Source code for pymchelper.flair.Input

# Copyright and User License
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Copyright for the
# European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
# All rights not expressly granted under this license are reserved.
# Installation, use, reproduction, display of the
# software ("flair"), in source and binary forms, are
# permitted free of charge on a non-exclusive basis for
# internal scientific, non-commercial and non-weapon-related
# use by non-profit organizations only.
# For commercial use of the software, please contact the main
# author for further information.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
#    documentation and/or other materials provided with the
#    distribution.
# ~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

# input useful functions:
#  - read/write : read/write an input file
#  - clone
# - checkFormat(card) FORMAT_FREE / FORMAT_SINGLE
# - addCard(card)
# - delCard(card)
# - delTag(tag) - delete all cards with specific tag
# - delGeometryCards
# - replaceCard(position, card)
# - convert2Names - Convert input to names and check for obsolete and/or non-valid cards
# - validate - ??
# - checkNumbering - ??
# - minimumInput
# - renumber
# Card useful functions:
# - __init__(self, tag, what=None, comment="", extra="")
# - clone
# - appendWhats(self, what, pos=None)
# - appendComment(self, comment):
# - validate(self, case=None):
# - convert(self, tonames=True)
# - whats(self), nwhats()
# - sdum
# - extra
# - comment
# - isGeo
# - type
# - tag
# - what(self, n)
# - setComment(self, comment="")
# - setWhats(self, whats)
# - setSdum(self, s)
# - setExtra(self, e)
# - setWhat(self, w, v)
# - units(self, absolute=True) units used by card
# - commentStr(self)
# - def toStr(self, fmt=None)
# - addZone(self, zone)

import os
import re
import sys
import time
import math
import struct
import string

import pymchelper.flair.common.fortran as fortran
import pymchelper.flair.common.bmath as bmath
import pymchelper.flair.common.csg as csg
from pymchelper.flair.common.log import say

if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
    long = int
    unicode = str
    IntType = int
    LongType = int
    FloatType = float
    BooleanType = bool
    StringType = bytes
    UnicodeType = str
    from types import IntType, LongType, FloatType, BooleanType, StringType, UnicodeType

    import ConfigParser
except ImportError:
    import configparser as ConfigParser

__author__ = "Vasilis Vlachoudis"
__email__ = ""

__first = True

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Activate untest developer code
_developer = False
_useQUA = True
_database = "db/card.ini"

_NAMEPAT = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_.:!\$]*$")
_REGIONPAT = re.compile(r"^\s*([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_.:!\$]*)\s*(-?\d+)\s*(.*)$")
_VOXELPAT = re.compile(r"^VOX[E]?[L]?(\d+)$")
_CWHAT = re.compile(r"^[*!]@what\.(-?\d+)(=.*)$")
_OPT = re.compile(r"^!@(\w+)=(.*)$")
_wPAT = re.compile(r"\bw\(")
_WPAT = re.compile(r"\bW\(")
_WNPAT = re.compile(r"\b([wW])\((-?\d+)\)")
_ROTPAT = re.compile(r"^ROT?#(\d+)$", re.I)
# _PRPPAT    = re.compile(r"^(#\w+)\b *(\w*)[ ,/;\\:] *(.*)$")
_PRPPAT = re.compile(r"^(#\w+)\b *([A-Za-z0-9_.@-]*) *(.*)$")

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configuration
commentedCards = True  # Parse comments for disabled cards
warnMultMat = False  # Warn user on multiple materials

# transformation values
zero = 1.0E-10
infinite = 1.0E10

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Global variables
_defaultMaterials = []  # Default material list (cards)
_defaultMatDict = {}
_icruMaterials = []  # ICRU special compounds (cards)
_icruMatDict = {}
_neutronGroups = {}  # Neutron energy groups as numbers
_neutronGroupsS = {}  # Neutron energy groups as strings with units
_lowMaterials = {}  # LOW-NEUT material cross sections
_usermvax = {}  # Description of user routines

# File formats


SCALE = "*...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....\n"
# SCALE="*tag-----><----1---><---2----><---3----><---4----><---5----><---6----><--sdum--\n"
REGSCALE = "*_..._____.._____.._____.._____.._____.._____.._____.._____.._____.._____\n"

BODY_TAGS = None  # Including VOXELS

# Preprocessor cards that increase or decrease the indent
_INDENT_INC = ("#if", "#ifdef", "#ifndef", "#elif", "#else", "#include", "$start_expansion", "$start_translat",
_INDENT_DEC = ("#elif", "#else", "#endif", "#endinclude", "$end_expansion", "$end_translat", "$end_transform")
_PREPRO_BLOCK = ("#if", "#ifdef", "#ifndef", "#elif", "#else", "#endif")

# Region types

ERROR = "error"
_VOLUME = "@volume"

