Source code for pymchelper.flair.common.bmath

# $Id: 3739 2016-03-22 08:14:24Z bnv $
# Copyright and User License
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# Copyright for the
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# All rights not expressly granted under this license are reserved.
# Installation, use, reproduction, display of the
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# For commercial use of the software, please contact the main
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# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
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# ~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

# Author:
# Date:	15-May-2004
from __future__ import generators

import math
import random

import pymchelper.flair.common.rexx as rexx

__author__ = "Vasilis Vlachoudis"
__email__ = ""

# Accuracy for comparison operators
_accuracy = 1E-15

# Formating
_format = "%12g"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def Cmp0(x): return abs(x) < _accuracy
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # range of floating point numbers # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def frange(start, stop, step): """range(start,stop,step) for floating point numbers""" x = start if step < 0.0: while x > stop: yield x x += step else: while x < stop: yield x x += step
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # limit in number within a range # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def limit(min_, num, max_): ''' limit a number within a specific range :param min_: :param num: :param max_: :return: ''' return max(min(num, max_), min_)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # dms - degrees from degrees, minutes, seconds # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def dms(d, m, s): return d + m / 60.0 + s / 3600.0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # d2s - degrees to string # D2S(angle[,"H"|"M"|"D"|"N"]) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def d2s(ang, fmt=""): fmt.capitalize() if ang < 0.0: neg = "-" ang = -ang else: neg = "" ang = round(ang * 360000) / 100 SS = "%05.2f" % (math.fmod(ang, 60)) ang = int(ang / 60.0) MM = "%02d" % (ang % 60) HH = neg + str(ang / 60) if fmt == "H": return HH + "h" + MM + "m" + SS + "s" if fmt == "M": return HH + "h" + MM + "m" if fmt == "D": return HH + " " + MM + "'" + SS + '"' if fmt == "N": return HH + ":" + MM return HH + ":" + MM + ":" + SS
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Format a number to fit in the minimum space # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def format_number(number, length=10, useExp=False, useD=False): """ Format a number to fit in the minimum space given by length """ _MAXLEN = 22 # Convert number to string # XXX str cuts at 12 digits, repr shows everything but # numbers like e.g 9.2 will be converted to 9.1999999999999 # What should I do # Fields also in the CardWidget are converted with str and # are cut at 12 digits!!!! if isinstance(number, float) or isinstance(number, int): number = repr(number).upper() else: number = str(number).strip().upper() if not rexx.datatype(number, "N"): return number if useD: number = number.replace("E", "D") expE = "D" else: number = number.replace("D", "E") expE = "E" if len(number) < length: hasExp = (number.find(expE) >= 0) if useExp: if hasExp: return number elif number.find(".") >= 0 or hasExp: return number if number == "0": if useExp: return "0.%s0" % (expE) else: return "0.0" if length < 5 or length > _MAXLEN: raise Exception("Format invalid length") # Dissect the number. It is in the normal Rexx format. try: (mantissa, exponent) = number.split(expE) if exponent == '': exponent = 0 else: exponent = int(exponent) except Exception: mantissa = number exponent = 0 if mantissa[0] == '-': sgn = True mantissa = mantissa[1:] elif mantissa[0] == '+': sgn = False mantissa = mantissa[1:] else: sgn = False try: (befo, afte) = mantissa.split(".") except Exception: befo = mantissa afte = "" # Count from the left for the decimal point. point = len(befo) # Make this a number without a point. integer = befo + afte # Remove leading zeros for p in range(len(integer)): if integer[p] != '0': if p > 0: integer = integer[p:] point -= p break else: if useExp: return "0.%s0" % (expE) else: return "0.0" # ... and trailing for p in range(len(integer) - 1, 0, -1): if integer[p] != '0': integer = integer[0:p + 1] break exponent += point # Cannot handle more than _MAXLEN digits lint = len(integer) if lint > _MAXLEN: r = integer[_MAXLEN] integer = integer[0:_MAXLEN] if r >= '5': integer = str(int(integer) + 1) if len(integer) > lint: exponent += 1 if len(integer) > _MAXLEN: integer = integer[0:_MAXLEN] # Now the number is described by: # sgn 0.integer "E" exponent # Make space for sign if sgn: length -= 1 while True: # Minimum length representation of a number # Length = Length of integer # + 1 for Dot if needed (no exponent) # + (2-4) for exponent # exponent can be in the following forms # nothing if dot can placed inside integer # E# 2 # E## 3 # E-# 3 # E-## 4 # integer is given as 0.integer # say("\ninteger=",integer,len(integer),length) # say("exponent=",exponent) lint = len(integer) if useExp: mNum = "%s%s%d" % (rexx.insert(".", integer, 1), expE, exponent - 1) elif exponent == -2: mNum = ".00%s" % (integer) elif exponent == -1: mNum = ".0%s" % (integer) elif exponent == 0: mNum = ".%s" % (integer) elif exponent == 1: mNum = rexx.insert(".", integer, 1) elif exponent == length: mNum = "%s%s" % (integer, "0" * (length - lint)) elif exponent > 1 and exponent <= lint: mNum = rexx.insert(".", integer, exponent) elif exponent > 1 and exponent <= lint + 2: if exponent > lint: mNum = "%s%s." % (integer, "0" * (exponent - lint)) else: mNum = "%s." % (integer.ljust(exponent)) elif exponent > lint and exponent + 1 < length: mNum = "%s%s." % (integer, "0" * (exponent - lint)) else: mNum = "%s%s%d" % (rexx.insert(".", integer, 1), expE, exponent - 1) diff = len(mNum) - length if diff <= 0: break elif diff <= 2: r = integer[-1] integer = integer[0:-1] else: r = integer[-diff] integer = integer[0:-diff] if r >= '5': lint = len(integer) if lint == 0: integer = 0 integer = str(int(integer) + 1) if len(integer) > lint: exponent += 1 # Remove trailing zeros for p in range(len(integer) - 1, -1, -1): if integer[p] != '0': integer = integer[0:p + 1] break else: if useExp: return "0.%s0" % (expE) else: return "0.0" if sgn: mNum = "-%s" % (mNum) return mNum
