Source code for pymchelper.readers.shieldhit.reader_bin2010

from collections import namedtuple
import logging

import numpy as np

from pymchelper.axis import MeshAxis
from import Page
from pymchelper.readers.shieldhit.reader_base import SHReader, mesh_unit_and_name, _bintyp, _get_detector_unit
from pymchelper.shieldhit.detector.detector_type import SHDetType
from pymchelper.shieldhit.detector.estimator_type import SHGeoType

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SHReaderBin2010(SHReader): """ Binary format reader from 0.1 <= version <= 0.6 """
[docs] def read_header(self, estimator):"Reading header: " + self.filename) estimator.tripdose = 0.0 estimator.tripntot = -1 # effective read # first figure out if this is a VOXSCORE card header_dtype = np.dtype([('__fo1', '<i4'), ('geotyp', 'S10')]) header = np.fromfile(self.filename, header_dtype, count=1) if not header: print("File {:s} has unknown format".format(self.filename)) return None if 'VOXSCORE' in header['geotyp'][0].decode('ascii'): header_dtype = np.dtype([('__fo1', '<i4'), # 0x00 ('geotyp', 'S10'), # 0x04 ('__fo2', '<i4'), # 0x0E ('__fo3', '<i4'), # 0x12 ('nstat', '<i4'), # 0x16 : nstat ('__fo4', '<i4'), # 0x1A ('__foo1', '<i4'), # 0x1E ('tds', '<f4'), # 0x22 : tripdose ('__foo2', '<i4'), # 0x26 ('__foo3', '<i4'), # 0x2A ('tnt', '<i8'), # 0x2E : tripntot ('__foo4', '<i4'), # 0x36 ('__fo5', '<i4'), # 0x3A # DET has 8x float64 ('det', ('<f8', 8)), # 0x3E : DET ('__fo6', '<i4'), # 0x7E ('__fo7', '<i4'), # 0x82 # IDET has 11x int32 ('idet', '<i4', 11), # 0x86 : IDET ('__fo8', '<i4'), # 0xB2 ('reclen', '<i4')]) # 0xB6 # payload starts at 0xBA (186) estimator.payload_offset = 186 else: # first figure out the length. header_dtype = np.dtype([('__fo1', '<i4'), ('geotyp', 'S10'), ('__fo2', '<i4'), ('__fo3', '<i4'), ('nstat', '<i4'), ('__fo4', '<i4'), ('__fo5', '<i4'), # DET has 8x float64 ('det', ('<f8', 8)), # DET ('__fo6', '<i4'), ('__fo7', '<i4'), # IDET has 11x int32 ('idet', '<i4', 11), # IDET ('__fo8', '<i4'), ('reclen', '<i4')]) # payload starts at 0x9E (158) estimator.payload_offset = 158 header = np.fromfile(self.filename, header_dtype, count=1) estimator.rec_size = header['reclen'][0] // 8 if 'VOXSCORE' in header['geotyp'][0].decode('ascii'): estimator.tripdose = header['tds'][0] estimator.tripntot = header['tnt'][0] # map 10-elements table to namedtuple, for easier access # here is description of IDET table, assuming fortran-style numbering # (arrays starting from 1) # IDET(1) : Number of bins in first dimension. x or r or zones # IDET(2) : Number of bins in snd dimension, y or theta # IDET(3) : Number of bins in thrd dimension, z # IDET(4) : Particle type requested for scoring # IDET(5) : Detector type (see INITDET) # IDET(6) : Z of particle to be scored # IDET(7) : A of particle to be scored (only integers here) # IDET(8) : Detector material parameter # IDET(9) : Number of energy/amu (or LET) differential bins, # negative if log. # IDET(10): Type of differential scoring, either LET, E/amu # or polar angle # IDET(11): Starting zone of scoring for zone scoring DetectorAttributes = namedtuple('DetectorAttributes', ['dim_1_bins', 'dim_2_bins', 'dim_3_bins', 'particle_type', 'det_type', 'particle_z', 'particle_a', 'det_material', 'diff_bins_no', 