[docs]class Vector(bmath.Vector): """flair vector returning a string with {} representation""" def __str__(self): return "{%s}" % (list.__str__(self)[1:-1])
_globalDict = { # Mathematical constants "fwhm": 2.0 * math.sqrt(2.0 * math.log(2.0)), # Physics constants "a": 1.0 / 137.035989561, "h": 4.135667516e-15, # eV s "c": 299792458e2, "Na": 6.0221367e23, "qe": 1.60217646e-19, "re": 2.8179409183694872e-13, # Masses "amu": 0.93149432, "amuC12": 0.93123890, "amugr": 1.6605402E-24, "Mp": 0.93827231, "Mn": 0.93956563, "Me": 0.510998910e-3, # Distances "nm": 0.1E-6, "um": 0.1E-3, "mm": 0.1, "cm": 1.0, "dm": 10.0, "m": 100.0, "km": 100.0e3, # Imperial system distances "inch": 2.54, "feet": 30.48, "ft": 30.48, "mile": 160934.4, "mi": 160934.4, # Time "ns": 1.0e-9, "us": 1.0e-6, "ms": 0.001, "s": 1.0, "min": 60.0, "hour": 3600.0, "day": 86400.0, "week": 7.0 * 86400.0, "month": 365.25 / 12.0 * 86400.0, "year": 365.25 * 86400.0, # Prefixes "yotta": 1e24, "zetta": 1e21, "exa": 1e18, "peta": 1e15, "tera": 1e12, "giga": 1e9, "mega": 1e6, "kilo": 1e3, "hecto": 1e2, "deca": 1e1, "deci": 1e-1, "centi": 1e-2, "milli": 1e-3, "micro": 1e-6, "nano": 1e-9, "pico": 1e-12, "femto": 1e-15, "atto": 1e-18, "zepto": 1e-21, "yocto": 1e-24, # Energy "eV": 1e-9, "keV": 1e-6, "MeV": 1e-3, "GeV": 1.0, "TeV": 1e3, "PeV": 1e6, "J": 1.0 / 1.60217646e-10, # Angle "deg": math.pi / 180.0, "rad": 1.0, "mrad": 0.001, # Trig functions in degrees "sind": lambda x: math.sin(math.radians(x)), "cosd": lambda x: math.cos(math.radians(x)), "tand": lambda x: math.tan(math.radians(x)), "asind": lambda x: 180. * math.asin(x) / math.pi, "acosd": lambda x: 180. * math.acos(x) / math.pi, "atand": lambda x: 180. * math.atan(x) / math.pi, # Generic functions "abs": abs, "float": float, "int": int, "len": len, "str": str, # Physics functions "T2g": lambda T, m: 1. + T / m, "g2b": lambda g: math.sqrt(1. - 1. / g**2), "b2g": lambda b: 1. / math.sqrt(1. - b**2), "p2T": lambda p, m: math.sqrt(p**2 + m**2) - m, "T2p": lambda T, m: math.sqrt(T**2 + 2. * m * T), "dT2dp": lambda T, dT, m: (T + m) / math.sqrt(T**2 + 2. * m * T) * dT, "omega": lambda x: 2. * math.pi * (1. - math.cos(x)), "omegad": lambda x: 2. * math.pi * (1. - math.cos(math.radians(x))), "X0": lambda Z, A: 716.4 * float(A) / (float(Z) * (Z + 1.) * math.log(287. / math.sqrt(float(Z)))), # Vector and matrices "Vector": Vector, "Matrix": bmath.Matrix, } # Populate math functions on the local dict for name in dir(math): if name[0] == "_": continue _globalDict[name] = getattr(math, name)
[docs]class LocalDict(dict): """Implement the local dictionary""" def __init__(self, input): self.input = input self.card = None self.clear()
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear dictionary and set default variables""" dict.clear(self) self["w"] = lambda w, s=self: s.card.numWhat(w) self["W"] = lambda w, s=self: s.card.evalWhat(w) self["b"] = lambda n, w, s=self: s.bodyWhat(n, w) self["C"] = lambda t, n, w, s=self: s.cardWhat(t, n, w)
def __getitem__(self, item): """Default getitem""" try: return dict.__getitem__(self, item) except Exception: # check defines defines = self.input.cardsCache("#define") # dummy linear search for define in defines: if define.ignore(): continue if define.sdum().strip() == item: # Convert to int or float if possible val = define.evalWhat(1) try: f = float(val) if float(int(f)) == f: return int(f) return f except Exception: return val if item not in _globalDict: return str(item) # FIXME check for a card like BEAM(0,1) # if cards: return lambda n,w,t=item,s=self: s.cardWhat(t,n,w) # return str(item) raise
[docs] def bodyWhat(self, name, what): bodies = self.input.cardsCache("bodies") body = bodies[name] return body.numWhat(what)
[docs] def cardWhat(self, tag, name, what): cards = self.input.cardsCache(tag) if cards is None: raise Exception("Card %s do not exist" % (tag)) if isinstance(name, str): for card in cards: if card.ignore(): continue if card.sdum() == name: # return card.numWhat(what) val = card.what(what) raise Exception("No card %s with sdum=%s found\n" % (tag, name)) else: # return cards[name].numWhat(what) val = cards[name].what(what) # return a float or int otherwise as is try: f = float(val) if float(int(f)) == f: return int(f) return f except Exception: return val
[docs]def utfWrite(f, s): """Write in utf format if necessary""" try: f.write(s) except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError): f.write(s.encode("utf-8"))
[docs]def utfWriteln(f, s): if sys.version_info > (3, 0): f.write(s + "\n") else: try: f.write(s.decode('ascii') + "\n") except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError): f.write(s.encode("utf-8") + "\n")
[docs]def writeln(f, s): f.write(s + "\n")
[docs]def utfReadline(f): """Readline and convert it to unicode if necessary""" line = f.readline() try: uline = line.decode("utf-8") except (AttributeError, UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError): return line try: # sline = str(uline) # TODO never used ? return line except (AttributeError, UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError): return uline
[docs]def isEvalStr(w): """return is the what string is an evaluated function""" return isinstance(w, str) and w != "" and w[0] in ("=", "$")
[docs]class LowNeutMaterial: """Structures as placeholders""" pass
[docs]class CardInfo: _db = {} # Card information dictionary _funcs = {} # Caching compiled functions def __init__(self, name, group, range_, extra, assert_, default, meaning): if name[0] not in ("$", "#"): self.tag = name[0:8] else: self.tag = name = name = group self.range = range_ self.assert_ = assert_ self.extra = extra self.default = default self.meaning = meaning self.layout = None self.order = 99999 self.disableComment = False # Comment disabled cards instead # of #if 0..#endif self.underline = -1 # process range for units, particles, materials and regions self.rangeCode = [] self.assertCode = [] self.whats = [] if range_ is None: return nwhats = 0 for r in range_: self.rangeCode.append(self.compileConditions(r)) w = len(r) for j in range(len(r) - 1, -1, -1): if r[j] != "-": break w -= 1 nwhats = max(nwhats, w) self.nwhats = nwhats # compile assertion code for assertList in self.assert_: ass = [] for a in assertList: ass.append(self.compileAssert(a)) self.assertCode.append(ass) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def setDisableComment(self, c=False): self.disableComment = c
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compile conditions # The code which is generated is in the form i.e.: # lambda x: x>0 # and should be executed with: # eval(code)(x) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def compileConditions(rng): # the switch condition is given by the f() fields and # by the sdum if is defined # Check sdums code = [] if rng[0] != "-" and rng[0][0].isupper(): sdums = rng[0].split(":") maxlen = max([len(x) for x in sdums]) if maxlen > 8: raise Exception("Error %d %s" % (maxlen, rng[0])) if len(sdums) == 1: s = "lambda x:x==\"%s\"" % (rng[0]) code.append((0, 'f', CardInfo._compileFunc(s))) elif len(sdums) > 0: s = "lambda x:x[:8] in (" for i in sdums: if i == "-": i = "" s += "\"%s\"," % (i) s += ")" code.append((0, 'f', CardInfo._compileFunc(s))) # Check if all [fri]() conditions are met i = 0 for w in rng: if len(w) > 4 and w[1] == "(": s = "lambda x:%s" \ % (w[2:-1].replace(',', ' or ')) code.append((i, w[0], CardInfo._compileFunc(s))) elif w[0] == 'c': s = "lambda x:len(str(x))<=%s" % (w[1:]) code.append((i, w, CardInfo._compileFunc(s))) else: code.append((i, w, None)) i += 1 return code
[docs] @staticmethod def compileAssert(assertStatement): """ Compile assert statement First detect all what references w(#) and replace them with: w(#) -> c.numWhat(#) W(#) -> c.what(#) identify all what-indexes to report as problems and request in the code that are not zero! finally compile the code example: w(8)>w(7) lambda c: c.numWhat(7)==0 or c.numWhat(8)==0 or c.numWhat(8)>c.numWhat(7) :param assertStatement: :return: """ whatUsed = [False] * 21 for match in _WNPAT.finditer(assertStatement): try: whatUsed[int(] = True except Exception: pass ass = _wPAT.sub('c.numWhat(', assertStatement) ass = _WPAT.sub('c.what(', ass) whats = [] expr = "lambda c:" for i, w in enumerate(whatUsed): if w: if i < 20: whats.append(i) expr += "c.what(%d)=='' or " % (i) else: whats.append(-1) expr += "(" + ass + ")" return (whats, CardInfo._compileFunc(expr))
@staticmethod def _compileFunc(s): """Compile or use pre-defined function""" try: return CardInfo._funcs[s] except Exception: c = compile(s, "<string>", "eval") CardInfo._funcs[s] = c return c @staticmethod def _compileFuncName(code): """Return name of compiled function (used for debugging)""" for n, c in CardInfo._funcs.items(): if code == c: return n
[docs] def findCase(self, card): """Find card's range(case)""" if len(self.rangeCode) == 1: return 0 for r, code in enumerate(self.rangeCode): # Check all 'f'-flags for w, f, c in code: if f == 'f' and c: v = card.evalWhat(w) if w > 0 and v == "": v = 0 try: v = int(float(v)) except Exception: pass try: if not eval(c)(v): break except Exception: pass else: # All conditions met return r return 0 # return default case
[docs] def validate(self, card, case=None): """Validate card: return a list of failing variables.""" if self is CardInfo._db[None]: return ["Error card"] if card.input is None: return [None] if case is None: case = self.findCase(card) if case is None: return [None] # No case found! # FIXME check special cases # 1. Regions check body names inside # 2. All references of names if they exist mi, ri, bi, di, vi, ti # 3. Check step for ranges to be >= 0 # 4. Check limits in USRxxx cards # 5. Check logical units usage # 6. Check duplicate name definition of bodies, regions... # Check all fields pb = [] for w, f, c in self.rangeCode[case]: x = card.evalWhat(w) if x == "": continue # Use default if f == 'i': try: xi = int(float(x)) if abs(float(x) - float(xi)) > 1e-9: pb.append(w) continue x = xi except Exception: # x = 0 pb.append(w) continue elif f == 'l': try: xi = long(float(x)) if abs(float(x) - float(xi)) > 1e-9: pb.append(w) continue x = xi # Special patch for RADDECAY to restore # the long type instead of float card.setWhat(w, xi) except Exception: # x = 0 pb.append(w) continue elif f == 'r': try: x = float(x) except Exception: # Check if it is a fortran number with D or internal spaces # try: x = float(re.sub("[dD]","e",x.replace(" ",""))) try: x = float(re.sub("[dD]", "e", x)) except Exception: pb.append(w) continue elif f == 'f': if x == "" and w > 0: x = 0 try: x = int(float(x)) except Exception: pass elif f in ("pi", "spi"): try: x = float(x) if x > -100.0 and abs(int(x)) not in Particle._db: pb.append(w) except Exception: if len(x) > 0: if x[0] == "-": x = x[1:] if x not in Particle._db: pb.append(w) # FIXME ri, mi, bi, di, vi try: if c and not eval(c)(x): pb.append(w) except Exception: pb.append(w) # Check all assert statements if self.assert_: for i, (whats, code) in enumerate(self.assertCode[case]): if whats and not eval(code)(card): pb.extend(whats) pb.append("Assertion failed: %s" % (self.assert_[case][i])) # Special check for regions if card.tag == "REGION": sdum = card.sdum() if sdum != "&" and not _NAMEPAT.match(sdum): pb.append(0) exp = csg.tokenize(card.extra()) # Check expression try: csg.exp2rpn(exp) if exp and not csg.check(exp): pb.append(-1) pb.append("Invalid expression") else: bodies = card.input.cardsCache("bodies") notadded = True for token in exp: if token in ("-", "+", "|", "@"): continue elif _NAMEPAT.match(token): # XXX Check in body list if token not in bodies: if notadded: pb.append(-1) notadded = False pb.append("Invalid body %r" % (token)) else: if notadded: pb.append(-1) notadded = False pb.append("Invalid token %r" % (token)) except csg.CSGException: pb.append(-1) pb.append("Unbalanced parenthesis") elif card.isGeo() and len(card.tag) == 3 and card.tag != "END": if not _NAMEPAT.match(card.sdum()): pb.append(0) elif card.tag == "COMPOUND": # Check for nesting compounds # XXX for them moment on level checking for w in range(2, 7, 2): if card.evalWhat(w) == card.sdum(): pb.append(w) return pb
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # convert to names # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def toNames(self, card, case=None): if card.input is None: return if case is None: case = self.findCase(card) if case is None: return range_ = self.range[case] # Special cases if card.tag == "LATTICE": # Check the sdum and convert it to something that flair # and FREE format of FLUKA likes sdum = card.sdum().upper() if sdum[:4] == "ROT#" or sdum[:3] == "RO#": try: id = int(sdum[sdum.find('#') + 1:]) except Exception: id = 999 card.setSdum("rot#%03d" % (id)) # Go through the various whats for i in range(min(card.nwhats(), len(range_))): r = range_[i] w = card.what(i) if w == "": continue try: aw = int(float(w)) except Exception: continue if r in ("mi", "smi"): aw = abs(aw) if aw == 0: card.setWhat(i, "") continue # FIXME to correct treatment of defines... lst = card.input.materialList() aw -= 1 if aw >= len(lst): card.setAbsWhat(i, "@LASTMAT") else: card.setAbsWhat(i, lst[aw]) elif r in ("ri", "sri"): if aw == 0: card.setWhat(i, "") continue if r == "ri": if aw == -1: card.setWhat(i, "@ALLREGS") continue elif aw < 0: continue aw = abs(aw) # FIXME to correct treatment of defines... try: regions = card.input.cardsCache("REGION") aw -= 1 # Normally should not enter here unless if the voxel is not found if aw >= len(regions): if "VOXELS" in # FIXME no way to know about @LASTREG! if aw == len(regions): card.setAbsWhat(i, "VOXEL") else: if (aw - len(regions)) < 1000: card.setAbsWhat(i, "VOXEL%03d" % (aw - len(regions))) elif (aw - len(regions)) < 10000: card.setAbsWhat(i, "VOXE%04d" % (aw - len(regions))) else: card.setAbsWhat(i, "VOX%05d" % (aw - len(regions))) else: card.setAbsWhat(i, "@LASTREG") else: card.setAbsWhat(i, regions[aw].name()) except KeyError: pass elif r in ("pi", "spi"): if aw == 0: card.setWhat(i, "RAY") continue if r == "spi": # Special treatment for DISCARD and negative particle id's if aw > 980: if aw < 1000: card.setSign(i, True) aw = -abs(1000 - aw) card.setAbsWhat(i, Particle.convert(aw, True)) else: card.setAbsWhat(i, Particle.convert(abs(aw), True)) else: card.setWhat(i, Particle.convert(aw, True)) elif r == "di": aw = abs(aw) if aw == 0: card.setWhat(i, "") continue # Type of detector in sdum detectors = card.input.cardsCache(card.sdum(), 0) if detectors: aw -= 1 if aw >= 0 and aw < len(detectors): name = detectors[aw] # Ensure that there is only one reference if detectors.index(name) == aw: card.setWhat(i, name) elif r == "bi": aw = abs(aw) if aw == 0: card.setWhat(i, "") continue # FIXME detectors EVENTBIN & USRBIN detectors = card.input.cardsCache("USRBIN", 0) if detectors: aw -= 1 if aw >= 0 and aw < len(detectors): name = detectors[aw] # Ensure that there is only one reference if detectors.index(name) == aw: card.setWhat(i, name)
[docs] def find(self, target, case): """ find :param target: :param case: :return: list - of references, tuple - for a range """ starget = "s" + target # Go through the various whats found = [] if case is None: return found range_ = self.range[case] for i in range(len(range_)): r = range_[i] if r in (target, starget): found.append(i) if r == "i" and len(found) == 2: found.append(i) return tuple(found) return found
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # get card information # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def get(card): if isinstance(card, Card): return CardInfo._db.get(card.tag, CardInfo._db[None]) else: if card and card[0] not in ("$", "#"): card = card[0:8] return CardInfo._db.get(card, CardInfo._db[None])
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def none(): return CardInfo._db[None]
# =============================================================================== # Logical Units # ===============================================================================
[docs]class LogicalUnits: def __init__(self): self.reset() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Reset to default units # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def reset(self): self.list = [None] * 100 # Add some default units: self.list[1] = (False, "RANDOMIZ", None) self.list[2] = (False, "system", None) self.list[3] = (False, "system", None) self.list[4] = (False, "system", None) self.list[5] = (False, "GEOBEGIN", None) # stdin self.list[6] = (False, "stderr", None) self.list[7] = (False, "system", None) self.list[8] = (False, "system", None) self.list[9] = (False, "LOW-NEUT", None) self.list[10] = (False, "system", None) self.list[11] = (False, "GEOBEGIN", None) self.list[12] = (False, "system", None) self.list[13] = (False, "EMFFLUO", None) self.list[14] = (False, "data", None) self.list[15] = (False, "GEOBEGIN", None) self.list[16] = (False, "system", None) self.list[17] = (False, "DETECT", None) self.list[18] = (False, "system", None) self.list[19] = (False, "DPMJET", None) self.list[20] = (False, "system", None)
# self.list[49] = (True, "USERDUMP", None) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Assign a new unit type # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def assign(self, unit, tag, fn=None): """Assign a new unit to tag""" try: unit = int(unit) binary = unit < 0 unit = abs(unit) self.list[unit] = (binary, tag, fn) except Exception: pass
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def clear(self, unit): """Clear a unit from list""" unit = abs(unit) self.list[unit] = None
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return unit type # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get(self, u): """Return unit information""" try: u = abs(int(u)) return self.list[u] except Exception: return None
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find first free # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def free(self): """Return first free unit""" for i in range(21, len(self.list)): u = self.list[i] if u is None: return i
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # FIXME needs optimisation, we should find all cards using units in the # CardInfo and search only those cards # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def scan(self, input): self.reset() for card in input.cardlist: if card.tag == "OPEN": continue for u in card.units(): if u == 0: continue unit = self.get(u) # check for a possible conflict! if unit is not None: (b, c, f) = unit if c != card.tag or (b ^ (int(u) < 0)): # Find what with units case = card.invalid ="lu", case) say("WARNING: Possible conflict with unit: %s" % (str(u))) say("is used by: %s #%d" % (str(self.get(u)[1]), card.pos() + 1)) say(str(card)) break self.assign(u, card.tag) # For all open cards assign the correct name for card in input["OPEN"]: unit = card.intWhat(1) u = self.list[abs(unit)] if u is None: self.assign(unit, "OPEN", card.extra()) else: self.assign(unit, u[1], card.extra())
[docs] def filterList(self, card=None, bin=True): """Return a list of all units, filtered for a card""" lst = [("", "")] for i in range(1, 100): u = self.list[i] if u is not None and card is not None: if u[1] != card: continue if bin: lst.append(("%02d ASC" % (i), i)) lst.append(("%02d BIN" % (i), -i)) else: lst.append(("%02d" % (i), i)) lst.append(("0", 0)) return lst