# ============================================================================== # Dangerous dictionary that unknown keys return a user default value # Use it with care # ==============================================================================
[docs]class DefaultDict(dict): def __init__(self, default=None): self._default = default # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __getitem__(self, key): return self.get(key, self._default)
# ============================================================================== # Unknown keys will return 0.0 # ==============================================================================
[docs]class ZeroDict(DefaultDict): def __init__(self): DefaultDict.__init__(self, 0.0)
# ============================================================================== # Unknown keys will return 0.0 # ==============================================================================
[docs]class ZeroIntDict(DefaultDict): def __init__(self): DefaultDict.__init__(self, 0)
# =============================================================================== # Vector class # Inherits from List # ===============================================================================
[docs]class Vector(list): """Vector class""" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, x=3, *args): """Create a new vector, Vector(size), Vector(list), Vector(x,y,z,...)""" if isinstance(x, int) and not args: for i in range(x): self.append(0.0) elif isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, tuple): for i in x: self.append(float(i)) else: self.append(float(x)) for i in args: self.append(float(i)) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set(self, x, y, z=None): """Set vector""" self[0] = x self[1] = y if z: self[2] = z
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __repr__(self): return "[%s]" % (", ".join([(_format % (x)).strip() for x in self])) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def eq(self, v, acc=_accuracy): """Test for equality with vector v within accuracy""" if len(self) != len(v): return False s2 = 0.0 for i in range(len(self)): s2 += (self[i] - v[i])**2 return s2 <= acc**2
def __eq__(self, v): return self.eq(v) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __neg__(self): """Negate vector""" new = Vector(len(self)) for i in range(len(self)): new[i] = -self[i] return new # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __add__(self, v): """Add 2 vectors""" size = min(len(self), len(v)) new = Vector(size) for i in range(size): new[i] = self[i] + v[i] return new # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __iadd__(self, v): """Add vector v to self""" for i in range(min(len(self), len(v))): self[i] += v[i] return self # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __sub__(self, v): """Subtract 2 vectors""" size = min(len(self), len(v)) new = Vector(size) for i in range(size): new[i] = self[i] - v[i] return new # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __isub__(self, v): """Subtract vector v from self""" for i in range(min(len(self), len(v))): self[i] -= v[i] return self # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Scale or Dot product # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __mul__(self, v): """scale*Vector() or Vector()*Vector() - Scale vector or dot product""" if isinstance(v, list): return else: return Vector([x * v for x in self]) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Scale or Dot product # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __rmul__(self, v): """scale*Vector() or Vector()*Vector() - Scale vector or dot product""" if isinstance(v, Vector): return else: return Vector([x * v for x in self]) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Divide by floating point # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __div__(self, b): return Vector([x / b for x in self]) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __xor__(self, v): """Cross product""" return self.cross(v) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dot(self, v): """Dot product of 2 vectors""" size = min(len(self), len(v)) s = 0.0 for i in range(size): s += self[i] * v[i] return s
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def cross(self, v): """Cross product of 2 vectors""" if len(self) == 3: return Vector(self[1] * v[2] - self[2] * v[1], self[2] * v[0] - self[0] * v[2], self[0] * v[1] - self[1] * v[0]) elif len(self) == 2: return self[0] * v[1] - self[1] * v[0] else: raise Exception("Cross product needs 2d or 3d vectors")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def length2(self): """Return length squared of vector""" s = 0.0 for i in range(len(self)): s += self[i]**2 return s
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def length(self): """Return length of vector""" s = 0.0 for i in range(len(self)): s += self[i]**2 return math.sqrt(s)
__abs__ = length # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def arg(self): """return vector angle""" return math.atan2(self[1], self[0])
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def norm(self): """Normalize vector and return length""" s_length = self.length() if s_length > 0.0: invlen = 1.0 / s_length for i in range(len(self)): self[i] *= invlen return s_length
normalize = norm # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def unit(self): """return a unit vector""" v = self.clone() v.norm() return v
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def clone(self): """Clone vector""" return Vector(self)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def x(self): return self[0]
[docs] def y(self): return self[1]
[docs] def z(self): return self[2]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def orthogonal(self): """return a vector orthogonal to self""" xx = abs(self.x()) yy = abs(self.y()) if len(self) >= 3: zz = abs(self.z()) if xx < yy: if xx < zz: return Vector(0.0, self.z(), -self.y()) else: return Vector(self.y(), -self.x(), 0.0) else: if yy < zz: return Vector(-self.z(), 0.0, self.x()) else: return Vector(self.y(), -self.x(), 0.0) else: return Vector(-self.y(), self.x())
