Source code for pymchelper.input_output

from collections import defaultdict
from glob import glob
import logging
import os

import numpy as np

from pymchelper.estimator import Estimator, average_with_nan, ErrorEstimate
from pymchelper.readers.fluka import FlukaReaderFactory, FlukaReader
from pymchelper.readers.shieldhit.general import SHReaderFactory
from pymchelper.readers.shieldhit.reader_base import SHReader
from pymchelper.writers.common import Converters

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def guess_reader(filename): """ Guess a reader based on file contents or extensions. In some cases (i.e. binary SH12A files) access to file contents is needed. :param filename: :return: Instantiated reader object """ fluka_reader = FlukaReaderFactory(filename).get_reader() if fluka_reader: reader = fluka_reader(filename) else: sh_reader = SHReaderFactory(filename).get_reader() if sh_reader: reader = sh_reader(filename) return reader
[docs]def guess_corename(filename): """ Guess a reader based on file contents or extensions. In some cases (i.e. binary SH12A files) access to file contents is needed. :param filename: :return: the corename of the file (i.e. the basename without the running number for averaging) """ corename = FlukaReader(filename).corename if corename is None: corename = SHReader(filename).corename return corename
[docs]def fromfile(filename): """Read estimator data from a binary file ```filename```""" reader = guess_reader(filename) if reader is None: raise Exception("File format not compatible", filename) estimator = Estimator() estimator.file_counter = 1 if not # some problems occurred during read estimator = None return estimator
[docs]def fromfilelist(input_file_list, error=ErrorEstimate.stderr, nan=True): """ Reads all files from a given list, and returns a list of averaged estimators. :param input_file_list: list of files to be read :param error: error estimation, see class ErrorEstimate class in pymchelper.estimator :param nan: if True, NaN (not a number) are excluded when averaging data. :return: list of estimators """ if not isinstance(input_file_list, list): # probably a string instead of list input_file_list = [input_file_list] if nan: estimator_list = [fromfile(filename) for filename in input_file_list] result = average_with_nan(estimator_list, error) if not result: # TODO check here ! return None elif len(input_file_list) == 1: result = fromfile(input_file_list[0]) if not result: return None else: result = fromfile(input_file_list[0]) if not result: return None # allocate memory for accumulator in standard deviation calculation # not needed if user requested not to include errors if error != ErrorEstimate.none: for page in result.pages: page.error_raw = np.zeros_like(page.data_raw) # loop over all files with n running from 2 for n, filename in enumerate(input_file_list[1:], start=2): current_estimator = fromfile(filename) # x # Running variance algorithm based on algorithm by B. P. Welford, # presented in Donald Knuth's Art of Computer Programming, Vol 2, page 232, 3rd edition. # Can be found here: # and delta = [current_page.data_raw - result_page.data_raw for current_page, result_page in zip(current_estimator.pages, result.pages)] # delta = x - mean for page, delta_item in zip(result.pages, delta): page.data_raw += delta_item / np.float64(n) if error != ErrorEstimate.none: for page, delta_item, current_page in zip(result.pages, delta, current_estimator.pages): page.error_raw += delta_item * (current_page.data_raw - page.data_raw) # M2 += delta * (x - mean) # unbiased sample variance is stored in `__M2 / (n - 1)` # unbiased sample standard deviation in classical algorithm is calculated as (sqrt(1/(n-1)sum(x-<x>)**2) # here it is calculated as square root of unbiased sample variance: if len(input_file_list) > 1 and error != ErrorEstimate.none: for page in result.pages: page.error_raw = np.sqrt(page.error_raw / (len(input_file_list) - 1.0)) # if user requested standard error then we calculate it as: # S = stderr = stddev / sqrt(N), or in other words, # S = s/sqrt(N) where S is the corrected standard deviation of the mean. if len(input_file_list) > 1 and error == ErrorEstimate.stderr: for page in result.pages: page.error_raw /= np.sqrt(len(input_file_list)) # np.sqrt() always returns np.float64 result.file_counter = len(input_file_list) core_names_dict = group_input_files(input_file_list) if len(core_names_dict) == 1: result.file_corename = list(core_names_dict)[0] return result