# =============================================================================== # Particle class # ===============================================================================
[docs]class Particle: # Particles dictionary _db = {} list = [] beam = [] listAll = [] signedList = [] signedListAll = [] particles = [] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, id, name, mass=0.0, comment=None, pdg=None): = id = name self.mass = mass self.comment = comment self.pdg = pdg # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # add particle # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def add(id, name, mass=0.0, comment=None, pdg=None): p = Particle(id, name, mass, comment, pdg) Particle._db[id] = p Particle._db[name] = p # Populate also _baseLocalDict if mass > 0.0: n = name if name[-1] == "-": n = n[:-1] + "n" elif name[-1] == "+": n = n[:-1] + "p" if n.find("-") >= 0: n = n.replace("-", "") _globalDict["m%s" % (n)] = mass return p
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __getitem__(self, idx): return Particle.particles[idx] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def get(idx): return Particle._db[idx]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # create lists # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def makeLists(): if len(Particle.list) > 0: return lastpar = Particle.convert("@LASTPAR", False) # All particles Particle.list.append("") Particle.listAll.append("") for p in Particle._db: if isinstance(p, str): part = Particle._db[p] if p != "@LASTPAR": Particle.listAll.append(p) if < lastpar: Particle.list.append(p) # Beam particles Particle.beam = Particle.list[:] Particle.beam.append("ISOTOPE") Particle.beam.sort() # Only real particles + generalized ones Particle.particles = Particle.list[:] for p in range(201, 228): if p in (208, 211, 219, 220, 221, 222): continue Particle.particles.append(Particle._db[p].name) # Sort Particle.list.sort() Particle.list.append("@LASTPAR") Particle.listAll.sort() Particle.listAll.append("@LASTPAR") Particle.particles.sort() # Create signed list Particle.signedList += Particle.list for i in range(len(Particle.signedList) - 1, 0, -1): p = Particle.signedList[i] if len(p) > 0 and p[0] != '@': Particle.signedList.insert(i + 1, '-' + p) Particle.signedListAll += Particle.listAll for i in range(len(Particle.signedListAll) - 1, 0, -1): p = Particle.signedListAll[i] if len(p) > 0 and p[0] != '@': Particle.signedListAll.insert(i + 1, '-' + p)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Convert to integer or string # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def convert(pid, tonames=True): """ Convert particle from name to number particle type :param tonames: True/False :return: """ try: idx = int(pid) isInt = True except Exception: if pid == "": idx = 0 isInt = True else: isInt = False if tonames: if isInt: if idx <= -100: return str(pid) try: return Particle._db[idx].name except Exception: say("Particle %s not found!" % str(pid)) return "UNKNOWN" else: return pid else: if isInt: return idx try: return Particle._db[pid].id except Exception: raise Exception("Particle %s not found!" % (pid))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # scan input for particles # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def scan(input): # FIXME for the moment return everything return Particle.listAll
[docs]class Voxel: """ Voxel class parse the voxel file and create fake cards for the materials, assignmats and corrfact that might be embedded in the voxel file """ def __init__(self, filename=None): self.cleanup() if filename is not None: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clean up voxel structure # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def cleanup(self): self.filename = "" self.title = "" self.nx = 0 self.ny = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 self.dx = 0.0 self.dy = 0.0 = 0.0 self.kreg = None self.roiN = 0 self.roiName = {} # roi structure names self.roiColor = {} # colors of rois # self.roiComb = {} # roi dictionary of combination of structures # self.roiData = None # roi structure data self.input = Input() # Input cards embedded in voxel file self.input.format = FORMAT_VOXEL # Mark as voxel
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read voxel information # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def read(self, filename): self.filename = filename try: f = open(filename, "rb") except Exception: return False # Title CHAR*80 record = if record is None or len(record) != 80: say("Invalid voxel file. No title found") f.close() return False self.title = record.strip() # Memory Size nx,ny,nz,no,mo record = if record is None or len(record) not in (20, 32, 36): say("Invalid voxel file. Wrong memory size") f.close() return False if len(record) == 20: self.nx, self.ny,,, = \ struct.unpack("=5i", record) self.roiN = 0 roiPlanar = 0 else: self.nx, self.ny,,,, self.roiN, roiCombN, roiMaxLen, roiPlanar = \ struct.unpack("=9i", record) # Create voxel regions card = Card("REGION", ["VOXEL"]) # card["@id"] = 0 card["@type"] = REGION_VOXEL card.setExtra("+VOXEL") self.input.addCard(card) for i in range( + 1): # +1 to include organ 0 card = Card("REGION", [Voxel.regionName(i + 1)]) # card["@id"] = i+1 self.input.addCard(card) card["@type"] = REGION_VOXEL # Voxel dimension record = if record is None or len(record) != 3 * 8: say("Invalid voxel file. Wrong dimensions") f.close() return False self.dx, self.dy, = struct.unpack("=3d", record) # Voxel data (skip) skip = fortran.skip(f) if skip != self.nx * self.ny * * 2: say("Invalid voxel file. Data size do not match") f.close() return False # kreg record = if record is None or len(record) != 2 * say("Invalid voxel file. Wrong kreg array") f.close() return False self.kreg = struct.unpack("=%dH" % (len(record) / 2), record) # roiStruct if self.roiN > 0: # structures # try: for i in range(1, self.roiN + 1): record = color, name = struct.unpack("=i64s", record) name = name.strip() if name: self.roiColor[i] = color self.roiName[i] = name # for the moment skip everything for i in range(roiCombN): record = # skip index record = # skip data # Read planar structures for i in range(roiPlanar): record = # skip index roi, n = struct.unpack("=ii", record) for j in range(n): record = # skip data # Read embedded cards while True: try: record = except IOError: break if record is None: break if len(record) != 80: say("Invalid voxel file. Wrong card found '%s'" % record) f.close() return False tag = record[:8].strip() sdum = record[-10:].strip() what = [sdum, # sdum record[10:20].strip(), # what(1) record[20:30].strip(), # what(2) record[30:40].strip(), # what(3) record[40:50].strip(), # what(4) record[50:60].strip(), # what(5) record[60:70].strip()] # what(6) if tag == "COMPOUND" and card.tag == tag and card.sdum() == sdum: # append whats to previous card card.appendWhats(what[1:]) else: # if COMPOUND check for existing to append card = Card(tag, what) self.input.addCard(card) f.close() return True
def __str__(self): return "Voxel\n" \ "File:\t%s\n" \ "Title:\t%s\n" \ "nxyz:\t%d x %d x %d\n" \ "no,mo:\t%d\t%d\n" \ "dxyz:\t%g x %g %g\n" \ % (self.filename, self.title, self.nx, self.ny,,,, self.dx, self.dy,
[docs] @staticmethod def regionName(idx): """return a valid region name""" if idx == 0: return "VOXEL" num = "%03d" % (idx) return "%s%s" % ("VOXEL" [:(8 - len(num))], num)
# =============================================================================== # Card # ===============================================================================
[docs]class Card: """Base class for a fluka card""" GENERIC = 0 # card types BODY = 1 REGION = 2 OBJECT = 3 def __init__(self, tag, what=None, comment="", extra=""): """ Initialise a fluka card Each card contains a tag, whats, one multi-line comment and sometimes some extra information sdum=what[0] continuation cards have multiple whats of 1+6*lines. extra is used for TITLE, GEOBEGIN and REGION """ if what is None: what = [""] self.enable = True # Enable or Disabled = True # Preprocessor activate/deactivate self.invalid = None # Valid or invalid card self.prop = None # User properties self.input = None # input class holding card self.tag = tag # card tag self._what = what self._sign = [] self._extra = extra self._pos = -1 # if -1 the card is most probably deleted self._indent = 0 # preprocessor indent level self._geo = False self._type = Card.GENERIC self._userInvalid = None self.setComment(comment) self.changeTag(tag, False)
[docs] def setModified(self): """set last time modified""" self._modified = time.time()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Change tag of card, reduce the number of whats to the new card # XXX Do not forget to update the before # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def changeTag(self, tag, truncate=True): """change tag of card""" self.tag = tag # find card information from _cardInfo dictionary = CardInfo.get(tag) if == ERROR: raise Exception("Incompatible tag \"{:s}\"".format(tag)) if len(tag) == 3 and "Geometry" in self._geo = True else: self._geo = tag in ("REGION", "LATTICE", "VOXELS") or tag[0] == "$" # transform types if tag in BODY_TAGS: self._type = Card.BODY elif tag in FLAIR_TAGS: self._type = Card.OBJECT elif tag == "REGION": self._type = Card.REGION else: self._type = Card.GENERIC # Cut extra whats if truncate and len(self._what) > self.setNWhats( self.setModified()
[docs] def clone(self): """clone card object""" card = Card(self.tag, self._what[:], self._comment, self._extra) card.enable = self.enable card._pos = self._pos if self.prop: card.prop = self.prop.copy() # Swallow copy return card
[docs] def copyProperties(self, card): """Copy properties from card""" if card.prop: self.prop = card.prop.copy() # Swallow copy
[docs] def appendWhats(self, what, pos=None): """append what's""" if pos is None: self._what.extend(what) else: for w in what: if self.what(pos) == "": self.setWhat(pos, w) pos += 1 self.setModified()
[docs] def appendComment(self, comment): """append comment""" if len(comment) == 0: return if self._comment == "": self.setComment(comment) else: self.setComment(self._comment + "\n" + comment) self.setModified()
[docs] def test(self, func, var, val, case=False): """ test card against a filter-function Filter format type [function] \n what \n value func: [type][function] type: i=int f=float s=string function: a=abs var: 0..9 = whats * = anywhere b = body d = detector s = sdum m = material p = particle (range if tuple) r = region (range if tuple) t = transformation u = unit :param func: :param var: :param val: anything int, float or string :param case: True for matching case :return: """ if not case: try: val = val.upper() except Exception: pass # Search everywhere if var == "*": if case: if self.tag.find(val) >= 0: return True if self._comment.find(val) >= 0: return True if self._extra.find(val) >= 0: return True for w in self._what: if str(w).find(val) >= 0: return True else: if self.tag.upper().find(val) >= 0: return True if self._comment.upper().find(val) >= 0: return True if self._extra.upper().find(val) >= 0: return True for w in self._what: if str(w).upper().find(val) >= 0: return True return False # Units elif var == "u": uval = abs(int(val)) try: self.units().index(uval) return True except Exception: return False # Particle elif var == "p": varlist = self.findType("pi") if isinstance(varlist, list): # FIXME check for signed... if not case: varlist = map(string.upper, varlist) return val in varlist else: part = Particle.convert(val, False) part_from = Particle.convert(varlist[0], False) if part_from == part: return True part_to = Particle.convert(varlist[1], False) if part_to == part: return True part_step = varlist[2] if part_from < part < part_to: return ((part - part_from) % part_step) == 0 return False # Region elif var == "r": if self.tag == "REGION": if case: return str(self.what(0)) == val else: return str(self.what(0)).upper() == val varlist = self.findType("ri") if isinstance(varlist, list): # FIXME check for signed... if not case: varlist = map(string.upper, varlist) return val in varlist else: # Check for a range reg = self.input.region(val, False) reg_from = self.input.region(varlist[0], False) if reg_from == reg: return True reg_to = self.input.region(varlist[1], False) if reg_to == reg: return True reg_step = varlist[2] if reg_from < reg < reg_to: return ((reg - reg_from) % reg_step) == 0 return False # Material elif var == "m": if self.tag == "MATERIAL": if case: return str(self.what(0)) == val else: return str(self.what(0)).upper() == val varlist = self.findType("mi") if isinstance(varlist, list): # FIXME check for signed... if not case: varlist = map(string.upper, varlist) return val in varlist else: mat = self.input.material(val, False) mat_from = self.input.material(varlist[0], False) if mat_from == mat: return True mat_to = self.input.material(varlist[1], False) if mat_to == mat: return True mat_step = varlist[2] if mat_from < mat < mat_to: return ((mat - mat_from) % mat_step) == 0 return False # Transformation elif var == "t": # FIXME check also what(1) and Rot#\d+ if self.tag == "ROT-DEFI": if case: return str(self.what(0)) == val else: return str(self.what(0)).upper() == val varlist = self.findType("ti") if not case: varlist = map(string.upper, varlist) if val in varlist: return True # Check also -val if isinstance(val, int) or isinstance(val, float): if -val in varlist: return True elif isinstance(val, str): if "-%s" % (val) in varlist: return True return False # Detector elif var == "d": if self.tag in DETECTOR_TAGS: if case: return str(self.what(0)) == val else: return str(self.what(0)).upper() == val # FIXME ranges are not supported yet! varlist = list(self.findType("di")) varlist.extend(list(self.findType("bi"))) if not case: varlist = map(string.upper, varlist) return val in varlist # Body elif var == "b": if not self._geo: return if self.tag == "REGION": opt = re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL if not case: opt |= re.I return re.match(r".*\b%s\b.*" % (val), self._extra, opt) is not None if len(self.tag) != 3: return False if case: return str(self.what(0)) == val else: return str(self.what(0)).upper() == val # if var is None: return False if func == "ia": # Absolute integer return abs(self.intWhat(var)) == int(val) elif func == "f": # Floating point return self.numWhat(var) == float(val) elif func == "l": # Long integer return self.longWhat(var) == long(val) elif func == "i": # Integer return self.intWhat(var) == int(val) elif func == 'sa': # Absolute string (remove the minus '-') if var == "s": w = self.sdum() else: w = str(self.what(var)) if len(w) > 0 and w[0] == '-': w = w[1:] if not case: w = w.upper() return w == str(val) elif func == "s": if var == "s": return self.sdum() == str(val) else: return str(self.what(var)) == str(val) return False
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return card's cardInfo case (range) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def case(self): return
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Validate card values # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def validate(self, case=None): self.invalid =, case) if self._userInvalid: for item in self._userInvalid: if item not in self.invalid: self.invalid.append(item) return self.invalid
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # FIXME this check should be done in the invalid # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def clearUserInvalid(self): self._userInvalid = None
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # FIXME this check should be done in the invalid # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def addUserInvalid(self, item): if self._userInvalid: if item not in self._userInvalid: self._userInvalid.append(item) else: self._userInvalid = [item] # Append to the invalid cards if self.invalid: if item not in self.invalid: self.invalid.append(item) else: self.invalid = [item]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # @return error message string # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def errorMessage(self, labels=()): case = extra =[case] range_ =[case] msg = "" displayed = [] for e in self.invalid: if e is None: continue if e in displayed: continue # skip multiple messages displayed.append(e) try: lab = labels[e] except Exception: lab = "" if msg: msg += "\n" if isinstance(e, str): msg += "%s" % e elif lab: msg += "What=%d Label=%s Type=%s: %s" % (e, lab, range_[e], extra[e]) else: msg += "What=%d Type=%s: %s" % (e, range_[e], extra[e]) return msg
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Convert card to names or numbers # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def convert(self, tonames=True): if tonames: else: self.setModified()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # I/O # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def whats(self): return self._what
[docs] def nwhats(self): return len(self._what)
[docs] def sdum(self): return self.what(0)
[docs] def extra(self): return self._extra
[docs] def comment(self): return self._comment
[docs] def isGeo(self): return self._geo
[docs] def type(self): return self._type
[docs] def pos(self): return self._pos
[docs] def indent(self): return max(0, self._indent)
name = sdum # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compare position - key # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def cmpPos_key(a): return a._pos
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return what value -1=extra, 0=sdum # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def what(self, n): if n < 0: return self._extra else: try: return self._what[n] except Exception: return ""
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return absolute value of what # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def absWhat(self, w): """return the absolute value of what[w]""" n = self.what(w) if n in ("", 0.0): return n try: return abs(float(n)) except Exception: n = n.strip() if n[0] in ("+", "-"): return n[1:] return n
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return what as integer # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def intWhat(self, n): """try to return an integer from what""" return int(self.numWhat(n))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return what as long integer # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def longWhat(self, n): """try to return a long integer from what""" return long(self.numWhat(n))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return what as floating point number # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def numWhat(self, n): """try to return a number from what""" try: return float(self.evalWhat(n)) except Exception: return 0.0
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Is evaluated what # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def isEvalWhat(self, w): return isEvalStr(self.what(w))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return evaluated what # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def evalWhat(self, n, dollar=True): """return evaluated what if needed""" w = self.what(n) if isinstance(w, str) and w != "": if w[0] in ("=", "(", "[", "{"): if self.input is None: return w self.input.localDict.card = self if w[0] == "=": expr = w[1:] else: expr = w # Check for possible vector definitions # replace any { to Vector( and } to ) expr = expr.replace("{", "Vector(") expr = expr.replace("}", ")") # expr = expr.replace("[[","Matrix(") # expr = expr.replace("]]",")") try: value = eval(expr, _globalDict, self.input.localDict) except Exception: say("ERROR %s card %s what(%d):%s" % (sys.exc_info()[1], self.tag, n, str(w))) return "?" try: f = float(value) if float(int(f)) == f: return int(f) return f except Exception: return value elif dollar and w[0] == "$": var = w[1:] # check defines defines = self.input.cardsCache("#define") # dummy linear search for define in defines: if define.ignore(): continue if define.sdum() == var: val = define.evalWhat(1) # Convert to int or float if possible try: f = float(val) if float(int(f)) == f: return int(f) return f except Exception: return val return w