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def direction(self, zero=_accuracy): """return containing the direction if normalized with any of the axis""" v = self.clone() length = v.norm() if abs(length) <= zero: return "O" if abs(v[0] - 1.0) < zero: return "X" elif abs(v[0] + 1.0) < zero: return "-X" elif abs(v[1] - 1.0) < zero: return "Y" elif abs(v[1] + 1.0) < zero: return "-Y" elif abs(v[2] - 1.0) < zero: return "Z" elif abs(v[2] + 1.0) < zero: return "-Z" else: # nothing special about the direction, return N return "N"
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the vector directly in polar coordinates # @param ma magnitude of vector # @param ph azimuthal angle in radians # @param th polar angle in radians # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def setPolar(self, ma, ph, th): sf = math.sin(ph) cf = math.cos(ph) st = math.sin(th) ct = math.cos(th) self[0] = ma * st * cf self[1] = ma * st * sf self[2] = ma * ct
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # @return the azimuth angle. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def phi(self): if Cmp0(self.x()) and Cmp0(self.y()): return 0.0 return math.atan2(self.y(), self.x())
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # @return the polar angle. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def theta(self): if Cmp0(self.x()) and Cmp0(self.y()) and Cmp0(self.z()): return 0.0 return math.atan2(self.perp(), self.z())
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # @return cosine of the polar angle. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def cosTheta(self): ptot = self.length() if Cmp0(ptot): return 1.0 else: return self.z() / ptot
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # @return the transverse component squared # (R^2 in cylindrical coordinate system). # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def perp2(self): return self.x() * self.x() + self.y() * self.y()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # @return the transverse component # (R in cylindrical coordinate system). # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def perp(self): return math.sqrt(self.perp2())
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Basic 3D Vectors # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector.O = Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # noqa: E741 Vector.X = Vector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) Vector.Y = Vector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) Vector.Z = Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return a random 3D vector # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def random3D(): cosTheta = 2.0 * random.random() - 1.0 sinTheta = math.sqrt(1.0 - cosTheta**2) phi = 2.0 * math.pi * random.random() return Vector(math.cos(phi) * sinTheta, math.sin(phi) * sinTheta, cosTheta)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Return a random nolor # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def rndColor(x): def rnd(zw): w = zw & 0xffff z = (zw >> 16) & 0xffff z = 36969 * (z & 0xffff) + (z >> 16) w = 18000 * (w & 0xffff) + (w >> 16) return (z << 16) + (w & 0xffff) x = rnd(x) R = (x % 224) + 16 x = rnd(x) G = (x % 224) + 16 x = rnd(x) B = (x % 224) + 16 return R << 16 | G << 8 | B
# =============================================================================== # Matrix class # Use 4x4 matrix for vector transformations # ===============================================================================
[docs]class Matrix(list): """Matrix 4x4 used for vector transformations""" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, rows=4, cols=-1, type=0): """ Matrix(rows=4, cols=-1, type=0|1) if rows is integer then Create a matrix rows x cols either zero(type=0) or unary(type=1) elif rows is a list of lists create a matrix from a double-list """ if isinstance(rows, list): lst = rows self.rows = len(lst) self.extend([[]] * self.rows) if isinstance(lst[0], list): self.cols = len(lst[0]) for i in range(self.rows): self[i] = lst[i][:] if len(self[i]) != self.cols: raise Exception("Not a valid double-list for a matrix") else: self.cols = 1 for i in range(self.rows): self[i] = [lst[i]] else: if rows < 2: raise Exception("Array size too small") if cols < 0: cols = rows self.rows = rows self.cols = cols self += [[]] * rows if type == 1: self.unary() else: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a diagonal square matrix from a list # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def diagonal(lst): m = Matrix(len(lst), type=0) i = 0 for item in lst: m[i][i] = item i += 1 return m
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # append row # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def append(self, col): list.append(self, col) self.rows += 1
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def translate(x, y=0.0, z=0.0): """m = Matrix.translate(x,y,z|vector) @return a translation matrix""" m = Matrix(4, type=1) if isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, tuple): m[0][3] = x[0] m[1][3] = x[1] m[2][3] = x[2] else: m[0][3] = x m[1][3] = y m[2][3] = z return m
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def scale(sx, sy=None, sz=None): """m = Matrix.scale(scale|vector) @return a scaling matrix""" m = Matrix(4, type=1) if sy is None: sy = sx if sz is None: sz = sx if isinstance(sx, list) or isinstance(sx, tuple): m[0][0] = sx[0] m[1][1] = sx[1] m[2][2] = sx[2] else: m[0][0] = sx m[1][1] = sy m[2][2] = sz return m
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def zero(self): """Zero matrix""" for i in range(self.rows): self[i] = [0.0] * self.cols
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def unary(self): """Unary matrix""" for i in range(min(self.rows, self.cols)): self[i][i] = 1.0