'diff_scoring_type', 'starting_zone']) det_attribs = DetectorAttributes(*header['idet'][0]) nx = det_attribs.dim_1_bins ny = det_attribs.dim_2_bins nz = det_attribs.dim_3_bins # DET(1-3): start positions for x y z or r theta z # DET(4-6): stop positions for x y z or r theta z # DET(7) : start differential grid # DET(8) : stop differential grid estimator.det = header['det'] estimator.particle = det_attribs.particle_type try: estimator.geotyp = SHGeoType[header['geotyp'][0].decode('ascii').strip().lower()] except Exception: estimator.geotyp = SHGeoType.unknown estimator.number_of_primaries = header['nstat'][0] if estimator.geotyp not in {, SHGeoType.dzone}: xmin = header['det'][0][0] ymin = header['det'][0][1] zmin = header['det'][0][2] xmax = header['det'][0][3] ymax = header['det'][0][4] zmax = header['det'][0][5] else: # special case for zone scoring, x min and max will be zone numbers xmin = det_attribs.starting_zone xmax = xmin + nx - 1 ymin = 0.0 ymax = 0.0 zmin = 0.0 zmax = 0.0 if estimator.geotyp in {SHGeoType.plane, SHGeoType.dplane}: # special case for plane scoring, according to documentation we have: # xmin, ymin, zmin = Sx, Sy, Sz (point on the plane) # xmax, ymax, zmax = nx, ny, nz (normal vector) # to avoid situation where i.e. xmax < xmin (corresponds to nx < Sx) # we store only point on the plane,, = xmin, ymin, zmin estimator.nx, estimator.ny, = xmax, ymax, zmax xmax = xmin ymax = ymin zmax = zmin xunit, xname = mesh_unit_and_name(estimator, 0) yunit, yname = mesh_unit_and_name(estimator, 1) zunit, zname = mesh_unit_and_name(estimator, 2) estimator.x = MeshAxis(n=np.abs(nx), min_val=xmin, max_val=xmax, name=xname, unit=xunit, binning=_bintyp(nx)) estimator.y = MeshAxis(n=np.abs(ny), min_val=ymin, max_val=ymax, name=yname, unit=yunit, binning=_bintyp(ny)) estimator.z = MeshAxis(n=np.abs(nz), min_val=zmin, max_val=zmax, name=zname, unit=zunit, binning=_bintyp(nz)) page = Page(estimator=estimator) page.dettyp = SHDetType(det_attribs.det_type) page.unit, = _get_detector_unit(page.dettyp, estimator.geotyp) estimator.add_page(page) return True # reading OK
# TODO: we need an alternative list, in case things have been scaled with nscale, since then things # are not "/particle" anymore.
[docs] def read_payload(self, estimator):"Reading data: " + self.filename) if estimator.geotyp == SHGeoType.unknown or estimator.pages[0].dettyp == SHDetType.none: logger.error("Unknown geotyp or dettyp") return None # next read the data: offset_str = "S" + str(estimator.payload_offset) record_dtype = np.dtype([('trash', offset_str), ('bin2', '<f8', estimator.rec_size)]) record = np.fromfile(self.filename, record_dtype, count=-1) # BIN(*) : a large array holding results. Accessed using pointers. estimator.pages[0].data_raw = np.array(record['bin2'][:][0]) estimator.pages[0].error_raw = np.empty_like(estimator.pages[0].data_raw) logger.debug("Raw data: {}".format(estimator.pages[0].data_raw)) estimator.file_counter = 1 return True
[docs] def read_data(self, estimator): if not self.read_header(estimator): logger.debug("Reading header failed") return None if not self.read_payload(estimator): logger.debug("Reading payload failed") return None estimator.file_format = 'bin2010' super(SHReaderBin2010, self).read_data(estimator) return True