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return evaluated what, # but NOT empty space (used on $xxx cards) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def evalWhat0(self, n, dollar=True): w = self.evalWhat(n, dollar) if w == "": return 0. else: return w
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # get card information # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __getitem__(self, t=None, default=None): """get card information""" if t is None: return self.tag elif isinstance(t, int): return self.what(t) elif t in ("sdum", "name"): return self.what(0) elif t == "comment": return self._comment elif t == "extra": return self._extra elif t == "info": return else: return self.getProperty(t, default) get = __getitem__ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __delitem__(self, item): try: del self.prop[item] except Exception: pass # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # set card state # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def setEnable(self, e): """set state enable(True)/disable(False)""" self.enable = e self.setModified()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Disable card # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def disable(self): """disable card""" self.enable = False self.setModified()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set Active state # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def setActive(self, a): """set active state of card""" = a
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ignore card if not active or not enabled # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def ignore(self): return not self.enable or not
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def notIgnore(self): return self.enable and
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # set comment # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def setComment(self, comment=""): """set comment string""" self._comment = comment self.setModified()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the whats list # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def setWhats(self, whats): self._what = whats self.setModified()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set SDUM to card (what[0]) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def setSdum(self, s): """set sdum""" self.setWhat(0, s)
setName = setSdum # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set extra information to card # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def setExtra(self, e): """set extra information""" try: self._extra = str(e) except Exception: self._extra = e.encode("ascii", "replace") self.setModified()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set a what value # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def setWhat(self, w, v): """set what value""" if w < 0: self._extra = v else: # Unicode characters are not accepted if isinstance(v, unicode) and sys.version_info < (3, 0): v = v.encode("ascii", "replace") # Extend list if needed if w >= len(self._what): self._what.extend([""] * (w - len(self._what) + 1)) self._what[w] = v self.setModified()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the total number of whats # Usually to remove whats # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def setNWhats(self, n): """set the total number of whats""" length = len(self._what) if n < length: del self._what[n:] elif n > length: self._what += [""] * (n - length) self.setModified()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set absolute information to card. The "what" will keep the same sign # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def setAbsWhat(self, w, v): """change the absolute value of what keeping the same sign""" s = self.sign(w) if v in ("", 0.0): self.setWhat(w, v) return if not isEvalStr(v): s = self.sign(w) try: v = abs(float(v)) if s: v = -v except Exception: if v[0] in ("+", "-"): if s: v = "-" + v[1:] else: v = v[1:] else: if s: v = "-" + v self.setWhat(w, v)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Signs are used to avoid cases when the what[w] is ZERO # Should not be used by the user... only in # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def setSign(self, w, s): if isEvalStr(self.what(w)): return if w >= len(self._sign): self._sign += [None] * (w - len(self._sign) + 1) self._sign[w] = s n = self.what(w) if n in ("", 0.0): return try: n = abs(float(n)) if s: n = -n except Exception: n = n.strip() if n[0] in ("+", "-"): if s: n = "-" + n[1:] else: n = n[1:] else: if s: n = "-" + n self.setWhat(w, n)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # return sign of a what # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def sign(self, w): """return sign of a number: False=+, True=-""" if isEvalStr(w): # special case return False # Default numeric value try: n = self._what[w] except Exception: try: return self._sign[w] except Exception: return False if n == "": n = 0.0 try: n = float(n) if n < 0.0: return True if n > 0.0: return False if w < len(self._sign): s = self._sign[w] if s is not None: return s return False except Exception: n = n.strip() if n[0] == "-": return True if n[0] == "+": return False if w < len(self._sign): s = self._sign[w] if s is not None: return s return False
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # set information to card # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __setitem__(self, t, v): """set value to what(#, sdum, comment, extra)""" if isinstance(t, int): self.setWhat(t, v) elif t == "sdum": self.setSdum(v) elif t == "comment": self.setComment(v) elif t == "extra": self.setExtra(v) else: self.setProperty(t, v) set = __setitem__ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # set/get user property # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def setProperty(self, t, v): if self.prop is None: self.prop = {} self.prop[t] = v
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def getProperty(self, t, default=None): if self.prop is None: return default return self.prop.get(t, default)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return a specific type from the card, see database from more info # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def findType(self, target): """return whats with a specific type from the card, pi, mi, ...""" case = lst =, case) if isinstance(lst, list): return [self.what(x) for x in lst] else: return (self.what(lst[0]), self.what(lst[1]), lst[2])
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return units used by card # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def units(self, absolute=True): """return unit from card""" case = lst ="lu", case) if absolute: if isinstance(lst, list): return [abs(self.intWhat(x)) for x in lst] else: return (abs(self.intWhat(lst[0])), abs(self.intWhat(lst[1])), lst[2]) else: if isinstance(lst, list): return [self.intWhat(x) for x in lst] else: return self.intWhat(lst[0]), self.intWhat(lst[1]), lst[2]
[docs] def commentStr(self): """return a comment string""" line = "" for cur_line in self._comment.splitlines(): if len(cur_line) > 0: cur_line = " " + cur_line line += "*%s\n" % (cur_line.rstrip()) if self._comment != "" and self._comment[-1] == "\n": line += "*\n" return line
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # return bodies in single/double/free format # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _bodyStr(self, fmt=None, prefix=""): i = 1 if fmt is None or fmt == FORMAT_FREE: name = str(self.what(0)).strip() if name == "": name = "<name>" line = "%s%s %-10s" % (prefix, self.tag, name) prevlen = 0 while i < # use what to keep it as string w = self.evalWhat(i, False) try: # num = float(w) # Force to number TODO not used ? w = bmath.format_number(w, 22) except Exception: if not w or w[0] != "$": w = "0.0" if len(line) + len(w) + 1 > prevlen + 80: prevlen = len(line) line += "\n%s %s" % (prefix, w) else: line += " " + w i += 1 return line elif fmt == FORMAT_SINGLE: width = 10 step = 6 else: width = 21 step = 3 line = "%s %3s%5s" % (prefix, self.tag, str(self.what(0))) while i < len(self._what): inext = i + step imin = min(inext, len(self._what)) while i < imin: w = self._what[i] try: # num = float(w) # TODO not used ? w = bmath.format_number(w, width) except Exception: w = "0.0" line += w.rjust(width) i += 1 if i < len(self._what): line += "\n%s " % (prefix) return line # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # return end string # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def _endStr(fmt=None): if fmt is None or fmt == FORMAT_FREE: return "END" else: return " END" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Split a region expression into multi lines # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def splitExpr(expr, maxlength=100): line = "" first = True for cur_line in expr.splitlines(): cur_line = cur_line.rstrip() # remove trailing spaces if len(cur_line) == 0: continue while len(cur_line) > maxlength: for i in range(maxlength - 1, 1, -1): if cur_line[i] not in ('+', '-', '|', '(', ')', '#'): continue # split line on char before if first: line += cur_line[0:i].rstrip() first = False else: line += "\n%s" % (cur_line[0:i]) cur_line = cur_line[i:] break if i <= 2: break if first: line += cur_line first = False else: line += "\n%s" % (cur_line) return line
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # return region string # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _regionStr(self, fmt=None): try: neighbors = int(self._what[1]) except Exception: neighbors = 5 if fmt is None or fmt == FORMAT_FREE: name = str(self.what(0)).strip() if name == "": name = "<name>" if name == "&": # Continuation of a region line = " " else: line = "%-10s%4d " % (name, neighbors) first = True for cur_line in self._extra.splitlines(): cur_line = cur_line.rstrip() # remove trailing spaces if len(cur_line) == 0: continue while len(cur_line) > 100: for i in range(99, 1, -1): if cur_line[i] not in ('+', '-', '|', '(', ')', '#'): continue # split line on char before if first: line += cur_line[0:i].rstrip() first = False else: line += "\n %s" \ % (cur_line[0:i]) cur_line = cur_line[i:] break if i <= 2: break if first: line += cur_line first = False else: line += "\n %s" % (cur_line) return line else: expr = "" first = True if self._extra.find("(") >= 0 or self._extra.find(")") >= 0: raise TypeError("No parenthesis are allowed in fixed format") nop = 0 for cur_line in self._extra.splitlines(): # Remove spaces cur_line = string.join(cur_line, '') cur_line = cur_line.replace("+", " +") cur_line = cur_line.replace("-", " -") cur_line = cur_line.replace("|", " | ") if nop > 0 and expr != "": expr += "\n " nop = 0 orbefore = False for op in cur_line.split(): if op == "|": expr += "OR" orbefore = True continue else: if not orbefore: expr += " " orbefore = False sop = str(op).rjust(5) if len(sop) > 5: sop = sop[0:5] expr += sop nop += 1 if nop == 9: expr += "\n " nop = 0 return "%5s%5d%s" % (str(self.what(0)), neighbors, expr) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _toStr(self, fmt=None, prefix=""): """return a card string""" # special cards ctag = prefix + self.tag try: if self.tag[0] == "#": if self.nwhats() > 0: return "%s %s" % \ (ctag, string.join( [str(self.evalWhat(i, False)) for i in range(0, self.nwhats())])) else: return ctag elif self.tag[0] == "$": if self.nwhats() > 0: return "%s %s" % \ (ctag, string.join( [str(self.evalWhat0(i, False)) for i in range(1, self.nwhats())])) else: return ctag except IndexError: pass if self._geo: if self.tag == "END": return self._endStr() elif self._type == Card.BODY and self.tag != "VOXELS": return self._bodyStr(fmt, prefix) elif self._type == Card.REGION: return self._regionStr(fmt) if fmt == FORMAT_FREE: width = 22 else: width = 10 # Number of whats nwhats = len(self._what) if self.tag == "PLOTGEOM": # Another card with special treatment nwhats = min(6, nwhats) elif fmt == FORMAT_FREE: # Count real whats while nwhats > 0: i = nwhats - 1 if self._what[i] == "": nwhats = i else: break # Add whats in blocks of 6 line = "" first = True i = 1 if prefix != "": ctag = "%s%-10s" % (prefix, self.tag) else: ctag = self.tag.ljust(10) # Cards with no whats if nwhats <= 1: if len(line) > 0: line += "\n" line += ctag if nwhats == 1: if fmt == FORMAT_FREE: line += (" , " * 7) + str(self.evalWhat(0, False)) else: line += (" " * (width * 6)) + str(self.evalWhat(0, False)) line = line.rstrip() else: # Cards with many whats if self.tag == "COMPOUND": cont_sdum = str(self.evalWhat(0, False)) else: cont_sdum = " &" while i < nwhats: if len(line) > 0: line += "\n" line += ctag if fmt == FORMAT_FREE: line += ", " inext = i + 6 imin = min(inext, nwhats) while i < imin: w = self.evalWhat(i, False) if isinstance(w, long): # for RADDECAY w = str(w) else: try: # num = float(w) # TODO not used ? w = bmath.format_number(w, width) except Exception: pass if fmt == FORMAT_FREE: line += w + ", " else: line += w.rjust(width) i += 1 # Check for continuation lines and sdum if first: sdum = str(self.evalWhat(0, False)) elif i > 6: sdum = cont_sdum if sdum.strip() == "&": cont_sdum += "&" first = False # Do we need to pad with the line if sdum != "": if i < inext: if fmt == FORMAT_FREE: line += " ," * (inext - i) else: line += " " * (width * (inext - i)) line += sdum elif fmt == FORMAT_FREE: # Chop the last comma line = line.rstrip() if line[-1] == ',': line = line[:-1] line = line.rstrip() # XXX Double format doesn't exist for GEOBEGIN # simply triggers the writing of the header inline the input # or in an external file if self.tag in ("TITLE", "OPEN", "!mesh"): line = "%s\n%s" % (line, self._extra.rstrip()) elif self.tag == "GEOBEGIN": try: self.ivopt except Exception: self.ivopt = 0 try: self.idbg except Exception: self.idbg = 0 if fmt == FORMAT_FREE: line += "\n%d,%d,%s" % (self.ivopt, self.idbg, self._extra.rstrip()) else: line += "\n%5d%5d %s" % (self.ivopt, self.idbg, self._extra.rstrip()) elif self.tag == "PLOTGEOM": w6 = self.intWhat(6) if w6 in (0, 5): line += "\n%s" % (self._extra) line += "\n%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s" \ % (bmath.format_number(self.numWhat(7), 10), bmath.format_number(self.numWhat(8), 10), bmath.format_number(self.numWhat(9), 10), bmath.format_number(self.numWhat(10), 10), bmath.format_number(self.numWhat(11), 10), bmath.format_number(self.numWhat(12), 10)) line += "\n%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s%10s" \ % (bmath.format_number(self.numWhat(13), 10), bmath.format_number(self.numWhat(14), 10), bmath.format_number(self.numWhat(15), 10), bmath.format_number(self.numWhat(16), 10), bmath.format_number(self.numWhat(17), 10), bmath.format_number(self.numWhat(18), 10)) line += "\n%10s%10s%10s%10s" \ % (bmath.format_number(self.numWhat(19), 10), bmath.format_number(self.numWhat(20), 10), bmath.format_number(self.numWhat(21), 10), bmath.format_number(self.numWhat(22), 10)) return line # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # return string with only the cards # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def toStr(self, fmt=None): if not self.enable and ( and commentedCards): prefix = "*" else: prefix = "" s = self._toStr(fmt, prefix) # if not self.enable and s = "*"+s if isinstance(s, unicode) and sys.version_info < (3, 0): return s.encode('utf-8') else: return s
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def evalWhatStr(self): """return string for special evaluated whats""" es = "" for i, w in enumerate(self._what): if isEvalStr(w): es += "!@what.%d%s\n" % (i, w) if self.prop is not None: for n, v in self.prop.items(): if n[0] != '@' and v: # skip system values es += "!@%s=%s\n" % (n, str(v)) return es
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Convert to string using default format # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): """return a card string with the comment""" if self._comment != "": return self.commentStr() + self.toStr() else: return self.toStr() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dump card to pickler # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dump(self, pickler): pickler.dump(self.tag) pickler.dump(self._what) pickler.dump(self._extra) pickler.dump(self._comment) if self.prop: # Skip system variables pickler.dump([x for x in self.prop.items() if type(x[1]) in (IntType, LongType, FloatType, BooleanType, StringType, UnicodeType)]) else: pickler.dump(None) pickler.dump(self.enable)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load card from unpickler # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def load(self, unpickler): self.changeTag(unpickler.load()) self._what = unpickler.load() self._extra = unpickler.load() self._comment = unpickler.load() prop = unpickler.load() self.enable = unpickler.load() if prop: for n, v in prop: self[n] = v
[docs] def diff(self, card): """ Return differences of the two cards as a list of integers -3 = enable/disable -2 = Comment -1 = Extra 0 = Sdum 1..n = What's :param card: :return: """ df = [] if self.enable != card.enable: df.append(-3) if self.commentStr() != card.commentStr(): df.append(-2) if self._extra != card._extra: df.append(-1) minwhats = min(self.nwhats(), card.nwhats()) maxwhats = max(self.nwhats(), card.nwhats()) for w in range(0, minwhats): if w > card.nwhats(): df.append(w) elif self.what(w) != card.what(w): df.append(w) if minwhats != maxwhats: df.extend(range(minwhats, maxwhats)) return df
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Special body method returning various geometrical information # ... if they are defined # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def bodyP(self): """Position of body""" if self.tag == "RPP": return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(1), self.numWhat(3), self.numWhat(5)) elif self.tag == "PLA": return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(4), self.numWhat(5), self.numWhat(6)) elif self.tag == "XYP": return bmath.Vector(0.0, 0.0, self.numWhat(1)) elif self.tag == "XZP": return bmath.Vector(0.0, self.numWhat(1), 0.0) elif self.tag == "YZP": return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(1), 0.0, 0.0) elif self.tag in ("XCC", "XEC"): return bmath.Vector(0.0, self.numWhat(1), self.numWhat(2)) elif self.tag in ("YCC", "YEC"): return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(2), 0.0, self.numWhat(1)) elif self.tag in ("ZCC", "ZEC"): return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(1), self.numWhat(2), 0.0) elif self.tag in ("BOX", "SPH", "RCC", "TRC", "WED", "REC", "ELL", "ARB") or self.tag[0] == "!": return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(1), self.numWhat(2), self.numWhat(3)) else: return None
bodyP1 = bodyP # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def bodyP2(self): if self.tag in ("ELL", "ARB"): return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(4), self.numWhat(5), self.numWhat(6)) else: return None
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # WARNING index starting from 1 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def bodyPn(self, n): if self.tag == "ARB": i = 3 * n - 2 return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(i), self.numWhat(i + 1), self.numWhat(i + 2)) else: return None
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def bodyN(self): """Normal of body""" if self.tag == "PLA": return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(1), self.numWhat(2), self.numWhat(3)) elif self.tag in ("XYP", "ZCC", "ZEC"): return bmath.Vector.Z elif self.tag in ("XZP", "YCC", "YEC"): return bmath.Vector.Y elif self.tag in ("YZP", "XCC", "XEC"): return bmath.Vector.X else: return None