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a transformation matrix from 3 normalized vectors # and optionally a translation # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def make(self, X, Y, Z=None, T=None): """Create a transformation matrix from 3 normalized vectors""" self.unary() if self.rows in (3, 4) and self.cols == self.rows: if Z is None: Z = X ^ Y Z.normalize() for i in range(3): self[0][i] = X[i] self[1][i] = Y[i] self[2][i] = Z[i] if T is not None and self.rows == 4: self[i][3] = T[i] else: raise Exception("Matrix.make() works only " "on Matrix(3x3) or Matrix(4x4)")
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): """Multiline string representation of matrix""" s = "" for i in range(self.rows): if i == 0: first = "/" last = "\\" elif i == self.rows - 1: first = "\\" last = "/" else: first = last = "|" s += first for j in range(self.cols): s += " " + _format % self[i][j] s += " " + last + "\n" return s # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def writeOctave(self, filename, name): """Write an octave matrix file""" f = open(filename, "w") f.write("# bmath.Matrix\n") f.write("# name: %s\n" % (name)) f.write("# type: matrix\n") f.write("# rows: %d\n" % (self.rows)) f.write("# columns: %d\n" % (self.cols)) for i in range(self.rows): for j in range(self.cols): f.write("%s " % (str(self[i][j]))) f.write("\n") f.close()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def T(self): """@return transpose matrix""" m = Matrix(self.cols, self.rows) for i in range(self.rows): for j in range(self.cols): m[j][i] = self[i][j] return m
transpose = T # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def trace(self): """Return trace of matrix (sum of diagonal elements)""" t = 0.0 for i in range(min(self.rows, self.cols)): t += self[i][i] return t
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __eq__(self, m): """Test for equality of 2 matrices""" if self.rows != m.rows or self.cols != m.cols: return False for i in range(self.rows): for j in range(self.cols): if abs(self[i][j] - m[i][j]): return False return True # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a rotation matrix around one axis # X = 0 # Y = 1 # Z = 2 # or an arbitrary vector # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def rotate(self, angle, axis): """Add rotation elements to the matrix around one axis Axis X=0, Y=1, Z=2, or an arbitrary one given by vector axis""" self.unary() c = math.cos(angle) s = math.sin(angle) if isinstance(axis, int): m1 = ((axis + 1) % 3) + 1 m2 = m1 % 3 m1 -= 1 self[m1][m1] = c self[m2][m2] = c self[m1][m2] = -s self[m2][m1] = s elif isinstance(axis, Vector): length = axis.length() x = axis[0] / length y = axis[1] / length z = axis[2] / length c1 = 1 - c self[0][0] = x * x + (1 - x * x) * c self[0][1] = x * y * c1 - z * s self[0][2] = x * z * c1 + y * s self[1][0] = x * y * c1 + z * s self[1][1] = y * y + (1 - y * y) * c self[1][2] = y * z * c1 - x * s self[2][0] = x * z * c1 - y * s self[2][1] = y * z * c1 + x * s self[2][2] = z * z + (1 - z * z) * c
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def rotX(angle): """m = Matrix.rotX(angle) - Return a rotation matrix around X""" m = Matrix(4, type=1) m.rotate(angle, 0) return m
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def rotY(angle): """m = Matrix.rotY(angle) - Return a rotation matrix arround Y""" m = Matrix(4, type=1) m.rotate(angle, 1) return m
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def rotZ(angle): """m = Matrix.rotZ(angle) - Return a rotation matrix arround Z""" m = Matrix(4, type=1) m.rotate(angle, 2) return m
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def getEulerRotation(self): # ROTX(x) * ROTY(y) * ROTZ(z) # cos(z)*cos(y) # sin(z)*cos(y) # -sin(y) # -sin(z)*cos(x)+cos(z)*sin(y)*sin(x) # cos(z)*cos(x)+sin(z)*sin(y)*sin(x) # cos(y)*sin(x) # sin(z)*sin(x)+cos(z)*sin(y)*cos(x) # -cos(z)*sin(x)+sin(z)*sin(y)*cos(x) # cos(y)*cos(x) rx = math.atan2(self[1][2], self[2][2]) ry = -math.asin(self[0][2]) rz = math.atan2(self[0][1], self[0][0]) return rx, ry, rz
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def eulerRotation(rx, ry, rz): # ROTX(x) * ROTY(y) * ROTZ(z) m = Matrix(4, type=1) cx = math.cos(rx) cy = math.cos(ry) cz = math.cos(rz) sx = math.sin(rx) sy = math.sin(ry) sz = math.sin(rz) row = m[0] row[0] = cz * cy row[1] = sz * cy row[2] = -sy row = m[1] row[0] = -sz * cx + cz * sy * sx row[1] = cz * cx + sz * sy * sx row[2] = cy * sx row = m[2] row[0] = sz * sx + cz * sy * cx row[1] = -cz * sx + sz * sy * cx row[2] = cy * cx return m
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __add__(self, B): """Add 2 matrices""" if self.rows != B.rows or self.cols != B.cols: raise Exception("Matrix.add: matrices same size") m = Matrix(self.rows, self.cols) for i in range(self.rows): mrow = m[i] arow = self[i] brow = B[i] for j in range(self.cols): mrow[j] = arow[j] + brow[j] return m # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __sub__(self, B): """Subtract 2 matrices""" if self.rows != B.rows or self.cols != B.cols: raise Exception("Matrix.add: matrices same size") m = Matrix(self.rows, self.cols) for i in range(self.rows): mrow = m[i] arow = self[i] brow = B[i] for j in range(self.cols): mrow[j] = arow[j] - brow[j] return m # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __neg__(self): """Negate matrix""" m = Matrix(self.rows, self.cols) for i in range(self.rows): mrow = m[i] mold = self[i] for j in range(self.cols): mrow[j] = -mold[j] return m # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __mul__(self, B): """Multiply two matrices or vector A.__mul__(B|vec) <==> A*B or A*vec""" if isinstance(B, Matrix): # has to be a matrix of same cxN * Nxr if self.cols != B.rows: raise Exception("arrays don't have the correct dimensions") r = Matrix(self.rows, B.cols) for i in range(self.rows): for j in range(B.cols): s = 0.0 for k in range(self.cols): s += self[i][k] * B[k][j] r[i][j] = s return r elif isinstance(B, list): # Vector or list vecsize = len(B) v = Vector(vecsize) for i in range(vecsize): for j in range(min(self.cols, vecsize)): v[i] += self[i][j] * B[j] for j in range(vecsize, self.cols): v[i] += self[i][j] return v else: for row in self: for i in range(self.cols): row[i] *= B return self # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Special function to multiply a transformation matrix with a vector # ignoring the translation # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def multNoTranslation(self, B): """Multiply matrix with a vector ignoring the translation part""" if not isinstance(B, list): raise Exception("Invalid operation") vecsize = len(B) v = Vector(vecsize) for i in range(vecsize): for j in range(min(self.cols, vecsize)): v[i] += self[i][j] * B[j] return v
