Source code for pymchelper.readers.shieldhit.reader_bdo2019

import logging

import numpy as np

from pymchelper.axis import MeshAxis
from import Page
from pymchelper.readers.shieldhit.binary_spec import SHBDOTagID, detector_name_from_bdotag, unit_name_from_unit_id, \
from pymchelper.readers.shieldhit.reader_base import SHReader, read_next_token, mesh_unit_and_name
from pymchelper.shieldhit.detector.detector_type import SHDetType
from pymchelper.shieldhit.detector.estimator_type import SHGeoType

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SHReaderBDO2019(SHReader): """ Experimental binary format reader version >= 0.7 """
[docs] def read_data(self, estimator): logger.debug("Reading: " + self.filename) with open(self.filename, "rb") as f: d1 = np.dtype([('magic', 'S6'), ('end', 'S2'), ('vstr', 'S16')]) _x = np.fromfile(f, dtype=d1, count=1) # read the data into numpy logger.debug("Magic : " + _x['magic'][0].decode('ASCII')) logger.debug("Endiannes: " + _x['end'][0].decode('ASCII')) logger.debug("VerStr: " + _x['vstr'][0].decode('ASCII')) while f: token = read_next_token(f) if token is None: break token_id, token_type, payload_len, raw_payload = token payload = [None] * payload_len _has_geo_units_in_ascii = False # decode all strings (currently there will never be more than one per token) if 'S' in token_type.decode('ASCII'): for i, _j in enumerate(raw_payload): # raw payload may contain non-ASCII characters (i.e. filedate on non-English Windows OS) payload[i] = raw_payload[i].decode('ASCII', 'replace').strip() else: payload = raw_payload if payload_len == 1: payload = payload[0] try: token_name = SHBDOTagID(token_id).name logger.debug("Read token {:s} (0x{:02x}) value {} type {:s} length {:d}".format( token_name, token_id, raw_payload, token_type.decode('ASCII'), payload_len )) except ValueError:"Found unknown token (0x{:02x}) value {} type {:s} length {:d}, skipping".format( token_id, raw_payload, token_type.decode('ASCII'), payload_len )) # geometry type if SHBDOTagID.geometry_type == token_id: estimator.geotyp = SHGeoType[payload.strip().lower()] if SHBDOTagID.geo_n_bins == token_id: estimator.x = estimator.x._replace(n=payload[0]) estimator.y = estimator.y._replace(n=payload[1]) estimator.z = estimator.z._replace(n=payload[2]) if SHBDOTagID.geo_p_start == token_id: estimator.x = estimator.x._replace(min_val=payload[0]) estimator.y = estimator.y._replace(min_val=payload[1]) estimator.z = estimator.z._replace(min_val=payload[2]) if SHBDOTagID.geo_q_stop == token_id: estimator.x = estimator.x._replace(max_val=payload[0]) estimator.y = estimator.y._replace(max_val=payload[1]) estimator.z = estimator.z._replace(max_val=payload[2]) if SHBDOTagID.geo_unit_ids == token_id and not _has_geo_units_in_ascii: estimator.x = estimator.x._replace(unit=unit_name_from_unit_id.get(payload[0], "")) estimator.y = estimator.y._replace(unit=unit_name_from_unit_id.get(payload[1], "")) estimator.z = estimator.z._replace(unit=unit_name_from_unit_id.get(payload[2], "")) # Units may also be given as pure ASCII directly from SHIELD-HIT12A new .bdo format. # If this is available, then use those embedded in the .bdo file, instead of pymchelper setting them. if SHBDOTagID.geo_units == token_id: _units = payload.split(";") if len(_units) == 3: estimator.x = estimator.x._replace(unit=_units[0]) estimator.y = estimator.y._replace(unit=_units[1]) estimator.z = estimator.z._replace(unit=_units[2]) _has_geo_units_in_ascii = True # page(detector) type, it begins new page block if SHBDOTagID.detector_type == token_id: # here new page is added to the estimator structure estimator.add_page(Page()) logger.debug("Setting page.dettyp = {} ({})".format(SHDetType(payload), SHDetType(payload).name)) estimator.pages[-1].dettyp = SHDetType(payload) # page(detector) data is the last thing related to page that is saved in binary file # at this point all other page related tags should already be processed if SHBDOTagID.data_block == token_id: logger.debug("Setting page data = {}".format(np.asarray(payload))) estimator.pages[-1].data_raw = np.asarray(payload) # read tokens based on tag <-> name mapping for detector if token_id in detector_name_from_bdotag: logger.debug("Setting detector.{} = {}".format(detector_name_from_bdotag[token_id], payload)) setattr(estimator, detector_name_from_bdotag[token_id], payload) # read tokens based on tag <-> name mapping for pages if token_id in page_tags_to_save: logger.debug("Setting page.{} = {}".format(SHBDOTagID(token_id).name, payload)) setattr(estimator.pages[-1], SHBDOTagID(token_id).name, payload) # Loop over the file is over here # Check if we have differential scoring, i.e. data dimension is larger than 1: for page in estimator.pages: try: page.diff_axis1 = MeshAxis(n=page.page_diff_size[0], min_val=page.page_diff_start[0], max_val=page.page_diff_stop[0], name="", unit=page.page_diff_units.split(";")[0], binning=MeshAxis.BinningType.linear) except AttributeError:"Lack of data for first level differential scoring") except IndexError:"Lack of units for first level differential scoring") try: page.diff_axis2 = MeshAxis(n=page.page_diff_size[1], min_val=page.page_diff_start[1], max_val=page.page_diff_stop[1], name="", unit=page.page_diff_units.split(";")[1], binning=MeshAxis.BinningType.linear) except AttributeError:"Lack of data for second level differential scoring") except IndexError:"Lack of units for second level differential scoring") # Fix names of the axis objects for different mesh type, # units are directly extracted from BDO tags in 2019 format _, xname = mesh_unit_and_name(estimator, 0) _, yname = mesh_unit_and_name(estimator, 1) _, zname = mesh_unit_and_name(estimator, 2) estimator.x = estimator.x._replace(name=xname) estimator.y = estimator.y._replace(name=yname) estimator.z = estimator.z._replace(name=zname) # Copy the SH12A specific units into the general placeholders: for page in estimator.pages: page.unit = page.detector_unit # in future, a user may optionally give a more specific name in SH12A detect.dat, which then # may be written to the .bdo file. If the name is not set, use the official detector name instead: if not = str(page.dettyp) estimator.file_format = 'bdo2019' logger.debug("Done reading bdo file.") return True