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def bodyX(self): """X-vector of body""" if self.tag == "RPP": return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(2) - self.numWhat(1), 0.0, 0.0) elif self.tag in ("BOX", "WED"): return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(4), self.numWhat(5), self.numWhat(6)) elif self.tag == "REC": return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(7), self.numWhat(8), self.numWhat(9)) elif self.tag == "XEC": return bmath.Vector(0.0, self.numWhat(3), 0.0) elif self.tag == "YEC": return bmath.Vector(0.0, 0.0, self.numWhat(3)) elif self.tag == "ZEC": return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(3), 0.0, 0.0) else: return None
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def bodyY(self): """Y-vector of body""" if self.tag == "RPP": return bmath.Vector(0.0, self.numWhat(4) - self.numWhat(3), 0.0) elif self.tag in ("BOX", "WED"): return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(7), self.numWhat(8), self.numWhat(9)) elif self.tag == "REC": return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(10), self.numWhat(11), self.numWhat(12)) elif self.tag == "XEC": return bmath.Vector(0.0, 0.0, self.numWhat(4)) elif self.tag == "YEC": return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(4), 0.0, 0.0) elif self.tag == "ZEC": return bmath.Vector(0.0, self.numWhat(4), 0.0) else: return None
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def bodyZ(self): """Z-vector of body""" if self.tag == "RPP": return bmath.Vector(0.0, 0.0, self.numWhat(6) - self.numWhat(5)) elif self.tag in ("BOX", "WED"): return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(10), self.numWhat(11), self.numWhat(12)) elif self.tag in ("RCC", "TRC", "REC"): return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(4), self.numWhat(5), self.numWhat(6)) elif self.tag[0] == "!": return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(7), self.numWhat(8), self.numWhat(9)) else: return None
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def bodyR(self): """Radius (or x-radius) of body""" if self.tag == "SPH": return self.numWhat(4) elif self.tag == "RCC": return self.numWhat(7) elif self.tag in ("XCC", "YCC", "ZCC"): return self.numWhat(3) elif self.tag == "XEC": return bmath.Vector(0.0, self.numWhat(3), self.numWhat(4)) elif self.tag == "YEC": return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(4), 0.0, self.numWhat(3)) elif self.tag == "ZEC": return bmath.Vector(self.numWhat(3), self.numWhat(4), 0.0) else: return None
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add a Zone to REGION # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def addZone(self, zone): """Add zone to card""" try: zone = str(zone) except Exception: zone = zone.encode("ascii", "replace") if self._extra.strip(): self._extra += "\n| %s" % (zone) else: self._extra = zone self.setModified()
[docs] def setZones(self, zones): """Set a list of zones as expression... removing empty zones""" self.setExtra(string.join([x for x in map(string.strip, zones) if x != ""], "\n| "))
[docs] def loadVoxel(self): """Load voxel information""" if self.tag != "VOXELS": return self["@voxel"] = Voxel("%s.vxl" % (self.sdum().strip()))
[docs]class Input: def __init__(self, filename=None): # Input file information self.filename = "" # Input Filename self.geoFile = "" self.geoOutFile = "" self.format = FORMAT_SINGLE self.geoFormat = FORMAT_SINGLE # Logical Units self.units = LogicalUnits() # Cards = {} self.cardlist = [] # Verbosity level (False|True) self.verbose = False # parsing initialization self._cardEnable = True self._commentDisable = False self._files = [] # File handles used during I/O self._lineNo = [] # file line number self._filesType = [] # card opened file type self._cwhat = [] # Commented special whats self._prop = [] # Commented card properties self._comment = "" # Comment preceding card self._nwhats = 0 # Number of whats of last added card # cache card lists self.cache = {} self.setModified() self.localDict = LocalDict(self) if filename is not None:
[docs] def setModified(self): """set last time modified""" self._modified = time.time()
[docs] def clone(self): """return a clone of current input""" inp = Input() inp.filename = self.filename inp.geoFile = self.geoFile inp.geoOutFile = self.geoOutFile for card in self.cardlist: inp.addCard(card.clone()) inp.renumber() return inp
def __getitem__(self, item): return, [])
[docs] def minimumInput(self): """Create bare minimum input file""" self.addCard(Card("GEOBEGIN", ["COMBNAME"])) self.addCard(Card("END")) self.addCard(Card("END")) self.addCard(Card("GEOEND")) self.addCard(Card("STOP"), None) self.renumber()
[docs] def setFileTime(self): """Set as input/modified time the latest time from files""" for filename in self.filenames(): try: mtime = os.stat(filename).st_mtime self._modified = max(self._modified, mtime) except OSError: pass
[docs] def checkInputFile(self): """Check if a new input file exists""" # FIXME Scan all #include cards for filename in self.filenames(): try: if os.stat(filename).st_mtime > self._modified: return True except Exception: pass return False
[docs] def filenames(self): """Return input filename""" files = [] if self.filename: files.append(self.filename) if self.geoFile: files.append(self.geoFile) files.extend([card.sdum() for card in self["#include"]]) return files
def _openFile(self, filename, mode="r", tag=None, backup=True): """open file and append it to the file handle list""" # TODO check for infinite loop! if isinstance(filename, str) or isinstance(filename, unicode): for fn in self._files: if == filename: say("ERROR: File '%s' is recursively loaded" % (filename)) return None if mode == "w" and backup: backupname = filename + "~" try: os.remove(backupname) except Exception: pass try: os.rename(filename, backupname) except Exception: pass try: # open file f = open(filename, mode) except Exception: say("ERROR: Cannot open file '%s'" % (filename)) f = open("/dev/null", mode) else: f = filename self._files.append(f) self._lineNo.append(0) self._filesType.append(tag) return f def _closeFile(self): if self._files: f = self._files.pop() if f: f.close() self._lineNo.pop() self._filesType.pop() def _readLine(self, closeinclude=True): """read line from the last opened file""" while True: try: self._lineNo[-1] += 1 line = self._files[-1].readline() except IndexError: return None if len(line) == 0: # end of file? if self._filesType[-1] == "#include": if closeinclude: self._cardEnable = True self._addCard(Card("#endinclude")) else: return "#endinclude" self._closeFile() if len(self._files) == 0: return None continue line = line.rstrip() try: uline = line.decode("utf-8") except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError, AttributeError): return line try: # sline = str(uline) # TODO not used ? return line except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError, AttributeError): return uline # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read an input file # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def read(self, filename): """Open and read a fluka input file, return True if error""" self.filename = filename f = self._openFile(filename, "r") if f is None: return True if self.verbose: say("Reading input file", filename) if self.parse(): return True assert len(self._files) == 0 # Process input self.scanUnits() self.renumber() self.setFileTime() return False
[docs] def include(self, includecard): """ include card has been modified take appropriate action :param includecard: :return: True if #include has modified the input, False if nothing happened """ if not includecard.enable: return False try: # Check if file exist os.stat(includecard.sdum()) except OSError: # File not exist do nothing return False # Check if #include contains already imported cards fromid = self.cardlist.index(includecard) # Finding ending of #include toid = fromid + 1 level = 1 while toid < len(self.cardlist): card = self.cardlist[toid] if card.tag == "#include": level += 1 elif card.tag == "#endinclude": level -= 1 if level == 0: break toid += 1 # If range is not empty then return if toid - fromid > 1: return False # Create a temporary input to load the included lines inp = Input() location = 0 # 0=input, 1=bodies, 2=regions for i in range(fromid): card = self.cardlist[i] if not card.enable: continue if card.tag == "FREE": inp.format = FORMAT_FREE elif card.tag == "FIXED": inp.format = FORMAT_SINGLE elif card.tag == "GLOBAL": w4 = card.intWhat(4) if w4 in (2, 3): inp.format = FORMAT_FREE if card.intWhat(5) > 0: inp.geoFormat = FORMAT_FREE elif card.tag == "GEOBEGIN": if card.sdum()[:8] == "COMBNAME": inp.geoFormat = FORMAT_FREE elif card.sdum()[:8] == "COMBINAT": inp.geoFormat = FORMAT_SINGLE location += 1 elif card.tag == "END": location += 1 elif card.tag == "GEOEND": location = 0 inp._openFile(includecard.sdum(), "r") if location == 0: inp.parse() elif location == 1: inp._parseBodies() elif location == 2: inp._parseRegions() elif location == 3: inp._parseVolumes() else: assert False assert len(self._files) == 0 pos = fromid + 1 for card in inp.cardlist: card.input = self self.addCard(card, pos) pos += 1 self.scanUnits() self.renumber(fromid) self.setModified() return True
[docs] def parse(self): """Import/parse a file including geometry""" tag = "" sdum = "" self._comment = "" # current comment self._cwhat = [] # Commented special whats self._nwhats = 0 # Number of whats of last added card self._cardEnable = True while True: line = self._readLine() if line is None: return line = self._parseComment(line) if line is None: continue prev_tag = tag prev_sdum = sdum tag, what = self._parseLine(line) sdum = what[0] extra = "" # Handle card exceptions # 1. Continuation if isinstance(sdum, str) and ("&" in sdum) and tag == prev_tag: # Find last card and append whats try: card =[tag][-1] card.appendComment(self._comment) if card.nwhats() == self._nwhats: # append cards at the end card.appendWhats(what[1:]) else: # append cards in the middle in case # that functions are used card.appendWhats(what[1:], self._nwhats) self._nwhats += len(what) - 1 self._comment = "" continue except KeyError: pass # 2. Compound continuation (special case) elif tag == "COMPOUND": # check if previous line is COMPOUND same state # and same sdum if prev_tag == tag and prev_sdum == sdum: # find last COMPOUND card with that sdum card =[tag][-1] # check state if card.enable == self._cardEnable: card.appendComment(self._comment) if card.nwhats() == self._nwhats: card.appendWhats(what[1:]) else: card.appendWhats(what[1:], self._nwhats) self._nwhats += len(what) - 1 self._comment = "" self.checkCompound(card) continue # skip the rest # 3. Extra line readout if tag in ("TITLE", "OPEN", "!mesh"): extra = self._readLine() if extra is None: return # Handling of special cases needed for parsing # the rest of the file elif tag == "FREE": if self._cardEnable: self.format = FORMAT_FREE if self.verbose: say("FREE: Input format changed to", self.format) elif tag == "FIXED": if self._cardEnable: self.format = FORMAT_SINGLE if self.verbose: say("FIXED: Input format changed to", self.format) elif tag == "GLOBAL" and self._cardEnable: w4 = _intWhat(what, 4) if w4 in (2, 3): self.format = FORMAT_FREE if _intWhat(what, 5) > 0: self.geoFormat = FORMAT_FREE # Handle special card PLOTGEOM elif tag == "PLOTGEOM": # w6 = _intWhat(what, 6) # TODO never used if self._openFile("PLG.GFXINDAT", "r", tag) is None: say("ERROR: cannot open file PLG.GFXINDAT") continue extra = self._readLine() line = self._readLine() what.extend([_str2num(line[x:x + 10]) for x in range(0, 60, 10)]) line = self._readLine() what.extend([_str2num(line[x:x + 10]) for x in range(0, 60, 10)]) line = self._readLine() what.extend([_str2num(line[x:x + 10]) for x in range(0, 40, 10)]) elif tag == "COMMENT": # Add to comments the following lines for i in range(max(1, _intWhat(what, 1))): line = self._parseComment("*" + self._readLine()) continue elif tag == "GEOBEGIN" and sdum != "FLUGG": # Starting position of GEO if self.geoFormat == FORMAT_SINGLE: if sdum[:8] == "COMBNAME": self.geoFormat = FORMAT_FREE card = Card(tag, what, self._comment) self._addCard(card) w3 = _intWhat(what, 3) w4 = _intWhat(what, 4) if w3 not in (0, 5): geoFile = self._readLine() if geoFile is None: raise Exception("Error parsing geometry") self.geoFile = geoFile.strip() # XXX??? if w4 not in (0, 11): geoOutFile = self._readLine() if geoOutFile is None: raise Exception("Error parsing geometry") self.geoOutFile = geoOutFile.strip() if self.geoFile != "": self._openFile(self.geoFile, "r", tag) self._parseGeometry(card) continue elif tag == "LATTICE": self._parseLattice(what) # Add current card self._addCard(Card(tag, what, self._comment, extra)) return False
def _parseGeometry(self, geobegin): """Parse Geometry""" voxel = False # self._cardEnable = True while True: line = self._readLine() if line is None: raise Exception("Error parsing geometry") line = self._parseComment(line) if line is None: continue # line = line.rstrip() # if not self._cardEnable or line[0]=='#': if line[0] == '#': tag, what = self._parseLine(line) self._addCard(Card(tag, what, self._comment)) elif line[0:6] == "GEOEND": tag, what = self._parseLine(line) self._addCard(Card(tag, what, self._comment)) return elif line[0:6] == "VOXELS": tag, what = self._parseLine(line) card = Card(tag, what) self._addCard(card) try: card.loadVoxel() except Exception: say("ERROR loading voxel file %s.vxl" % (card.sdum())) say(sys.exc_info()[1]) voxel = True else: break # Except the title of the GEOBEGIN try: ivopt = int(line[0:5].strip()) except Exception: ivopt = 0 try: idbg = int(line[5:10].strip()) except Exception: idbg = 0 # Special treatment for GEOBEGIN geobegin.setExtra(line[20:]) # Save vars for use in parsing self.ivopt = geobegin.ivopt = ivopt self.idbg = geobegin.idbg = idbg if idbg < 0 and self.geoFormat == FORMAT_SINGLE: self.geoFormat = FORMAT_DOUBLE if self.verbose: say("GEOBEGIN: Geometry format:", self.geoFormat) self._parseBodies() self._parseRegions() self._parseVolume() # Correct last body name to VOXEL if voxel and self.geoFormat != FORMAT_FREE: # Count all bodies nbodies = 1 # +1 for body in BODY_TAGS: try: nbodies += len([body]) except KeyError: pass self.changeName("bn", _body2name(str(nbodies)), "VOXEL") def _parseBodies(self): """Parse bodies""" if self.verbose: say(" Parsing Bodies") # pdb.set_trace() while True: line = self._readLine() if line is None: return line = self._parseComment(line, False) if line is None: continue if line[0] == "#": (tag, what) = self._parseLine(line) self._addCard(Card(tag, what, self._comment)) continue elif line[0] == "$": (tag, what) = self._parseLine(line) self._addCard(Card(tag, what, self._comment)) continue what = [] (tag, name) = self._parseBodyLine(line, what) name = _body2name(name) if "END" in (tag, line): self._addEND() return info = CardInfo.get(tag) if info is None: say("ERROR line %d: Unknown body type %s for %s" % (self._lineNo[-1], tag, name)) say(line) return needwhat = info.nwhats - 1 # self._whatNeeded(what, needwhat) # Read and parse needed whats while len(what) < needwhat: line = self._readLine() if line is None: raise Exception("Error parsing geometry") line = self._parseComment(line, False) if line is None: continue self._parseBodyLine(line, what) # delete extra whats if any if len(what) > needwhat: del what[needwhat:] what.insert(0, name) self._addCard(Card(tag, what, self._comment)) def _parseBodyLine(self, line, what): """Parse a body line""" startWhat = len(what) if self.geoFormat == FORMAT_SINGLE: body = line[2:5].strip() name = line[5:10].strip() if startWhat > 0 and (len(body) > 0 or len(name) > 0): raise Exception("Invalid body definition at line: " + self._lineNo[-1]) for i in range(10, 61, 10): w = line[i:i + 10].strip() what.append(_str2num(w)) elif self.geoFormat == FORMAT_DOUBLE: body = line[2:5].strip() name = line[5:10].strip() if startWhat > 0 and (len(body) > 0 or len(name) > 0): raise Exception("Invalid body definition at line: " + self._lineNo[-1]) for i in range(10, 55, 22): w = line[i:i + 22].strip() what.append(_str2num(w)) else: wlist = self._parseFreeFormat(line) body = name = "" if startWhat == 0: body = str(wlist[0]) if len(wlist) > 1: name = wlist[1] i = 2 else: i = 0 for i in range(i, len(wlist)): what.append(_str2num(wlist[i])) return body, name def _parseRegions(self): """Parse Regions""" if self.verbose: say(" Parsing Regions") name = "" neighbors = "" expstr = "" comment = "" self._comment = "" # card = None # active card # TODO never used ? _cardEnable = True prop = [] regions = set() # check for duplicate names in FIXED format while True: line = self._readLine(False) if line is None: if name != "": self._addRegion(name, neighbors, comment, expstr, _cardEnable) return line = self._parseComment(line, False) if line is None: continue if line[:6] == "GEOEND": self._addRegion(name, neighbors, comment, expstr, _cardEnable) self._addEND() say("Error: Parsing geometry END is missing") return # Preprocessor if line[0] == "#": # Parse defines # Add current region if any oldcomment = self._comment # Save the comment # card = self._addRegion(name, neighbors, comment, expstr, _cardEnable) # TODO never used ? # Possible region continuation name = "&" neighbors = 0 expstr = "" comment = "" self._comment = oldcomment # Restore it # Add current card (tag, what) = self._parseLine(line) if tag == "#endinclude": self._cardEnable = True self._closeFile() self._addCard(Card(tag, what, self._comment)) # Free format elif self.geoFormat == FORMAT_FREE: # Free format line = line.strip() if line == "END": oldcomment = self._comment # remember comment self._addRegion(name, neighbors, comment, expstr, _cardEnable) self._comment = oldcomment self._addEND() return # Check for region continuation elif line and line[0] in "+-|()": if self._comment: oldcomment = self._comment # remember comment # add region self._addRegion(name, neighbors, comment, expstr, _cardEnable) name = "&" # continuation card neighbors = 0 expstr = line comment = oldcomment # restore comment self._comment = "" # just for precaution else: # append to region expression expstr += "\n%s" % (line) # New region definition else: match = _REGIONPAT.match(line) if match is None: say("Error in region: %s" % (line)) continue oldcomment = self._comment # remember comment thisProp = self._prop # and properties self._prop = prop # restore old properties # New region definition self._addRegion(name, neighbors, comment, expstr, _cardEnable) name = neighbors = expstr = comment = oldcomment # remember comment prop = thisProp # and properties self._comment = "" # just for precaution _cardEnable = self._cardEnable # Single precision fixed format else: n = line[1:6].strip() # Name # New region definition if n != "": thisComment = self._comment # Save previous region self._addRegion(name, neighbors, comment, expstr, _cardEnable) # level = len(self._files) - 1 # remember level # TODO never used ? if n == "END": self._addEND() return # New region name = _region2name(n) if name in regions: name = "R%d" % (len(regions)) regions.add(name) neighbors = line[6:10].strip() expstr = "" comment = thisComment _cardEnable = self._cardEnable elif self._comment: if comment == "": comment = self._comment else: comment += "\n" + self._comment self._comment = "" # get expression e = line[10:] # Convert to free format expression string efree = "" if abs(self.idbg) == 100: width = 9 else: width = 7 if len(e) % width != 0: e += " " * (width - len(e) % width) for i in range(0, len(e), width): orop = e[i:i + 2] if orop == "OR": efree += " |" body = e[i + 2:i + width].strip() if body == "": say("ERROR: Bad alignment in region definition: '%s'" % (name)) raise Exception("Error parsing region %s: Invalid bodyname found \"%s\" column=%d" % (name, e[i + 2:i + width], i + 2)) sign = body[0] if sign in ("+", "-"): efree += " %s%s" % (sign, _body2name(body[1:])) else: efree += " +%s" % (_body2name(body)) if expstr == "": expstr = efree else: expstr += "\n" + efree # Continue region def _addEND(self): self._addCard(Card("END", [], self._comment)) def _addRegion(self, name, neighbors, comment, expstr, _cardEnable): if name == "" or (name == "&" and expstr == ""): return None saveEnable = self._cardEnable self._cardEnable = _cardEnable try: neighbors = int(neighbors) except Exception: neighbors = 5 what = [name, neighbors] # XXX should not come where with expstr="" if len(expstr) > 1 and expstr[0] == "\n": expstr = expstr[1:] card = Card("REGION", what, comment, expstr) card[_VOLUME] = "" self._addCard(card) self._cardEnable = saveEnable return card @staticmethod def _parseLattice(what): sdum = what[0] if sdum != "": usdum = sdum.upper().split('#') if usdum[0] in ("ROT", "RO"): try: id = int(usdum[-1]) except Exception: id = 1 what[0] = "Rot#%3d" % (id) def _parseVolume(self): """Parse Volume data if any""" if self.ivopt != 3: return # Expect data in the format 7E10.5 if self.verbose: say(" Parsing Volumes") self.preprocess() lst = self["REGION"] lst.sort(key=Card.cmpPos_key) regionList = [x for x in lst if not x.ignore() and x.sdum() != "&"] nlines, rem = divmod(len(regionList), 7) if rem > 0: nlines += 1 nr = 0 while nlines > 0: # peek next line pos = self._files[-1].tell() line = self._readLine() if line is None: raise Exception("Error parsing geometry") if len(line) == 0: continue if line[0] in ("*", "G"): # go back and exit self._files[-1].seek(pos) break for i in range(0, 61, 10): vol = _str2num(line[i:i + 10].strip()) if nr < len(regionList): regionList[nr][_VOLUME] = vol nr += 1 nlines -= 1 def _parseComment(self, line, check4Card=True): """Parse a comment line""" line = line.rstrip() if len(line) == 0: return None if line[0] == "*": # if next character is not space # check if it is a valid card cstart = 1 if line != "*": if line[1] == " ": cstart = 2 if line[1:4] in ("...", "234", "===", "---", "***", "___", "_..", "+++", "_AA"): cstart = 2 elif line[1:7] == "@what.": # treat special commented whats m = _CWHAT.match(line) if m: try: w = int( except Exception: w = -1 if w >= 0: if w == len(self._cwhat): self._cwhat.append( else: if w > len(self._cwhat): self._cwhat.extend([""] * (w - len(self._cwhat) + 1)) self._cwhat[w] = return None elif commentedCards and (check4Card or line[1] == "$"): # Check for commented cards try: if line[cstart] == " ": lline = line[cstart + 1:] else: lline = line[cstart:] (tag, what) = self._parseLine(lline, False) # Check tag if it exists in CardInfo ci = CardInfo.get(tag) if ci.tag == tag: self._cardEnable = False self._commentDisable = True return lline except Exception: pass cline = line[cstart:] if self._comment != "": self._comment += "\n" + cline else: if cline == "": self._comment = " " else: self._comment = cline return None else: if self._commentDisable: self._cardEnable = True self._commentDisable = False if line[0] == "#": if line == "#if 0": self._cardEnable = False elif line == "#endif" and not self._cardEnable: self._cardEnable = True else: return line return None else: # Remove inline comments p = line.find("!") if p == 0: if line[:8].strip() in FLAIR_TAGS: return line elif line[1] == "@": # treat special commented whats m = _CWHAT.match(line) if m: try: w = int( except Exception: w = -1 if w >= 0: if w == len(self._cwhat): self._cwhat.append( else: if w > len(self._cwhat): self._cwhat.extend([""] * (w - len(self._cwhat) + 1)) self._cwhat[w] = return None m = _OPT.match(line) if m: self._prop.append((, return None # if everything fails add it as comment if self._comment: self._comment += "\n" self._comment += line return None elif p >= 0: comment = line[p + 1:] if self._comment: self._comment += "\n" self._comment += comment if p == 0: return None line = line[0:p] return line # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse a single line to card, whats and sdum # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def _parseLine(self, line, enable=True): if line[0] == "$": what = self._parseFreeFormat(line) tag = what.pop(0).lower() what.insert(0, "") elif line[0] == "#": m = _PRPPAT.match(line) if m: tag = if tag == "#include": # replace the whats what = [line[9:].strip()] if self._cardEnable and enable: self._openFile(what[0], "r", tag) else: what = [,] else: tag = line.strip() what = [""] elif self.format == FORMAT_SINGLE: tag = line[0:8].rstrip() what = [line[70:].strip()] # sdum for i in range(10, 61, 10): w = line[i:i + 10].strip() what.append(_str2num(w)) else: what = self._parseFreeFormat(line) tag = what.pop(0) if len(tag) > 8: tag = tag[0:8] if len(what) == 7: sdum = what.pop() else: sdum = "" what.insert(0, sdum) return (tag, what) @staticmethod def _parseFreeFormat(line): """Remove unwanted characters from a free format line and separate everything with comma ,""" line = re.sub(" *[;:/,] *", ",", line.strip()) what = re.sub(" +", ",", line).split(',') return list(map(_str2num, what)) def _whatNeeded(self, fgeo, what, needwhat): """Parse needed whats""" # Read whats while len(what) < needwhat: self._lineNo += 1 line = utfReadline(fgeo) if len(line) == 0: raise Exception("Error paring geometry") line = self._parseComment(line, False) if line is None: continue self._parseBodyLine(line, what) # delete extra whats if any if len(what) > needwhat: del what[needwhat:] def _addCard(self, card): """Used internally while parsing to add a card""" self._nwhats = card.nwhats() # Replace special whats with card whats for i, w in enumerate(self._cwhat): if len(w) > 0: card.setWhat(i, w) # add properties if any for n, v in self._prop: card[n] = v self.addCard(card) if not self._cardEnable: card.disable() # Reset comment and special whats self._comment = "" del self._cwhat[:] del self._prop[:]
[docs] def writeWithInclude(self, filename, backup=True): """Open and write the input to file (specified either by filename, or by file pointer). Optionally use a different geometry file and a different format # WARNING FIXME no testing is done for the correctness of the file""" if self.verbose: say("Writing input file", filename) if len(self.cardlist) == 0: return True del self._files[:] del self._lineNo[:] if getattr(filename, 'read', None) is not None: self._files.append(filename) self._lineNo.append(0) else: self._openFile(filename, "w", backup=backup) self.preprocess() # Start with single format as unknown self.format = FORMAT_SINGLE self.geoFormat = FORMAT_SINGLE # Check for volume data self.ivopt = 0 for region in self["REGION"]: vol = region.getProperty(_VOLUME, "") if vol != "": self.ivopt = 3 break # main writting loop geoExternal = False geolevel = 0 # 0 before geobegin # 1 bodies and VOXELS # 2 regions # 3 lattices # 4 geoend # 5 after for card in self.cardlist: tag = card.tag if tag == "GEOBEGIN": card.ivopt = self.ivopt self.checkFormat(card) flugg = card.sdum() == "FLUGG" geoline = card.toStr(self.format).splitlines() geolevel = 1 utfWrite(self._files[-1], card.commentStr()) utfWriteln(self._files[-1], geoline[0]) if flugg: # Do nothing, skip the geometry pass else: if self.geoFile != "" and card.intWhat(3) not in (0, 5): utfWriteln(self._files[-1], self.geoFile) geoExternal = True # Write geo out file before the title if self.geoOutFile != "" and card.intWhat(4) not in (0, 11): utfWriteln(self._files[-1], self.geoOutFile) if geoExternal: self._openFile(self.geoFile, "w", backup=backup) # If VOXELS are present # FIXME not good. Needs to write the cards as is if "VOXELS" in self.writeCards(self._files[-1], lambda x: x.tag == "VOXELS", self.format, 1) # Write title if not flugg: utfWriteln(self._files[-1], geoline[1]) elif tag == "#include": self.writeCard(self._files[-1], card, self.format) if card.notIgnore(): self._openFile(card.what(0), "w", backup=backup) elif tag == "#endinclude": if card.notIgnore(): self._closeFile() elif geolevel > 0: if geolevel == 1 and tag == "REGION": # XXX Could be problematic with the #if's geolevel = 2 elif geolevel == 2 and (tag != "REGION" and tag[0] != '#'): # XXX could be problematic if #include is before # then the END is written in the #include geolevel = 3 # XXX insert region volumes? LATTICE or GEOEND if tag == "LATTICE": self.writeCard(self._files[-1], card, self.format) elif tag == "VOXELS": pass elif card._geo: self.writeCard(self._files[-1], card, self.geoFormat) else: if tag == "GEOEND": geolevel = 0 if geoExternal: self._closeFile() self.writeCard(self._files[-1], card, self.format) else: self.writeCard(self._files[-1], card, self.format) self.checkFormat(card) self._closeFile() self.setFileTime() assert (len(self._files) == 0) return False
[docs] def write(self, filename, backup=True): """Open and write the input to file (specified either by filename, or by file pointer). Optionally use a different geometry file and a different format""" if self.verbose: say("Writing input file", filename) if len(self.cardlist) == 0: return True if "#include" in self.writeWithInclude(filename, backup) return readfile = getattr(filename, 'read', None) if readfile is not None: finp = filename else: finp = self._openFile(filename, "w", backup=backup) # Expressions # Start with single format as unknown self.format = FORMAT_SINGLE self.geoFormat = FORMAT_SINGLE # 1st. Write all input cards before GEOBEGIN # skipping geometry cards try: geobegin = self["GEOBEGIN"][0] begin_ = self.cardlist.index(geobegin) except Exception: # add a GEOBEGIN card if self.geoFile != "": w3 = 20 else: w3 = "" if self.geoOutFile != "": w4 = 21 else: w4 = "" geobegin = Card("GEOBEGIN", ["COMBNAME", "", "", w3, w4]) # Make a guess of the position before the first geometry card for pos, card in enumerate(self.cardlist): if card.isGeo(): begin_ = pos break else: begin_ = len(self.cardlist) # Check for volume data self.ivopt = 0 for region in self["REGION"]: vol = region.getProperty(_VOLUME, "") if vol != "": self.ivopt = 3 break geobegin.ivopt = self.ivopt # Do not write any defines! # geolevel defines the position in the input file # -1 before defines # 0 before geometry # 1 inside geometry # 2 after geometry self.writeCards(finp, lambda x: not x._geo, None, 0, 0, begin_) # if there is no geometry... then exit if begin_ == len(self.cardlist): if finp is not filename: self._closeFile() self.setFileTime() return False # 2nd. Write all non-geometry cards which are inside GEOBEGIN .. GEOEND try: # Find first GEOEND geoend = self["GEOEND"][0] end_ = self.cardlist.index(geoend) self.writeCards(finp, lambda x: not x._geo, None, 1, begin_ + 1, end_) except Exception: geoend = None end_ = len(self.cardlist) # 3th. Write the geometry cards flugg = geobegin.sdum() == "FLUGG" self.checkFormat(geobegin) geoline = geobegin.toStr(self.format).splitlines() utfWrite(finp, geobegin.commentStr()) utfWriteln(finp, geoline[0]) if flugg: # Do nothing, skip the geometry fgeo = finp if self.geoFile != "" and geobegin.intWhat(3) not in (0, 5): # Should be GEOBEGIN # XXX no defines! utfWriteln(finp, self.geoFile) try: fgeo = self._openFile(self.geoFile, "w", backup=backup) except Exception: say("Cannot open output geometry file \"%s\"" % (filename)) say("Write geometry to input") fgeo = finp else: # Inline geometry fgeo = finp # Write geo out file before the title if self.geoOutFile != "": utfWriteln(finp, self.geoOutFile) if not flugg: # Write VOXELS are present if "VOXELS" in self.writeCards(fgeo, lambda x: x.tag == "VOXELS", self.format, 1) # Write title utfWriteln(fgeo, geoline[1]) # 4th Write geometry self.writeGeometry(fgeo, self.geoFormat) if fgeo is not finp: self._closeFile() # 6th. Write remaining cards including the GEOEND if any if geoend is None: geoend = Card("GEOEND") self.writeCard(finp, geoend, self.format) self.writeCards(finp, lambda x: not x._geo, None, 1, begin_ + 1) else: self.writeCards(finp, lambda x: not x._geo, None, 2, end_) # Check for STOP at the end if self.cardlist[-1].tag != "STOP": self.writeCard(finp, Card("STOP"), self.format) if finp is not filename: self._closeFile() self.setFileTime() return False
[docs] def checkFormat(self, card): """ Find current format FIXME #defines and state! :param card: :return: """ if not card.enable: return tag = card.tag if tag == "FREE": self.format = FORMAT_FREE elif tag == "FIXED": self.format = FORMAT_SINGLE elif tag == "GLOBAL": w = card.intWhat(4) if w in (2, 3): self.format = FORMAT_FREE w = card.intWhat(5) if w > 0: self.geoFormat = FORMAT_FREE elif w < 0: # XXX XXX Accept only FREE format geometry XXX XXX say("WARNING: Changing GLOBAL what(5)=1") card.setWhat(5, 1) self.geoFormat = FORMAT_FREE elif tag == "GEOBEGIN": # Force free geometry format if card.sdum()[:8] != "COMBNAME" and card.sdum() != "FLUGG": # XXX XXX Accept only COMBNAME! XXX XXX # To avoid stupid user errors say("WARNING: Changing GEOBEGIN sdum=%s to COMBNAME" % (card.sdum())) card.setSdum("COMBNAME") self.geoFormat = FORMAT_FREE
[docs] @staticmethod def checkCompound(card, all=False): """Check COMPOUND cards for correct mixture""" # check sign of whats s1 = card.sign(1) s2 = card.sign(2) n = card.nwhats() if all: start = 1 else: start = n - 6 for i in range(start, n, 2): j = i + 1 if card.numWhat(i) != 0.0: if card.sign(i) != s1 or card.sign(j) != s2: say("ERROR: Inconsistent compound mixture (Check signs)") say(" What(%d) = %s" % (i, str(card.what(i)))) say(" What(%d) = %s" % (j, str(card.what(j)))) say("%s" % (str(card))) else: card.setSign(i, s1) card.setSign(j, s2)
[docs] def writeGeometry(self, fgeo, geoFmt=None, fmt=None): """ Write geometry only preprocessor cards are written only when cards are in the correct position :param fgeo: :param geoFmt: :param fmt: :return: """ if geoFmt is None: geoFmt = self.geoFormat # geolevel = 1 # TODO not used ? # Use the formating of the input if fmt is None: fmt = self.format # 1st. Write bodies self.writeCards(fgeo, lambda x: x.tag in BODY_NOVXL_TAGS or x.tag[0] == "$", geoFmt, 1) ends ="END") if ends: # write all END until the first active for lastEnd, card in enumerate(ends): self.writeCard(fgeo, card, geoFmt) if card.notIgnore(): break else: if geoFmt == FORMAT_FREE: fgeo.write("END\n") else: fgeo.write(" END\n") # 2nd. Write regions self.writeCards(fgeo, lambda x: x.tag == "REGION", geoFmt, 2) if ends and len(ends) > 1: # write all END after the last one for card in ends[lastEnd + 1:]: self.writeCard(fgeo, card, geoFmt) else: if geoFmt == FORMAT_FREE: fgeo.write("END\n") else: fgeo.write(" END\n") # Write volume data if needed try: ivopt = self.ivopt except AttributeError: ivopt = 0 if ivopt == 3: line = "" for region in self.cardsSorted("REGION"): if == "&": continue vol = region.getProperty(_VOLUME, "") if vol == "": vol = "1.0" line += "%10s" % bmath.format_number(vol, 10) if len(line) == 70: writeln(fgeo, line) line = "" if len(line) > 0: writeln(fgeo, line) # 3rd. Write lattices if "LATTICE" in self.writeCards(fgeo, lambda x: x.tag == "LATTICE", fmt, 3)
[docs] @staticmethod def writeCard(f, card, fmt): """write a single card""" if not card.enable and (not or not commentedCards): if0 = True f.write("#if 0\n") else: if0 = False if card.comment() != "": utfWrite(f, card.commentStr()) es = card.evalWhatStr() if es != "": utfWrite(f, es) s = card.toStr(fmt) try: f.write("%s\n" % s) except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError): f.write("%s\n" % s.encode("utf-8")) if if0: f.write("#endif\n")
[docs] def writeCards(self, f, condition, format=None, geolevel=0, from_=0, to_=-1): """ Write cards of that fulfill a given condition(lambda) with all the preprocessor cards around them FIXME Write also non empty blocks: #if .. #define/#undef .. #endif Might end up in duplicate blocks when only #define/#undef exist inside the geometry geolevel -1 before defines 0 before geobegin 1 bodies and voxels 2 regions 3 lattices 4 after geoend from_ .. to_ (to_ is not included) :param f: :param condition: :param format: :param geolevel: :param from_: :param to_: :return: """ nest = 0 start = -1 level = 0 writing = False # Force a fixed format if format is not None: fmt = format # Loop over all cards if to_ == -1: to_ = len(self.cardlist) for cid in range(from_, to_): card = self.cardlist[cid] tag = card.tag if tag == "GEOBEGIN": level = 1 elif tag == "GEOEND": level += 1 if format is None: # find format fmt = self.format # Preprocessor nesting if card.enable and tag[0] == "#": if writing: self.writeCard(f, card, fmt) if tag in ("#if", "#ifdef", "#ifndef"): if start < 0 and nest == 0: start = cid nest += 1 elif tag == "#endif": nest -= 1 if nest == 0: start = -1 writing = False elif nest < 0: # misplaced #elif or #else start = cid nest = 0 elif tag in ("#elif", "#else") and nest == 0: # misplaced #elif or #else start = cid nest = 1 elif tag in ("#define", "#undef"): if level == geolevel: if nest == 0: # Write cards on top nesting correct level self.writeCard(f, card, fmt) elif start >= 0 and not writing: # Write everything up to now for c in self.cardlist[start:cid + 1]: if c.tag[0] == '#' or condition(c): self.writeCard(f, c, fmt) start = -1 writing = True elif geolevel == -1: # For anything with high nesting write them anyway # when defines are not required if nest != 0 and start >= 0 and not writing: # Write everything up to now for c in self.cardlist[start:cid + 1]: if c.tag[0] == '#' or condition(c): self.writeCard(f, c, fmt) start = -1 writing = True # Target cards elif condition(card): if nest == 0: self.writeCard(f, card, fmt) else: if not writing: # Write everything up to now for c in self.cardlist[start:cid]: if c.tag[0] == '#' or condition(c): self.writeCard(f, c, fmt) start = -1 writing = True self.writeCard(f, card, fmt) # Change the format after the current card if needed if card.enable: if format is None: # find format self.checkFormat(card) if card.tag == "END": level += 1 # In the error case where a #if..#endif is not closed if start >= 0: for c in self.cardlist[start:]: if c.tag[0] == '#' or condition(c): self.writeCard(f, c, fmt)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pickle/UnPickle # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dump(self, pickler): """dump input to pickler""" # Input file information version = 1 pickler.dump(version) pickler.dump(self.filename) pickler.dump(self.geoFile) pickler.dump(self.geoOutFile) # Cards for card in self.cardlist: card.dump(pickler)
[docs] def load(self, unpickler): """load input from unpickle""" # Input file information # version = unpickler.load() # TODO not used ? self.filename = unpickler.load() self.geoFile = unpickler.load() self.geoOutFile = unpickler.load() # Cards while True: try: card = Card(ERROR) card.load(unpickler) except EOFError: break self.addCard(card)
[docs] def cardsSorted(self, tag, which=0): """ Return cards of a specific tag sorted with _pos Possibilities on which: 0: enabled and active (requires a call to preprocess before) 1: enabled 2: all Warning on REGION maybe the "&" you want to get rid off :param tag: :param which: :return: """ if tag == "bodies": # Special case returns a dictionary... lst = {} for tag in BODY_TAGS: for x in self[tag]: if x.notIgnore(): lst[] = x if "VOXELS" in for card in["VOXELS"]: if card.notIgnore(): lst["VOXEL"] = card break else: # sort the list for faster processing cards = self[tag] cards.sort(key=Card.cmpPos_key) if which == 0: lst = [x for x in cards if x.notIgnore()] elif which == 1: lst = [x for x in cards if x.enable] else: lst = cards # Special treatment if tag == "MATERIAL": mats = {} for card in lst: mats[] = True pos = 0 for card in _defaultMaterials: if not in mats: lst.insert(pos, card) pos += 1 # FIXME Must append at the end ONLY the icru that are assigned for card in self.cardsSorted("ASSIGNMA", which): if not in mats: mat = _icruMatDict.get( if mat: lst.append(mat) # Append or Insert voxel cards if tag in ("REGION", "ASSIGNMA", "MATERIAL", "COMPOUND", "CORRFACT"): for voxel in self["VOXELS"]: if voxel.ignore() or voxel["@voxel"] is None: continue if tag == "REGION": # add to the end lst.extend(voxel["@voxel"].input["REGION"]) elif tag == "ASSIGNMA": # insert to the beginning lst[:0] = voxel["@voxel"].input["ASSIGNMA"] elif tag == "MATERIAL": # insert to the beginning lst[:0] = voxel["@voxel"].input["MATERIAL"] elif tag == "COMPOUND": # insert to the beginning lst[:0] = voxel["@voxel"].input["COMPOUND"] elif tag == "CORRFACT": # insert to the beginning lst[:0] = voxel["@voxel"].input["CORRFACT"] return lst