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def inv(self): """Inverse matrix in place""" if self.rows != self.cols: raise Exception("inverting a non square matrix") index = [0] * self.rows self.__ludcmp(index) y = Matrix(self.rows) for j in range(self.rows): col = [0.0] * self.rows col[j] = 1.0 self.__lubksb(index, col) for i in range(self.rows): y[i][j] = col[i] for j in range(self.rows): self[j] = y[j]
inverse = inv # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def clone(self): """Clone matrix""" m = Matrix(self.rows, self.cols) for i in range(self.rows): m[i] = self[i][:] return m
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # determinant with Gauss method # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def det(self, eps=_accuracy): """determinant of square matrix using Gauss method""" if self.rows == 2: return self[0][0] * self[1][1] - self[1][0] * self[0][1] elif self.rows == 3: return self[0][0] * (self[1][1] * self[2][2] - self[2][1] * self[1][2]) \ - self[0][1] * (self[1][0] * self[2][2] - self[2][0] * self[1][2]) \ + self[0][2] * (self[1][0] * self[2][1] - self[2][0] * self[1][1]) M = self.clone() s = 1.0 n = M.rows for i in range(n - 1): # find the absolute maximum value ma = abs(M[i][i]) k = i for j in range(i + 1, n): if abs(M[j][i]) > ma: ma = abs(M[j][i]) k = j if ma < eps: return 0.0 # swap rows i,k if i != k: s = -s # Change sign of determinate for j in range(n): d = M[i][j] M[i][j] = M[k][j] M[k][j] = d # make all the following rows with zero at the i column for j in range(i + 1, n): if abs(M[j][i]) < _accuracy: continue d = -M[i][i] / M[j][i] s *= d for k in range(i, n): M[j][k] = M[i][k] + d * M[j][k] d = M[0][0] / s for i in range(1, n): d *= M[i][i] return d
determinant = det # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LU decomposition. # Parameters # index[0:size] row permutation record # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __ludcmp(self, index): # procedure expose indx. size = self.rows vv = [0.0] * size for i in range(size): big = 0.0 for j in range(size): big = max(abs(self[i][j]), big) if big == 0: raise Exception("Singular matrix found") vv[i] = 1.0 / big for j in range(size): for i in range(j): s = self[i][j] for k in range(i): s -= self[i][k] * self[k][j] self[i][j] = s big = 0.0 for i in range(j, size): s = self[i][j] for k in range(j): s -= self[i][k] * self[k][j] self[i][j] = s dum = vv[i] * abs(s) if dum >= big: big = dum imax = i if j != imax: for k in range(size): dum = self[imax][k] self[imax][k] = self[j][k] self[j][k] = dum vv[imax] = vv[j] index[j] = imax if self[j][j] == 0.0: self[j][j] = 1E-20 if j != size - 1: dum = 1.0 / self[j][j] for i in range(j + 1, size): self[i][j] *= dum # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # backward substitution # index[0:size] row permutation record # col[0:size] right hand vector (?) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __lubksb(self, index, col): ii = -1 size = self.rows for i in range(size): ip = index[i] s = col[ip] col[ip] = col[i] if ii >= 0: for j in range(ii, i): s -= self[i][j] * col[j] elif s != 0.0: ii = i col[i] = s for i in range(size - 1, -1, -1): s = col[i] for j in range(i + 1, size): s -= self[i][j] * col[j] col[i] = s / self[i][i]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Basic Matrices # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matrix.O = Matrix(4, type=0) # noqa: E741 Matrix.U = Matrix(4, type=1) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Quaternion # # Note: See the following for more information on quaternions: # # - Shoemake, K., Animating rotation with quaternion curves, Computer # Graphics 19, No 3 (Proc. SIGGRAPH'85), 245-254, 1985. # - Pletinckx, D., Quaternion calculus as a basic tool in computer # graphics, The Visual Computer 5, 2-13, 1989. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Quaternion(list): def __init__(self, a, b=None, c=None, d=None): if isinstance(a, Quaternion): self.extend(a) elif isinstance(a, Matrix): tr = a[0][0] + a[1][1] + a[2][2] + 1.0 # trace of matrix if tr > 0: S = math.sqrt(tr) * 2.0 # S=4*qw qw = 0.25 * S qx = (a[2][1] - a[1][2]) / S qy = (a[0][2] - a[2][0]) / S qz = (a[1][0] - a[0][1]) / S elif a[0][0] > a[1][1] and a[0][0] > a[2][2]: # S=4*qx S = math.sqrt(1.0 + a[0][0] - a[1][1] - a[2][2]) * 2.0 qx = 0.25 * S qy = (a[0][1] + a[1][0]) / S qz = (a[0][2] + a[2][0]) / S qw = (a[2][1] - a[1][2]) / S elif a[1][1] > a[2][2]: # S=4*qy S = math.sqrt(1.0 + a[1][1] - a[0][0] - a[2][2]) * 2.0 qx = (a[0][1] + a[1][0]) / S qy = 0.25 * S qz = (a[1][2] + a[2][1]) / S qw = (a[0][2] - a[2][0]) / S else: # S=4*qz S = math.sqrt(1.0 + a[2][2] - a[0][0] - a[1][1]) * 2.0 qx = (a[0][2] + a[2][0]) / S qy = (a[1][2] + a[2][1]) / S qz = 0.25 * S qw = (a[1][0] - a[0][1]) / S self.extend([qx, qy, qz, qw]) elif isinstance(a, Vector) and isinstance(b, float): s = math.sin(b / 2.0) / a.length() self.append(a[0] * s) self.append(a[1] * s) self.append(a[2] * s) self.append(math.cos(b / 2.0)) else: self.extend([a, b, c, d]) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Quaternions always obey: a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2 = 1.0 # If they don't add up to 1.0, dividing by their magnitued will # renormalize them. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def norm(self): """normalize quaternion""" mag = math.sqrt(self[0]**2 + self[1]**2 + self[2]**2 + self[3]**2) self[0] /= mag self[1] /= mag self[2] /= mag self[3] /= mag return mag
normalize = norm # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def vector(self): """return vector of quaternion""" return Vector(self[0], self[1], self[2])