[docs]def frompattern(pattern, error=ErrorEstimate.stderr, nan=True, jobs=-1, verbose=0): """ Reads all files matching pattern, e.g.: 'foobar_*.bdo', and returns a list of averaged estimators. :param pattern: pattern to be matched for reading. :param error: error estimation, see class ErrorEstimate class in pymchelper.estimator :param nan: if True, NaN (not a number) are excluded when averaing data. :param jobs: optional number of threads for parallel processing :param verbose: optional verbosity level. :return: a list of estimators, or an empty list if no files were found. """ try: list_of_matching_files = glob(pattern) except TypeError as e: # noqa: F841 list_of_matching_files = pattern core_names_dict = group_input_files(list_of_matching_files) # parallel execution of output file generation, using all CPU cores # see try: from joblib import Parallel, delayed"Parallel processing on {:d} jobs (-1 means all)".format(jobs)) # options.verbose count the number of `-v` switches provided by user # joblib Parallel class expects the verbosity as a larger number (i.e. multiple of 10) worker = Parallel(n_jobs=jobs, verbose=verbose * 10) result = worker( delayed(fromfilelist)(filelist, error, nan) for core_name, filelist in core_names_dict.items() ) except (ImportError, SyntaxError): # single-cpu implementation, in case joblib library fails (i.e. Python 3.2)"Single CPU processing") result = [fromfilelist(filelist, error, nan) for core_name, filelist in core_names_dict.items()] return result
[docs]def convertfromlist(filelist, error, nan, outputdir, converter_name, options, outputfile=None): """ :param filelist: :param error: error estimation, see class ErrorEstimate class in pymchelper.estimator :param nan: if True, NaN (not a number) are excluded when averaing data. :param outputdir: :param converter_name: :param options: :param outputfile: :return: """ estimator = fromfilelist(filelist, error, nan) if not estimator: return None if outputfile is not None: output_path = outputfile elif outputdir is None: output_path = estimator.file_corename else: output_path = os.path.join(outputdir, estimator.file_corename) status = tofile(estimator, output_path, converter_name, options) return status
[docs]def convertfrompattern(pattern, outputdir, converter_name, options, error=ErrorEstimate.stderr, nan=True, jobs=-1, verbose=0): """ :param pattern: :param outputdir: :param converter_name: :param options: :param error: error estimation, see class ErrorEstimate class in pymchelper.estimator :param nan: if True, NaN (not a number) are excluded when averaing data. :param jobs: :param verbose: :return: """ list_of_matching_files = glob(pattern) core_names_dict = group_input_files(list_of_matching_files) # parallel execution of output file generation, using all CPU cores # see try: from joblib import Parallel, delayed"Parallel processing on {:d} jobs (-1 means all)".format(jobs)) # options.verbose count the number of `-v` switches provided by user # joblib Parallel class expects the verbosity as a larger number (i.e. multiple of 10) worker = Parallel(n_jobs=jobs, verbose=verbose * 10) status = worker( delayed(convertfromlist)(filelist, error, nan, outputdir, converter_name, options) for core_name, filelist in core_names_dict.items() ) return max(status) except (ImportError, SyntaxError): # single-cpu implementation, in case joblib library fails (i.e. Python 3.2)"Single CPU processing") status = [] for core_name, filelist in core_names_dict.items(): status.append(convertfromlist(filelist, error, nan, outputdir, converter_name, options)) return max(status)
[docs]def tofile(estimator, filename, converter_name, options): """ Save a estimator data to a ``filename`` using converter defined by ``converter_name`` :param estimator: :param filename: :param converter_name: :param options: :return: """ writer_cls = Converters.fromname(converter_name) writer = writer_cls(filename, options) logger.debug("File corename : {:s}".format(filename)) status = writer.write(estimator) return status
[docs]def group_input_files(input_file_list): """ Takes set of input file names, belonging to possibly different estimators. Input files are grouped according to the estimators and for each group merging is performed, as in @merge_list method. Output file name is automatically generated. :param input_file_list: list of input files :return: core_names_dict """ core_names_dict = defaultdict(list) # keys - core_name, value - list of full paths to corresponding files # loop over input list of file paths for filepath in input_file_list: core_name = guess_corename(filepath) core_names_dict[core_name].append(filepath) return core_names_dict