[docs] def allcards(self): """Return an extend list with all cards including the ones from the voxel""" cl = self.cardlist[:] for voxel in self["VOXELS"]: if voxel.ignore() or voxel["@voxel"] is None: continue cl.extend(voxel["@voxel"].input.cardlist) return cl
[docs] def cardsCache(self, tag, what=None): """Cache lists when they are requested""" try: return self.cache[tag] except KeyError: if what is None: lst = self.cardsSorted(tag) else: lst = [x.what(what) for x in self.cardsSorted(tag)] self.cache[tag] = lst return lst
[docs] def clearCache(self, tag=None): if tag is not None: try: del self.cache[tag] except KeyError: pass else: self.cache.clear()
[docs] def bestPosition(self, tag): """ Find best position from the sorting order in the file search which card is closer to one we've asked :param tag: :return: """ ci = CardInfo.get(tag) if ci.tag[0] == "#": return None cards = [x for x in self[tag] if x.notIgnore()] if cards: # Similar cards exists then add it after the last one pos = max([x._pos for x in cards]) + 1 # but with indent=0 while pos < len(self.cardlist) and (self.cardlist[pos].indent() > 0 or self.cardlist[pos].tag == "#endif"): pos += 1 return pos cur = ci.order mindist = 10000 mintag = "" mincl = [] for c in CardInfo._db.values(): cards = [x for x in self[c.tag] if x.notIgnore()] if cards: d = cur - c.order if abs(d) < abs(mindist): mindist = d mintag = c.tag mincl = cards if mintag == "" or len(mincl) == 0: pos = 0 elif mindist >= 0: pos = max([x._pos for x in mincl]) + 1 else: pos = min([x._pos for x in mincl]) # but with indent=0 while pos < len(self.cardlist) and (self.cardlist[pos].indent() > 0 or self.cardlist[pos].tag == "#endif"): pos += 1 # skip backwards any START, STOP card if pos < len(self.cardlist) - 1: while pos > 0 and self.cardlist[pos].tag in ("START", "STOP"): pos -= 1 return pos
[docs] def addCard(self, card, pos=None, renumber=False): """ Add a card to list at position pos WARNING: renumber is False (on contrast with delCard, moveCard) :param card: :param pos: :param renumber: :return: """ card.input = self # Keep input file link try: taglist =[card.tag] except KeyError: taglist = [][card.tag] = taglist taglist.append(card) # Local (tag list) prevCard = None if pos is None or pos >= len(self.cardlist): if self.cardlist: prevCard = self.cardlist[-1] # Find prev card self.cardlist.append(card) # Global cardlist card._pos = len(self.cardlist) - 1 else: if pos > 0: prevCard = self.cardlist[pos - 1] self.cardlist.insert(pos, card) card._pos = pos # Check indent level of previous card if prevCard and prevCard.enable: if card.enable and prevCard.tag in _INDENT_INC: card._indent = prevCard._indent + 1 else: card._indent = prevCard._indent else: card._indent = 0 if card.enable and card.tag in _INDENT_DEC: card._indent = max(0, card._indent - 1) if renumber: p = pos if p is None: p = 0 self.renumber(p) self.setModified()
[docs] def delCard(self, pos, renumber=True): """Delete card by position""" card = self.cardlist[pos] card._pos = -1 card.input = None tag = card.tag # Delete from the main list del self.cardlist[pos] if renumber: self.renumber(pos) # Find tag list taglist =[tag] taglist.remove(card) if len(taglist) == 0: del[tag] self.setModified()
[docs] def delTag(self, tag, renumber=True): """Delete all cards with a specific tag""" try: for card in[tag]: card._pos = -1 card.input = None self.cardlist.remove(card) del[tag] except KeyError: return if renumber: self.renumber() self.setModified()
[docs] def delGeometryCards(self): """Delete geometry cards""" self.delTag("REGION", False) self.delTag("LATTICE", False) for tag in BODY_TAGS: self.delTag(tag, False) for tag in TRANSFORM_TAGS: self.delTag(tag, False) self.delTag("END", False) self.renumber() self.setModified()
[docs] def changeTag(self, card, newtag): """Change card tag""" # Remove from previous list cl =[card.tag] cl.remove(card) # change the tag card.changeTag(newtag) # Add to new list try: taglist =[card.tag] except Exception: taglist = [][card.tag] = taglist taglist.append(card) self.setModified()
[docs] def moveCard(self, src, dest, renumber=True): """Move card (src) at position (dest)""" card = self.cardlist[src] del self.cardlist[src] if dest >= src: dest -= 1 self.cardlist.insert(dest, card) if renumber: self.renumber(min(dest, src), max(dest, src) + 1) self.setModified()
[docs] def replaceCard(self, pos, card): """replace card at position (pos) with card""" # remember old card old = self.cardlist[pos] # replace in the cardlist self.cardlist[pos] = card # remove old from the taglist taglist =[old.tag] taglist.remove(old) if len(taglist) == 0: del[old.tag] # add the new to the taglist try: taglist =[card.tag] taglist.append(card) except KeyError: taglist = [card][card.tag] = taglist card._pos = pos card.input = self self.setModified() return old
@staticmethod def _format(num): if abs(num) < zero: return 0.0 return num
[docs] def transformBody(self, card, matrix): """Transform a body card, using a 4x4 transformation matrix""" tag = card.tag if tag == "SPH": center = matrix * card.bodyP() card.setWhat(1, self._format(center[0])) card.setWhat(2, self._format(center[1])) card.setWhat(3, self._format(center[2])) elif tag in ("XCC", "YCC", "ZCC"): self._transformInfCyl(card, matrix) elif tag in ("RCC", "TRC"): # XXX MM comment: add a check to switch to # infinite cylinders if it's the case? center = matrix * card.bodyP() card.setWhat(1, self._format(center[0])) card.setWhat(2, self._format(center[1])) card.setWhat(3, self._format(center[2])) length = matrix.multNoTranslation(card.bodyZ()) card.setWhat(4, self._format(length[0])) card.setWhat(5, self._format(length[1])) card.setWhat(6, self._format(length[2])) elif tag in ("XYP", "XZP", "YZP", "PLA"): self._transformPlane(card, matrix) elif tag in ("RPP", "BOX"): self._transformBox(card, matrix) elif tag == "REC": self._transformREC(card, matrix) elif tag in ("WED", "RAW"): self._transformWED(card, matrix) elif tag == "ELL": focus1 = matrix * card.bodyP() focus2 = matrix * card.bodyP2() card.setWhat(1, self._format(focus1[0])) card.setWhat(2, self._format(focus1[1])) card.setWhat(3, self._format(focus1[2])) card.setWhat(4, self._format(focus2[0])) card.setWhat(5, self._format(focus2[1])) card.setWhat(6, self._format(focus2[2])) elif tag in ("XEC", "YEC", "ZEC"): self._transformInfEllCyl(card, matrix) elif tag == "ARB": for i in range(1, 9): point = matrix * card.bodyPn(i) n = 3 * i - 2 card.setWhat(n, self._format(point[0])) card.setWhat(n + 1, self._format(point[1])) card.setWhat(n + 2, self._format(point[2])) elif tag == "QUA": self._transformQUA(card, matrix) else: say("Invalid card %s for transformation" % (card.tag)) return True self.setModified() return False
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _transformPlane(self, card, matrix): point = matrix * card.bodyP() normal = matrix.multNoTranslation(card.bodyN()) dire = normal.direction(zero) if dire == "X": self.changeTag(card, "YZP") card.setWhat(1, self._format(point[0])) elif dire == "Y": self.changeTag(card, "XZP") card.setWhat(1, self._format(point[1])) elif dire == "Z": self.changeTag(card, "XYP") card.setWhat(1, self._format(point[2])) else: self.changeTag(card, "PLA") card.setWhat(1, self._format(normal[0])) card.setWhat(2, self._format(normal[1])) card.setWhat(3, self._format(normal[2])) card.setWhat(4, self._format(point[0])) card.setWhat(5, self._format(point[1])) card.setWhat(6, self._format(point[2])) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _transformInfCyl(self, card, matrix): point = matrix * card.bodyP() dir = matrix.multNoTranslation(card.bodyN()) # XXX no scaling for the moment radius = card.numWhat(3) dirCheck = dir.direction(zero) if dirCheck in ("X", "-X"): self.changeTag(card, "XCC") card.setWhat(1, self._format(point[1])) card.setWhat(2, self._format(point[2])) elif dirCheck in ("Y", "-Y"): self.changeTag(card, "YCC") card.setWhat(1, self._format(point[2])) card.setWhat(2, self._format(point[0])) elif dirCheck in ("Z", "-Z"): self.changeTag(card, "ZCC") card.setWhat(1, self._format(point[0])) card.setWhat(2, self._format(point[1])) else: # XXX transform to old version if _useQUA: # convert card to "QUA" and then transform it tag = card.tag p = card.bodyP() self.changeTag(card, "QUA") card.setWhat(1, (1.0, 0.0)[tag == "XCC"]) card.setWhat(2, (1.0, 0.0)[tag == "YCC"]) card.setWhat(3, (1.0, 0.0)[tag == "ZCC"]) card.setWhat(4, 0.0) card.setWhat(5, 0.0) card.setWhat(6, 0.0) card.setWhat(7, -2.0 * p.x()) card.setWhat(8, -2.0 * p.y()) card.setWhat(9, -2.0 * p.z()) card.setWhat(10, -radius**2 + p.length2()) self._transformQUA(card, matrix) else: point -= dir * infinite dir = (2.0 * infinite) * dir self.changeTag(card, "RCC") card.setWhat(1, self._format(point[0])) card.setWhat(2, self._format(point[1])) card.setWhat(3, self._format(point[2])) card.setWhat(4, self._format(dir[0])) card.setWhat(5, self._format(dir[1])) card.setWhat(6, self._format(dir[2])) card.setWhat(7, self._format(radius)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _transformWED(self, card, matrix): point = matrix * card.bodyP() X = matrix.multNoTranslation(card.bodyX()) Y = matrix.multNoTranslation(card.bodyY()) Z = matrix.multNoTranslation(card.bodyZ()) card.setWhat(1, self._format(point[0])) card.setWhat(2, self._format(point[1])) card.setWhat(3, self._format(point[2])) card.setWhat(4, self._format(X[0])) card.setWhat(5, self._format(X[1])) card.setWhat(6, self._format(X[2])) card.setWhat(7, self._format(Y[0])) card.setWhat(8, self._format(Y[1])) card.setWhat(9, self._format(Y[2])) card.setWhat(10, self._format(Z[0])) card.setWhat(11, self._format(Z[1])) card.setWhat(12, self._format(Z[2])) def _transformREC(self, card, matrix): point = matrix * card.bodyP() X = matrix.multNoTranslation(card.bodyX()) Y = matrix.multNoTranslation(card.bodyY()) Z = matrix.multNoTranslation(card.bodyZ()) card.setWhat(1, self._format(point[0])) card.setWhat(2, self._format(point[1])) card.setWhat(3, self._format(point[2])) card.setWhat(4, self._format(Z[0])) card.setWhat(5, self._format(Z[1])) card.setWhat(6, self._format(Z[2])) card.setWhat(7, self._format(X[0])) card.setWhat(8, self._format(X[1])) card.setWhat(9, self._format(X[2])) card.setWhat(10, self._format(Y[0])) card.setWhat(11, self._format(Y[1])) card.setWhat(12, self._format(Y[2])) def _transformInfEllCyl(self, card, matrix): center = matrix * card.bodyP() X = matrix.multNoTranslation(card.bodyX()) Y = matrix.multNoTranslation(card.bodyY()) Z = matrix.multNoTranslation(card.bodyN()) dirX = X.direction(zero) dirY = Y.direction(zero) dirZ = Z.direction(zero) if "N" in (dirX, dirY, dirZ): if _useQUA: # convert card to "QUA" and then transform it tag = card.tag p = card.bodyP() r = card.bodyX() + card.bodyY() rx2 = r.x()**2 ry2 = r.x()**2 rz2 = r.x()**2 self.changeTag(card, "QUA") card.setWhat(1, (1.0 / rx2, 0.0)[tag == "XEC"]) card.setWhat(2, (1.0 / ry2, 0.0)[tag == "YEC"]) card.setWhat(3, (1.0 / rz2, 0.0)[tag == "ZEC"]) card.setWhat(4, 0.0) card.setWhat(5, 0.0) card.setWhat(6, 0.0) card.setWhat(7, -2.0 * p.x() / rx2) card.setWhat(8, -2.0 * p.y() / ry2) card.setWhat(9, -2.0 * p.z() / rz2) card.setWhat(10, -1.0 + p.x()**2 / rx2 + p.y()**2 / ry2 + p.z()**2 / rz2) self._transformQUA(card, matrix) else: # Transforming in REC self.changeTag(card, "REC") center -= Z * infinite Z *= 2.0 * infinite card.setWhat(1, self._format(center[0])) card.setWhat(2, self._format(center[1])) card.setWhat(3, self._format(center[2])) card.setWhat(4, self._format(Z[0])) card.setWhat(5, self._format(Z[1])) card.setWhat(6, self._format(Z[2])) card.setWhat(7, self._format(X[0])) card.setWhat(8, self._format(X[1])) card.setWhat(9, self._format(X[2])) card.setWhat(10, self._format(Y[0])) card.setWhat(11, self._format(Y[1])) card.setWhat(12, self._format(Y[2])) elif dirZ in ("X", "-X"): self.changeTag(card, "XEC") card.setWhat(1, self._format(center[1])) card.setWhat(2, self._format(center[2])) XY = X + Y card.setWhat(3, self._format(abs(XY.y()))) card.setWhat(4, self._format(abs(XY.z()))) elif dirZ in ("Y", "-Y"): self.changeTag(card, "YEC") card.setWhat(1, self._format(center[2])) card.setWhat(2, self._format(center[0])) XY = X + Y card.setWhat(3, self._format(abs(XY.z()))) card.setWhat(4, self._format(abs(XY.x()))) else: self.changeTag(card, "ZEC") card.setWhat(1, self._format(center[0])) card.setWhat(2, self._format(center[1])) XY = X + Y card.setWhat(3, self._format(abs(XY.x()))) card.setWhat(4, self._format(abs(XY.y()))) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _transformBox(self, card, matrix): point = matrix * card.bodyP() X = matrix.multNoTranslation(card.bodyX()) Y = matrix.multNoTranslation(card.bodyY()) Z = matrix.multNoTranslation(card.bodyZ()) XD = X.direction(zero) YD = Y.direction(zero) ZD = Z.direction(zero) if "N" not in (XD, YD, ZD): self.changeTag(card, "RPP") diagonal = X + Y + Z card.setWhat(1, self._format(min(point[0], point[0] + diagonal[0]))) card.setWhat(2, self._format(max(point[0], point[0] + diagonal[0]))) card.setWhat(3, self._format(min(point[1], point[1] + diagonal[1]))) card.setWhat(4, self._format(max(point[1], point[1] + diagonal[1]))) card.setWhat(5, self._format(min(point[2], point[2] + diagonal[2]))) card.setWhat(6, self._format(max(point[2], point[2] + diagonal[2]))) else: self.changeTag(card, "BOX") card.setWhat(1, self._format(point[0])) card.setWhat(2, self._format(point[1])) card.setWhat(3, self._format(point[2])) card.setWhat(4, self._format(X[0])) card.setWhat(5, self._format(X[1])) card.setWhat(6, self._format(X[2])) card.setWhat(7, self._format(Y[0])) card.setWhat(8, self._format(Y[1])) card.setWhat(9, self._format(Y[2])) card.setWhat(10, self._format(Z[0])) card.setWhat(11, self._format(Z[1])) card.setWhat(12, self._format(Z[2])) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def _transformQUA(self, card, matrix): A = bmath.Matrix(4) A[0][0] = card.numWhat(1) # Cxx A[1][1] = card.numWhat(2) # Cyy A[2][2] = card.numWhat(3) # Czz A[0][1] = A[1][0] = card.numWhat(4) / 2.0 # Cxy A[0][2] = A[2][0] = card.numWhat(5) / 2.0 # Cxz A[1][2] = A[2][1] = card.numWhat(6) / 2.0 # Cyz A[0][3] = A[3][0] = card.numWhat(7) / 2.0 # Cx A[1][3] = A[3][1] = card.numWhat(8) / 2.0 # Cy A[2][3] = A[3][2] = card.numWhat(9) / 2.0 # Cz A[3][3] = card.numWhat(10) # C minv = matrix.clone() minv.inv() # New = matrix^T * A * matrix AN = minv.T() * (A * minv) # XXX optimize (convert to other objects if needed) card.setWhat(1, self._format(AN[0][0])) card.setWhat(2, self._format(AN[1][1])) card.setWhat(3, self._format(AN[2][2])) card.setWhat(4, self._format(AN[0][1] * 2.0)) card.setWhat(5, self._format(AN[0][2] * 2.0)) card.setWhat(6, self._format(AN[1][2] * 2.0)) card.setWhat(7, self._format(AN[0][3] * 2.0)) card.setWhat(8, self._format(AN[1][3] * 2.0)) card.setWhat(9, self._format(AN[2][3] * 2.0)) card.setWhat(10, self._format(AN[3][3]))
[docs] def scanUnits(self): """Scan for units""" self.units.scan(self)
[docs] def convert2Names(self): """Convert input to names and check for obsolete and/or non-valid cards""" # Find materials for duplicate checking self.clearCache() # Check geometry for FLUGG try: geobegin =["GEOBEGIN"][0] notflugg = geobegin.sdum() != "FLUGG" except Exception: notflugg = True matDict = {} for i, n in enumerate(self.materialList()): if n not in matDict: matDict[n] = [i + 1] else: matDict[n].append(i + 1) for card in self.cardlist: if not card.enable: continue # Check for obsolete cards tag = card.tag if tag in ("ACCURACY", "OUTLEVEL", "EGSCUT", "EGSFIX", "EGSFLUO", "EGSRAY", "EGS", "LANDAU"): if card.enable: say("WARNING: Disabling obsolete card: %s" % (tag)) card.disable() continue elif not _developer and tag in ("EVENTYPE"): if card.enable: say("WARNING: Disabling obsolete card: %s" % (tag)) card.disable() continue elif tag == "EXTRAWEI": self.changeAllTags(tag, "USERWEIG") elif tag == "DUMPTHEM": self.changeAllTags(tag, "USERDUMP") elif tag == "MATERIAL": index = matDict.get(card.sdum(), []) if len(index) > 1: say("WARNING: Material %s already exists with index=%s" % (card.sdum(), str(index))) say(str(card)) # Check input try: case = except Exception: say("ERROR: Disabling unknown card.") say(str(card)) card.disable() continue if is CardInfo.none(): say("ERROR: Invalid tag name on card.") say(str(card)) if not card.tag: self.changeTag(card, ERROR) card.invalid = ["Invalid tag name"] card.disable() say(str(card)) continue invalid = card.validate(case) if len(invalid) > 0: if invalid[0] is None: say("WARNING: No matching case found for card") else: say("WARNING: Invalid what(s)=%s" % (str(invalid))) say(str(card)) # Convert card to names if notflugg: card.convert(True) self.setModified()
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate all active cards""" for card in self.cardlist: if card.ignore(): continue card.validate()
[docs] def changeAllTags(self, old, new, show=True): """Changing all cards tag from old to new""" if show: say("WARNING: Changing card(s) %s to %s" % (old, new)) try: cl =[old][new] = cl del[old] for card in cl: card.changeTag(new) except KeyError: pass self.setModified()
[docs] def changeName(self, type, old, new): """Change name to all cards""" # For bodies use special treatment if type == "bn": pat = re.compile(r"(\b%s\b)" % (re.escape(old))) for card in self["REGION"]: newextra = pat.sub(new, card.extra()) if newextra != card.extra(): card.setExtra(newextra) else: for card in self.cardlist: case = lst =, case) if isinstance(lst, tuple): lst = list(lst) lst.pop() # skip step for w in lst: if card.what(w) == old: card.setWhat(w, new) self.setModified()
[docs] def renumber(self, fromPos=0, toPos=-1): """Put the correct index to cards in the range given by fromPos:toPos""" cardlist = self.cardlist if toPos < 0 or toPos > len(cardlist): toPos = len(cardlist) if fromPos == 0: indent = 0 else: try: card = cardlist[fromPos - 1] indent = cardlist[fromPos - 1]._indent if card.enable and card.tag in _INDENT_INC: indent += 1 except IndexError: return for i in range(fromPos, toPos): card = cardlist[i] card._pos = i tag = card.tag if card.enable and tag in _INDENT_DEC: indent = max(0, indent - 1) card._indent = indent if card.enable and tag in _INDENT_INC: indent += 1 self.setModified() self.checkNumbering() # FIXME XXX (delete this)
[docs] def checkNumbering(self): """Verify the internal order of the cards""" err = 0 indent = 0 for i, card in enumerate(self.cardlist): if card._pos != i: err += 1 say("ERROR: Cards out of order pos=#%d it should be #%d" % (card.pos() + 1, i)) say(str(card)) if card.enable and card.tag in _INDENT_DEC: indent = max(0, indent - 1) if card.enable and card.indent() != indent: say("ERROR: Indent out of order pos=#%d card._indent=%d it should be %d" % (i, card._indent, indent)) say(str(card)) if card.enable and card.tag in _INDENT_INC: indent += 1 if err > 0: say("ERROR: %d cards found out of order. Correcting error" % (err)) say("*** Please contact %s ***" % (__email__)) import traceback traceback.print_stack() self.renumber()