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # return rotation matrix # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def matrix(self): """return rotation matrix""" m = Matrix(4, type=1) m[0][0] = 1.0 - 2.0 * (self[1] * self[1] + self[2] * self[2]) m[0][1] = 2.0 * (self[0] * self[1] - self[2] * self[3]) m[0][2] = 2.0 * (self[2] * self[0] + self[1] * self[3]) m[1][0] = 2.0 * (self[0] * self[1] + self[2] * self[3]) m[1][1] = 1.0 - 2.0 * (self[2] * self[2] + self[0] * self[0]) m[1][2] = 2.0 * (self[1] * self[2] - self[0] * self[3]) m[2][0] = 2.0 * (self[2] * self[0] - self[1] * self[3]) m[2][1] = 2.0 * (self[1] * self[2] + self[0] * self[3]) m[2][2] = 1.0 - 2.0 * (self[1] * self[1] + self[0] * self[0]) return m
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Given two rotations, e1 and e2, expressed as quaternion rotations, # figure out the equivalent single rotation and stuff it into dest. # This routine also normalizes the result every RENORMCOUNT times it is # called, to keep error from creeping in. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __add__(self, b): v1 = self.vector() v2 = b.vector() t1 = v1 * b[3] t2 = v2 * self[3] t3 = v2.cross(v1) tf = t1 + t2 + t3 q = Quaternion(tf, self[3] * b[3] - q.norm() return q # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __iadd__(self, b): v1 = self.vector() v2 = b.vector() t1 = v1 * b[3] t2 = v2 * self[3] t3 = v2.cross(v1) tf = t1 + t2 + t3 self[0] = tf[0] self[1] = tf[1] self[2] = tf[2] self[3] = self[3] * b[3] - self.norm() return self
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def gauss(A, B): """Solve A*X = B using the Gauss elimination method""" n = len(A) s = [0.0] * n X = [0.0] * n p = list(range(n)) for i in range(n): s[i] = max([abs(x) for x in A[i]]) for k in range(n - 1): # select j>=k so that # |A[p[j]][k]| / s[p[i]] >= |A[p[i]][k]| / s[p[i]] for i = k,k+1,...,n j = k ap = abs(A[p[j]][k]) / s[p[j]] for i in range(k + 1, n): api = abs(A[p[i]][k]) / s[p[i]] if api > ap: j = i ap = api if j != k: p[k], p[j] = p[j], p[k] # Swap values for i in range(k + 1, n): z = A[p[i]][k] / A[p[k]][k] A[p[i]][k] = z for j in range(k + 1, n): A[p[i]][j] -= z * A[p[k]][j] for k in range(n - 1): for i in range(k + 1, n): B[p[i]] -= A[p[i]][k] * B[p[k]] for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1): X[i] = B[p[i]] for j in range(i + 1, n): X[i] -= A[p[i]][j] * X[j] X[i] /= A[p[i]][i] return X
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def solveOverDetermined(A, B, W=None): """Solve the overdetermined linear system defined by the matrices A,B such as A*X = B Optionally a weight can be specified""" if A.rows < A.cols: raise Exception("solveOverDetermined: " "A matrix has more columns than rows") AT = A.transpose() if W: Wd = Matrix.diagonal(W) ATA = AT * Wd * A ATB = AT * Wd * B else: ATA = AT * A ATB = AT * B ATA.inv() RT = ATA * ATB return [RT[i][0] for i in range(len(RT))]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def linear(X, Y): """ Solve linear regression y = ax + b @return a,b,r """ Sx = Sy = Sx2 = Sy2 = Sxy = 0.0 for x, y in zip(X, Y): Sx += x Sy += y Sx2 += x * x Sy2 += y * y Sxy += x * y n = float(len(X)) try: b = (Sxy - Sx * Sy / n) / (Sx2 - Sx * Sx / n) a = Sy / n - b * Sx / n r = (Sxy - Sx * Sy / n) / math.sqrt(Sx2 - Sx * Sx / n) * \ math.sqrt(Sy2 - Sy * Sy / n) return a, b, r except ZeroDivisionError: return None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Idiotimes pragmatikwv symmetrikwv pivakwv # # O algori8mos poy xrnsimopoieitai stnv roytiva eivai gvwstos sav # proseggistikn me8odos Jacobi. # O algori8mos ekmetaleyetai tnv idiotnta poy exoyv oi diagwvioi # pivakes, dnladn pivakes me mndevika ola ta stoixeia ektos tns # kyrias diagwvioy, va exoyv sav idiotimes ta diagwvia stoixeia. # Me tov metasxnmatismo. # T T # A1 = R1 (f) A R1(f), A2 = R2 (f) A1 R2(f) # metaballoyme syvexws tov pivaka A, mexris otoy to a8roisma olwv # twv mn diagwviwv stoixeiwv f8asei mia ka8orismevn timn tns eklogns # toy xrnstn n givei mndev # Ta bnmata tns diadikasias eivai: # 1. Avazntnsn toy apolytws megistoy mn diagwvioy stoixeioy # Divei ta p kai q # 2. Prosdiorismos tns gwvias peristrofns f. Divei ta sinf kai cosf # 3. Metasxnmatismos Ai -> Ai+1 # 4. Elegxos av to a8roisma twv mn diagwviwv stoixeiwv exei f8asei tnv # epi8ymntn timn. Eav vai tote ta diagwvia stoixeia eivai oi # proseggiseis twv idiotimwv, eav oxi tote epistrefoyme sto 1. # px. | 1 -2 -1 | # A = | -2 1 -1 | # | -1 -1 2.5| # apolyto megisto A(1,2) = -2 # Ypologizoyme tnv gwvia f, co=cos(f), si=sin(f) kai kavoyme tov # metasxnmatismo # | co -si 0 | | 1 -2 -1 | | co si 0 | # A = | si co 0 | x | -2 1 -1 | x | -si co 0 | # | 0 0 1 | | -1 -1 2.5| | 0 0 1 | # # # Oi parametroi tns roytivas eivai oi e3ns: # A - pivakas tetragwvikos # eps - akribeia (a8roisma tetragwvwv) # check - av prepei va elejei tnv symmetria toy arxikoy pivaka # n oxi # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def eigenvalues(M, eps=_accuracy, check=False): """Return eigen values and eigen vectors of a symmetric matrix""" n = M.rows # elegxos av eivai symmetrikos o pivakas if check: if n != M.cols: return None for i in range(n): for j in range(i, n): if M[i][j] != M[j][i]: return None # Allocate arrays A = M.clone() R = Matrix(n, type=0) RT = Matrix(n, type=0) ZW = Matrix(n, type=0) V = None # kavovika 8a prepei meta apo merikes prospa8eies va tov aporiptei while True: # Bnma 1. Avazntnsn toy apolytws megistoy mn diagwvioy stoixeioy p = 0 q = 1 el = abs(A[p][q]) for i in range(1, n): for j in range(i): if abs(A[i][j]) > el: el = abs(A[i][j]) p = i q = j if el == 0: break # Ftiaxvei ta R, RT for i in range(n): for j in range(n): R[i][j] = RT[i][j] = (i == j) # Bnma 2. Prosdiorizei tnv gwvia f, cosf kai sinf fi = (A[q][q] - A[p][p]) / (2.0 * A[p][q]) t = 1.0 / (fi + math.sqrt(fi * fi + 1.0)) if fi < 0: t = -t co = 1.0 / math.sqrt(1.0 + t * t) si = t / math.sqrt(1.0 + t * t) R[p][p] = R[q][q] = co RT[p][p] = RT[q][q] = co R[p][q] = si R[q][p] = -si RT[p][q] = -si RT[q][p] = si # Bnma 3. metasxnmatismos Ai+1 = Rt * Ai * R # ka8os kai to ginomeno Rn*...*R2*R1 that # gives us the eigenvectors if V is None: V = R.clone() else: V = V * R for i in range(n): for j in range(n): if j not in (p, q): ZW[i][j] = A[i][j] else: zw1 = 0 for k in range(n): zw1 += A[i][k] * R[k][j] ZW[i][j] = zw1 for i in range(n): for j in range(n): if i not in (p, q): A[i][j] = ZW[i][j] else: zw1 = 0 for k in range(n): zw1 += RT[i][k] * ZW[k][j] A[i][j] = zw1 # Bnma 4. Briskoymai to a8roisma kai elegxoyme av teleiwse zw1 = 0 k = 0 for i in range(1, n): for j in range(i): zw1 += A[i][j] * A[i][j] k += 1 zw1 /= n # Exit condition if zw1 <= eps: break return ([A[i][i] for i in range(n)], V.T())
