=15)) cbar.set_label(z_axis_label, rotation=270, verticalalignment='bottom') return fig
[docs] def write(self, estimator): """Go through all pages in estimator and save corresponding figure to an output file""" # save single page to a file without number (i.e. output.png) if len(estimator.pages) == 1: fig = self.get_page_figure(estimator.pages[0]) if fig:"Writing {}".format(self.plot_filename)) fig.savefig(self.plot_filename) else: # split output path into directory, basename and extension dir_path = os.path.dirname(self.plot_filename) if not os.path.exists(dir_path):"Creating {}".format(dir_path)) os.makedirs(dir_path) file_base_part, file_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.plot_filename)) # loop over all pages and save an image for each of them for i, page in enumerate(estimator.pages): # calculate output filename. it will include page number padded with zeros. # for 10-99 pages the filename would look like: output_p01.png, ... output_p99.png # for 100-999 pages the filename would look like: output_p001.png, ... output_p999.png zero_padded_page_no = str(i + 1).zfill(len(str(len(estimator.pages)))) output_filename = "{}_p{}{}".format(file_base_part, zero_padded_page_no, file_ext) output_path = os.path.join(dir_path, output_filename) # save the output file fig = self.get_page_figure(page) if fig:"Writing {}".format(output_path)) fig.savefig(output_path) return 0