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Given a function, and given a bracketing triplet of abscissas ax,bx,cx (such # that bx is between ax and cx, and f(bx) is less than both f(ax) and f(cx), # this routing performs a golden section search for the minimum, isolating it # to a fractional precision of about eps. The abscissa of the minimum is # returned as xmin, and the minimum function value is returned as golden, the # returned function value. # # @param func function to be evaluated # @param ax triplet of abscissas ax,bx,cx # @param bx where func(x+bx*d) < min[ func(x+ax*d), func(x+cx*d) ] # @param cx ... # @param x starting vector/value # @param d direction vector/value # @param eps accuracy of search # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def goldenSectionSearch(func, ax, bx, cx, x, d=1, eps=_accuracy): R = 0.61803399 # The golden ratio C = (1.0 - R) x0 = ax # At any given time we will keep track of four points x3 = cx # x0, x1, x2, x3 if abs(cx - bx) > abs(bx - ax): x1 = bx x2 = bx + C * (cx - bx) else: x2 = bx x1 = bx - C * (bx - ax) f1 = func(x + x1 * d) # The initial function evaluation f2 = func(x + x2 * d) while abs(x3 - x0) > eps * (abs(x1) + abs(x2)): if f2 < f1: x0 = x1 x1 = x2 x2 = R * x1 + C * x3 f1 = f2 f2 = func(x + x2 * d) else: x3 = x2 x2 = x1 x1 = R * x2 + C * x0 f2 = f1 f1 = func(x + x1 * d) if f1 < f2: return x1 else: return x2
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generators for calculating a) the permutations of a sequence and # b) the combinations and selections of a number of elements from a # sequence. Uses Python 2.2 generators. # Similar solutions found also in comp.lang.python # Keywords: generator, combination, permutation, selection # # See also: # See also: # See also: # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def xcombinations(items, n): if n <= 0: yield [] else: for i in range(len(items)): for cc in xcombinations(items[:i] + items[i + 1:], n - 1): yield [items[i]] + cc
[docs]def xuniqueCombinations(items, n): if n <= 0: yield [] else: for i in range(len(items)): for cc in xuniqueCombinations(items[i + 1:], n - 1): yield [items[i]] + cc
[docs]def xselections(items, n): if n <= 0: yield [] else: for i in range(len(items)): for ss in xselections(items, n - 1): yield [items[i]] + ss
[docs]def xpermutations(items): return xcombinations(items, len(items))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Conversion between rectangular and polar coordinates # Usage: # real, real = rect(real, real [, deg=False]) # real, real = polar(real, real [, deg=False]) # Normally, rect() and polar() uses radian for angle; but, # if deg=True specified, degree is used instead. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # radian if deg=False; degree if deg=True
[docs]def rect(r, w, deg=False): """ Convert from polar (r,w) to rectangular (x,y) x = r cos(w) y = r sin(w) """ if deg: w = math.radians(w) return r * math.cos(w), r * math.sin(w)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # radian if deg=False; degree if deg=True # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def polar(x, y, deg=False): """ Convert from rectangular (x,y) to polar (r,w) r = sqrt(x^2 + y^2) w = arctan(y/x) = [-pi,pi] = [-180,180] """ if deg: return math.hypot(x, y), math.degrees(math.atan2(y, x)) else: return math.hypot(x, y), math.atan2(y, x)
[docs]def quadratic(b, c, eps=_accuracy): D = b * b - 4.0 * c if D <= 0.0: x1 = -0.5 * b # Always return this as a solution!!! if D >= -eps * (b * b + abs(c)): return x1, x1 else: return None, None else: if b > 0.0: bD = -b - math.sqrt(D) else: bD = -b + math.sqrt(D) return 0.5 * bD, 2.0 * c / bD
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Cubic equation: y^3 + a*y^2 + b*y + c = 0 (or ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d = 0) # # Normally, x^3 + ax^2 + bx + c = 0 is assumed with the 3 coefficients as # arguments; but, if 4 arguments are present, then ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d = 0 is # assumed. # # Even though both quadratic() and cubic() functions take real arguments, they # can be modified to accept any real or complex coefficients because the method # of solution does not make any assumptions. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def cubic(a, b, c, d=None, eps=_accuracy): if d is not None: # (ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d = 0) a, b, c = b / float(a), c / float(a), d / float(a) Q = (a * a - 3.0 * b) / 9.0 R = (2. * a**3 - 9. * a * b + 27. * c) / 54. R2 = R**2 Q3 = Q**3 if R2 < Q3: # the cubic has 3 real solutions theta = math.acos(R / math.sqrt(Q3)) sqrt_Q = math.sqrt(Q) x1 = -2. * sqrt_Q * math.cos(theta / 3.) - a / 3. x2 = -2. * sqrt_Q * math.cos((theta + 2. * math.pi) / 3.) - a / 3. x3 = -2. * sqrt_Q * math.cos((theta - 2. * math.pi) / 3.) - a / 3. return x1, x2, x3 A = -math.copysign(1.0, R) * (abs(R) + math.sqrt(R2 - Q3))**(1. / 3.) if abs(A) > eps: B = Q / A else: B = 0.0 return (A + B) - a / 3., None, None
# imaginary roots # x2 = -(A+B)/2 - a/3 + i*sqrt(3)*(A-B) # x3 = -(A+B)/2 - a/3 - i*sqrt(3)*(A-B) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fit a plane to a set of points using least square fitting # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def fitPlane(xyz): # First do statistics with points Sx = Sy = Sz = 0.0 Sx2 = Sy2 = Sz2 = 0.0 Sxy = Syz = Sxz = 0.0 for x, y, z in xyz: Sx += x Sy += y Sz += z Sx2 += x**2 Sy2 += y**2 Sz2 += z**2 Sxy += x * y Syz += y * z Sxz += x * z n = float(len(xyz)) Sx /= n Sy /= n Sz /= n Vx = Sx2 / n - Sx**2 Vy = Sy2 / n - Sy**2 Vz = Sz2 / n - Sz**2 # Count zero variances nv = int(abs(Vx) <= _accuracy) + int(abs(Vy) <= _accuracy) + \ int(abs(Vz) <= _accuracy) if nv > 1: return None elif nv == 1: # Planes parallel to axes # Try the solution of x=Xo or y=Yo or z=Zo if abs(Vx) <= _accuracy: return 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -Sx elif abs(Vy) <= _accuracy: return 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -Sy else: return 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -Sz # Try a generic solution # z = ax + by + d <=> ax + by -z + d = 0 # assuming c=-1 # it can only fail on ax + by + d = 0 # # / Sx2 Sxy Sx \ / Sxz \ # | Sxy Sy2 Sy | * X = | Syz | # \ Sx Sy n / \ Sz / A = Matrix([[Sx2, Sxy, Sx], [Sxy, Sy2, Sy], [Sx, Sy, n]]) B = Matrix([[Sxz], [Syz], [Sz]]) try: A.inverse() X = A * B return X[0][0], X[1][0], -1.0, X[2][0] except Exception: pass # Try a solution where c=0 # y = ax + d <=> ax -y +d = 0 # . # / Sx2 Sx \ / Sxy \ # | | * X = | | # \ Sx n / \ Sy / A = Matrix([[Sx2, Sx], [Sx, n]]) B = Matrix([[Sxy], [Sy]]) try: A.inverse() X = A * B return X[0][0], -1.0, 0.0, X[1][0] except Exception: return None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Evaluating n'th degree polynomial is simple loop, starting with highest # coefficient a[n]. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def polyeval(a, x): """ p(x) = polyeval(a, x) = a[0] + a[1]x + a[2]x^2 +...+ a[n-1]x^{n-1} + a[n]x^n = a[0] + x(a[1] + x(a[2] +...+ x(a[n-1] + a[n]x)...) """ p = 0 a.reverse() for coef in a: p = p * x + coef a.reverse() return p
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find the first derivative of a polynomial # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def polyderiv(a): """ p'(x) = polyderiv(a) = b[0] + b[1]x + b[2]x^2 +...+ b[n-2]x^{n-2} + b[n-1]x^{n-1} where b[i] = (i+1)a[i+1] """ b = [] for i in range(1, len(a)): b.append(i * a[i]) return b
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Factor out a root from n'th degree polynomial, and return the remaining # (n-1)'th degree polynomial. # list = polyreduce(list, number) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def polyreduce(a, root): """ Given x = r is a root of n'th degree polynomial p(x) = (x-r)q(x), divide p(x) by linear factor (x-r) using the same algorithm as polynomial evaluation. Then, return the (n-1)'th degree quotient q(x) = polyreduce(a, r) = c[0] + c[1]x + c[2]x^2 +...+ c[n-2]x^{n-2} + c[n-1]x^{n-1} """ c, p = [], 0 a.reverse() for coef in a: p = p * root + coef c.append(p) a.reverse() c.reverse() return c[1:]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Conversion from integer to Roman # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def int2roman(num): """ Convert an integer to Roman numeral """ if not isinstance(num, int): raise TypeError("expected integer, got %s" % type(input)) if not 0 < num < 4000: raise ValueError("Argument must be between 1 and 3999") ints = (1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1) nums = ('M', 'CM', 'D', 'CD', 'C', 'XC', 'L', 'XL', 'X', 'IX', 'V', 'IV', 'I') result = "" for i in range(len(ints)): count = int(num / ints[i]) result += nums[i] * count num -= ints[i] * count return result
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Conversion from Roman to integer # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def roman2int(roman): """ convert a roman string to integer """ if not isinstance(roman, str): raise TypeError("expected string, got %s" % type(roman)) roman = roman.upper() nums = ('M', 'D', 'C', 'L', 'X', 'V', 'I') ints = (1000, 500, 100, 50, 10, 5, 1) places = [] for c in roman: if c not in nums: raise ValueError("input is not a valid roman numeral: %s" % roman) for i in range(len(roman)): c = roman[i] value = ints[nums.index(c)] # If the next place holds a larger number, this value is negative. try: nextvalue = ints[nums.index(roman[i + 1])] if nextvalue > value: value *= -1 except IndexError: # there is no next place. pass places.append(value) sum = 0 for n in places: sum += n # Easiest test for validity... if int2roman(sum) == roman: return sum else: raise ValueError('input is not a valid roman numeral: %s' % roman)
# =============================================================================== if __name__ == "__main__": from pymchelper.flair.common.log import say for i in range(4, 50): num = "-1e-%d" % (i) say(num, repr(float(num)), format_number(num, 10)) digits = "1234567890123456789012345678" for i in range(len(digits)): num = digits[:i] say("%02d %40s |%10s|" % (i, num, format_number(num, 10))) say() for i in range(len(digits)): num = digits[:i] + ".123" say("%02d %40s |%10s|" % (i, num, format_number(num, 10))) say() for i in range(len(digits)): num = digits[:i] + ".1234567890" say("%02d %40s |%10s|" % (i, num, format_number(num, 10))) say() for i in range(len(digits)): num = "-" + digits[:i] say("%02d %40s |%10s|" % (i, num, format_number(num, 10))) say() for i in range(len(digits)): num = "-" + digits[:i] + ".123" say("%02d %40s |%10s|" % (i, num, format_number(num, 10))) say() for i in range(len(digits)): num = "-" + digits[:i] + ".1234567890" say("%02d %40s |%10s|" % (i, num, format_number(num, 10))) say(Vector.O) a = 1.2345678901234567890 w = -1e-05 say(format_number(w, 22)) say(format_number(a, 22)) say(Vector.Y.direction(0.0000001)) a = Vector(range(5)) a.norm() say("a=", a, "len(a)=", a.length()) b = Vector(range(5)) say("b=", b, "length(b)=", b.length(), "len(b)=", len(b)) say("matO\n", Matrix.O) say("matU\n", Matrix.U) M = Matrix(4) a = Vector(0.1, 0.2, 0.3) M.rotate(math.radians(45.0), a) say("M\n", M) say("a=", a) say("M*a=", M * a) say("M*X=", M * Vector.X) say(d2s(dms(1, 2, 3.006))) M = Matrix([[1.0, -2.0, -3.0, 1.0], [-2.0, 1.0, -2.0, -1.0], [-3.0, -2.0, 2.0, 2.0], [1.0, -1.0, 2.0, 3.0]]) say("M=\n", M) say("det(M)=", M.det()) v, u = eigenvalues(M) say("Eigenvalues=", v) say("Eigenvectors=\n", u) say("uT * diag(v) * u=\n", u.T() * Matrix.diagonal(v) * u) say() say("Permutations of 'love'") for p in xpermutations(['l', 'o', 'v', 'e']): say(''.join(p)) say() say("Combinations of 2 letters from 'love'") for c in xcombinations(['l', 'o', 'v', 'e'], 2): say(''.join(c)) say() say("Unique Combinations of 2 letters from 'love'") for uc in xuniqueCombinations(['l', 'o', 'v', 'e'], 2): say(''.join(uc)) say() say("Selections of 2 letters from 'love'") for s in xselections(['l', 'o', 'v', 'e'], 2): say(''.join(s)) say() say(map(''.join, list(xpermutations('done')))) say() say("cubic(x^3-3x^2-10x+24=0)=", cubic(-3.0, -10.0, 24.0)) say() for i in range(1, 51): say(i, int2roman(i))