[docs] def preprocess(self, activeDefines=None): """ Pre-process all cards and set correspondingly the flag nest[] contains the evaluation of the nesting -1: inactive - do not include any subsequent #if.. 0: false & active - include substitute #if.. 1: true & active 2: false & active after else 3: true & active after else FIXME values do not WORK! :param activeDefines: :return: list of error cards """ self.clearCache() define = {} errors = [] self.localDict.clear() if activeDefines: useInputDefines = False for var, val in activeDefines: define[var] = 1 if isinstance(val, str) and val != "" and val[0] == "=": try: val = float(eval(val[1:], _globalDict, self.localDict)) except Exception: pass try: self.localDict[var] = float(val) except Exception: self.localDict[var] = val else: # if none or empty list e.g. default run = [] useInputDefines = True nest = [1] active13 = True for i, card in enumerate(self.cardlist): tag = card.tag var = card.what(0) active = nest[-1] if not card.enable: card.setActive(active13) continue active13 = active in (1, 3) card.setActive(active13) if active13 and tag == "#define": if useInputDefines: define[var] = 1 elif self.localDict.get(var, "") == "": self.localDict[var] = card.numWhat(1) elif active13 and tag == "#undef" and useInputDefines: define[var] = 0 elif tag in ("#if", "#ifdef"): if active13: nest.append(define.get(var, 0)) else: nest.append(-1) # ignore this nesting elif tag == "#ifndef": if active13: nest.append(1 - define.get(var, 0)) else: nest.append(-1) # ignore this nesting elif tag == "#elif": if len(nest) <= 1: err = "Error unexpected #elif, card: %d" % (i + 1) errors.append((card, err)) say(err) elif active == 1: nest[-1] = -1 # terminate this nesting elif active == 0: nest[-1] = define.get(var, 0) elif active > 1: err = "Misplaced #elif after #else, card: %d" % (i + 1) errors.append((card, err)) say(err) active = nest[-1] active13 = active in (1, 3) card.setActive(active13) elif tag == "#else": if len(nest) <= 1: err = "Error unexpected #else, card: %d" % (i + 1) errors.append((card, err)) say(err) elif active > 1: err = "Misplaced #else, card: %d" % (i + 1) errors.append((card, err)) say(err) elif active >= 0: nest[-1] = 3 - nest[-1] active = nest[-1] active13 = active in (1, 3) card.setActive(active13) elif tag == "#endif": if len(nest) <= 1: err = "Error unexpected #endif, card: %d" % (i + 1) errors.append((card, err)) say(err) else: nest.pop() active = nest[-1] active13 = active in (1, 3) card.setActive(active13) return errors
[docs] def bodyProperties(self): """ Return the body properties as a dictionary of the active/enabled bodies :return: """ translat = None transform = None expansion = None for card in self.cardlist: if not card.isGeo(): continue if card.ignore(): continue del card["@dx"] del card["@dy"] del card["@dz"] del card["@expansion"] del card["@transform"] if len(card.tag) == 3: if card.tag == "END": break if translat: card["@dx"] = translat.numWhat(1) card["@dy"] = translat.numWhat(2) card["@dz"] = translat.numWhat(3) if expansion: card["@expansion"] = expansion.numWhat(1) if transform: card["@transform"] = transform.what(1) elif card.tag[0] == "$": if card.tag == "$start_translat": if translat is not None: say("ERROR: Double %s found #%d" % (card.tag, card.pos() + 1)) say(str(card)) else: translat = card elif card.tag == "$start_transform": if transform is not None: say("ERROR: Double %s found #%d" % (card.tag, card.pos() + 1)) say(str(card)) else: transform = card elif card.tag == "$start_expansion": if expansion is not None: say("ERROR: Double %s found #%d" % (card.tag, card.pos() + 1)) say(str(card)) else: expansion = card elif card.tag == "$end_translat": if translat is None: say("ERROR: %s without $start_xxx found #%d" % (card.tag, card.pos() + 1)) say(str(card)) translat = None elif card.tag == "$end_transform": if transform is None: say("ERROR: %s without $start_xxx found #%d" % (card.tag, card.pos() + 1)) say(str(card)) transform = None elif card.tag == "$end_expansion": if expansion is None: say("ERROR: %s without $start_xxx found #%d" % (card.tag, card.pos() + 1)) say(str(card)) expansion = None
[docs] def regionProperties(self): """ Return the region properties as a dictionary of the active/enabled regions :return: """ regionDict = {} regionList = [] matList = self.materialList(icru=True) matDict = {} rotDefi = {} # Find Materials for card in _defaultMaterials: matDict[card.sdum()] = card for card in _icruMaterials: matDict[card.sdum()] = card # finally materials in voxels and input for card in self.cardsSorted("MATERIAL"): try: card["@n"] = matList.index(card.sdum()) + 1 except ValueError: card["@n"] = 1 matDict[card.sdum()] = card # Find regions n = 0 blckhole = matDict["BLCKHOLE"] vacuum = matDict["VACUUM"] # Add a new region to dictionaries def addRegion(region, name): # Assign default values to region region["@n"] = n region["@type"] = REGION_BLACKHOLE region["@material"] = blckhole region["@biasingA"] = None # All particles biasing region["@biasingH"] = None # Hadrons region["@biasingE"] = None # emf region["@biasingN"] = None # low-neutrons region["@assignmat"] = None # Card that assigned the material region["@cont"] = False # has continuation cards regionDict[name] = region regionList.append(region) # Input and voxel regions for region in self.cardsSorted("REGION"): if == "&": continue n += 1 addRegion(region, region.sdum()) # add last region if regionList: regionDict["@LASTREG"] = regionList[-1] # Find transformations for card in self.cardsSorted("ROT-DEFI"): if card.ignore(): continue w1 = card.intWhat(1) if w1 < 1000: (j, i) = divmod(w1, 100) else: (i, j) = divmod(w1, 1000) rotDefi[i] = card.sdum() rotDefi[card.sdum()] = i # Voxel assignmat if any hasVoxels = False for voxel in self["VOXELS"]: if voxel.ignore() or voxel["@voxel"] is None: continue hasVoxels = True for card in voxel["@voxel"].input["ASSIGNMA"]: material = matDict.get(card.what(1)) if material is None: say("ERROR: Material %s is not defined #%d" % (card.evalWhat(1), card.pos() + 1)) say(str(card)) material = _defaultMaterials[0] # Blackhole region = regionDict.get(card.what(2)) region["@type"] = REGION_VOXEL region["@assignmat"] = card region["@material"] = material region["@materialDefined"] = True break # Check all assignmat for card in self.cardsSorted("ASSIGNMA"): if card.ignore(): continue material = matDict.get(card.evalWhat(1)) if material is None: say("ERROR: Material %s is not defined #%d" % (card.evalWhat(1), card.pos() + 1)) say(str(card)) material = _defaultMaterials[0] # Blackhole matDecay = matDict.get(card.what(6), material) fromReg = regionDict.get(card.evalWhat(2)) if fromReg is None: pat = _VOXELPAT.match(card.what(2)) if pat is None: say("ERROR: Region %s is not defined #%d" % (card.what(2), card.pos() + 1)) say(str(card)) continue fromReg = fromReg["@n"] try: toReg = regionDict.get(card.evalWhat(3)) toReg = toReg["@n"] except Exception: toReg = fromReg step = card.intWhat(4) if step == 0: step = 1 for rg in range(fromReg, toReg + 1, step): region = regionList[rg - 1] if hasVoxels and ( == "VOXEL" or _VOXELPAT.match( region["@type"] = REGION_VOXEL else: region["@type"] = int(material is blckhole) if region["@assignmat"] is not None and warnMultMat: say("WARNING: Multiple ASSIGNMAT for region %s:" % ( say(" Previous: #%d\n%s" % (region["@assignmat"].pos() + 1, region["@assignmat"])) say(" Current : #%d\n%s" % (card.pos() + 1, str(card))) region["@assignmat"] = card region["@material"] = material region["@matDecay"] = matDecay region["@materialDefined"] = True # Check Biasing cards for card in self.cardsSorted("BIASING"): if card.ignore(): continue what1 = card.intWhat(1) if what1 < 0: continue elif what1 == 1: tag = "@biasingH" elif what1 == 2: tag = "@biasingE" elif what1 == 3: tag = "@biasingN" else: tag = "@biasingA" fromReg = regionDict.get(card.what(4)) if fromReg is None: continue fromReg = fromReg["@n"] try: toReg = regionDict.get(card.what(5)) toReg = toReg["@n"] except Exception: toReg = fromReg try: step = int(card.what(6)) except Exception: step = 1 for rg in range(fromReg, toReg + 1, step): region = regionList[rg - 1] region[tag] = card # Check Lattices for card in self.cardsSorted("LATTICE"): if card.ignore(): continue fromReg = regionDict.get(card.what(1)) if fromReg is None: continue fromReg = fromReg["@n"] try: toReg = regionDict.get(card.what(2)) toReg = toReg["@n"] except Exception: toReg = fromReg try: step = int(card.what(3)) except Exception: step = 1 rotdefi = card.sdum() for rg in range(fromReg, toReg + 1, step): region = regionList[rg - 1] region["@type"] = REGION_LATTICE region["@material"] = vacuum region["@materialDefined"] = True region["@lattice"] = card region["@rotdefi"] = rotdefi return regionList
[docs] def addCardProperty(self, tag, proptag, prop, valueWhat, fromWhat, toWhat=-1, stepWhat=-1, sdum=None, func=None): """ Append to card's properties the additional value from tag's :param tag: cards to append the extra property :param proptag: cards from where to get the property :param prop: property name to add in cards :param valueWhat: which value to add as property :param fromWhat: range of cards :param toWhat: range of cards :param stepWhat: range of cards :param sdum: filter cards with the specific sdum :param func: apply a function to value :return: """ # create a dictionary of cards for faster accessing cardlist = self.cardsSorted(tag) if tag == "REGION": cardlist = [x for x in cardlist if != "&"] # Remove continuations of regions dictionary = {} for card in cardlist: dictionary[card.sdum()] = card card[prop] = 0.0 for card in self.cardsSorted(proptag): if sdum is not None and card.sdum() != sdum: continue try: from_ = dictionary[card.what(fromWhat)]["@n"] except Exception: continue if from_ is None: continue to_ = from_ step = 1 if toWhat >= 0: try: toW = card.what(toWhat) if toW[0] == '@': to_ = len(cardlist) else: to_ = dictionary[toW]["@n"] step = card.intWhat(stepWhat) except Exception: pass if step <= 0: step = 1 value = card.numWhat(valueWhat) if func: value = func(value) for c in cardlist[from_ - 1:to_:step]: c[prop] = value
[docs] def material(self, mat, toName): """ Convert material to name/number :param mat: :param toName: :return: """ lst = self.materialList(0, False, True) if toName: mat -= 1 # 1 based if mat < 0 or mat >= len(lst): if mat != -1: # Accept -1 == 0 index raise Exception("Invalid material index requested idx=%d" % (mat + 1)) return "" return lst[mat] else: try: return lst.index(mat) + 1 except Exception: return 0
[docs] def materialList(self, which=0, icru=False, assigned=False): lst = [m.sdum() for m in _defaultMaterials] # Add first voxel materials # FIXME maybe apply it on the card and not on the Input!!!! for voxel in self["VOXELS"]: if voxel.ignore() or voxel["@voxel"] is None: continue lst.extend([m.sdum() for m in voxel["@voxel"].input["MATERIAL"]]) # Add user defined materials for card in self.cardsSorted("MATERIAL", which): name = card.sdum() index = card.intWhat(4) - 1 # 0 based! if index < 0: try: index = lst.index(name) except Exception: index = len(lst) # Append or replace if index == len(lst): lst.append(name) elif index < len(lst): lst[index] = name else: lst.extend([""] * (index - len(lst) + 1)) lst[index] = name if icru: # Add all icru materials regardless of their order lst.extend([m.sdum() for m in _icruMaterials]) elif assigned: # Add all materials assigned, especially for the ICRU ones # correct index assigned by FLUKA # FIXME Not very intelligent. for card in self.cardsSorted("ASSIGNMA", which): mat = card.what(1) if mat not in lst: lst.append(mat) return lst
[docs] def materialDict(self): matDict = {} # Default materials for card in _defaultMaterials: matDict[card.sdum()] = card # ICRU materials for card in _icruMaterials: matDict[card.sdum()] = card # Voxel materials for voxel in self["VOXELS"]: if voxel.ignore() or voxel["@voxel"] is None: continue for card in voxel["@voxel"].input["MATERIAL"]: matDict[card.sdum()] = card # ... and finally from the input for card in self.cardsSorted("MATERIAL"): matDict[card.sdum()] = card return matDict
[docs] def materialZAID(self, material): # Check if it is a compound or a single material # Single isotope? Z = material.intWhat(1) if Z > 0: A = material.intWhat(6) return [(Z * 1000 + A, 1.0)] rho = material.numWhat(3) # Density # Compound search ZAID = [] for compound in self["COMPOUND"]: if compound.ignore(): continue if compound.sdum() != material.sdum(): continue for i in range(1, len(compound.whats()), 2): frac = compound.numWhat(i) mat = compound.what(i + 1) if mat == "": continue if mat[0] == "-": negative = True mat = mat[1:] else: negative = False # Find material for card in self["MATERIAL"]: if card.ignore(): continue if card.sdum() == mat: break else: # Search default materials for card in _defaultMaterials: if card.sdum() == mat: break # Scan recursively for za, f in self.materialZAID(card): # Scale fractions if negative: # Density f = abs(f) * frac * rho else: # Mass or atom fraction f = abs(f) * frac ZAID.append((za, f)) return ZAID
[docs] def region(self, reg, toName): """ Convert region to name/number :param reg: :param toName: :return: """ # Regions removing continuation cards regions = [x for x in self.cardsSorted("REGION") if != "&"] if len(regions) == 0: return None if toName: if reg <= 0 or reg > len(regions): return "" return regions[reg - 1].sdum() else: try: return [x.what(0) for x in regions].index(reg) + 1 except Exception: return 0
[docs] def getTransformation(self, idx=None, rotdefi=None, inv=False): """ FIXME I should combine the rotdefi with the self.cache! :param idx: rotation to return, Can be prefixed with "-", None to return a dictionary :param rotdefi: cached dictionary :param inv: return the inverse of the idx matrix. Accepted even if idx is prefixed with "-" :return: rotation matrix from a rot-defi cards or a dictionary with all transformations """ neg = False if isinstance(idx, str): if len(idx) > 0 and idx[0] == '-': neg = True idx = idx[1:] match = _ROTPAT.match(idx) if match: idx = int( elif isinstance(idx, int): if idx < 0: neg = True idx = -idx else: # Return dictionary of transformations rotdefi = {} if inv: neg = not neg # Check if is cached if idx is not None: if rotdefi is not None: matrix = rotdefi.get(idx) if isinstance(matrix, int): matrix = rotdefi.get(matrix) if matrix is None: return bmath.Matrix(4, type=1) if neg: matrix = matrix.clone() matrix.inv() return matrix else: matrix = bmath.Matrix(4, type=1) last = 0 # Scan transformations for card in self.cardsSorted("ROT-DEFI"): if card.ignore(): continue w1 = card.intWhat(1) if w1 < 1000: (j, i) = divmod(w1, 100) else: (i, j) = divmod(w1, 1000) if idx is None: if i == 0: # try with the name i = rotdefi.get(card.sdum()) matrix = rotdefi.get(i) else: matrix = rotdefi.get(i) if matrix is not None and rotdefi.get(card.sdum()) != i: # FIXME store the error somewhere... say("WARNING: ROT-DEFI Index and name do not match #%d" % (card.pos() + 1)) say(str(card)) if matrix is None: matrix = bmath.Matrix(4, type=1) if i is None: last += 1 i = last else: last = max(last, i) rotdefi[i] = None if card.sdum() != "": rotdefi[card.sdum()] = i rotdefi["rot#%03d" % (i)] = i else: if idx not in (i, card.sdum()): continue if j == 0: j = 3 theta = card.numWhat(2) phi = card.numWhat(3) x = card.numWhat(4) y = card.numWhat(5) z = card.numWhat(6) if x != 0.0 or y != 0.0 or z != 0.0: matrix = bmath.Matrix.translate(x, y, z) * matrix if phi != 0.0: m = bmath.Matrix(4, type=1) m.rotate(math.radians(-phi), j - 1) matrix = m * matrix if theta != 0.0: m = bmath.Matrix(4, type=1) m.rotate(math.radians(-theta), (j + 1) % 3) matrix = m * matrix if idx is None: rotdefi[i] = matrix if neg: matrix.inv() if idx is None: return rotdefi return matrix
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Rot-Defi list # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def rotdefiList(self, negative=False): rot = {} try: for card in["ROT-DEFI"]: w1 = card.intWhat(1) if w1 < 1000: (j, i) = divmod(w1, 100) else: (i, j) = divmod(w1, 1000) if i > 0: rot["rot#%03d" % (i)] = True if len(card.sdum()) > 0: rot[card.sdum()] = True except Exception: return [""] item = rot.keys() item.sort() if negative: lst = [""] for i in item: lst.append(i) lst.append("-%s" % (i)) else: lst = item lst.insert(0, "") del rot return lst
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # @return a list of linked ROT-DEFI cards with the same idx # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def rotdefiCards(self, idx): return [x for x in self.cardsSorted("ROT-DEFI") if x.sdum() == idx]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Refresh cards information # 1. ?? (renumber??) # 2. Reload voxels # 3. Properties? # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def refresh(self): for voxel in self["VOXELS"]: voxel.loadVoxel()
def _str2num(w): """ Check if argument w is a valid fortran number and return argument converted to a valid python number """ try: if len(w) > 1: # TODO not used ? # p = string.index("+-.0123456789", w[0]) # p = string.index(".0123456789d DeE", w[1]) # p = string.index(".0123456789", w[-1]) we = w.replace("d", "E") we = we.replace("D", "E") we = we.replace(" ", "") wn = float(we) return wn return float(w) except Exception: return w def _intWhat(what, n): try: return int(float(_str2num(what[n]))) except Exception: return 0 def _body2name(name): try: return BODY_PREFIX + str(int(name)) except Exception: return str(name) def _region2name(name): try: return REGION_PREFIX + str(int(name)) except Exception: pass name = str(name) if _NAMEPAT.match(name): return name return REGION_PREFIX + name
[docs]def init(filename=None): """ Initialize classes: CardInfo Particle :param filename: :return: """ global _defaultMaterials, _defaultMatDict, _icruMaterials, _icruMatDict global _neutronGroups, _lowMaterials, _usermvax global NGROUPS, BODY_TAGS, BODY_NOVXL_TAGS, FLAIR_TAGS, OBJECT_TAGS, TRANSFORM_TAGS if filename is None: filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), _database) # read card database and prepare CardInfo classes cardini = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() CardInfo._db[None] = CardInfo(ERROR, [None], [["-"] * 7], [["?"] * 7], [], None, "Error in tag...") # Go through all cards for name in cardini.sections(): # Ignore sections with lower case letters # it does not include the '#xxx' sections if name[0].islower(): continue # name is complete, tag is only 8 characters max if len(name) > 8 and name[0] not in ("$", "#"): tag = name[0:8] else: tag = name meaning = cardini.get(name, "meaning") group = cardini.get(name, "group").split() # Capitalize each group for i in range(len(group)): group[i] = group[i].capitalize() # Ranges range_ = [] default = [] extra = [] assert_ = [] for i in range(20): n = "range.%d" % i try: rg = cardini.get(name, n).split() except Exception: break range_.append(rg) n = "defaults.%d" % i df = cardini.get(name, n).split() default.append(df) # Get extra info ex = [] for j in range(100): n = "extra.%d.%d" % (i, j) try: e = cardini.get(name, n) except Exception: # Correct sdum if j < 7: e = "" else: break ex.append(e) extra.append(ex) # Get assert info ass = [] for j in range(100): n = "assert.%d.%d" % (i, j) try: a = cardini.get(name, n) except Exception: break else: ass.append(a) assert_.append(ass) # Cleanup a bit, check for empty range_, assert_ empty = True for r in range_: if len(r) > 0: empty = False break if empty: range_ = [] empty = True for a in assert_: if len(a) > 0: empty = False break if empty: assert_ = [] # append to CardInfo database cinfo = CardInfo(name, group, range_, extra, assert_, default, meaning) try: disable = cardini.get(name, "disable") cinfo.setDisableComment(disable == "comment") except Exception: pass CardInfo._db[tag] = cinfo # Create bodies cards BODY_NOVXL_TAGS = [x.tag for x in CardInfo._db.values() if "Geometry" in and len(x.tag) == 3 and x.tag != "END"] BODY_TAGS = BODY_NOVXL_TAGS[:] BODY_TAGS.append("VOXELS") BODY_NOVXL_TAGS.sort() BODY_TAGS.sort() # Geometry transformation tags TRANSFORM_TAGS = [x.tag for x in CardInfo._db.values() if x.tag[0] == "$"] TRANSFORM_TAGS.sort() # Create flair tags FLAIR_TAGS = [x.tag for x in CardInfo._db.values() if "Flair" in] FLAIR_TAGS.sort() FLAIR_TAGS.remove("!coffee") # Object tags = Flair tags + ROT-DEFI OBJECT_TAGS = FLAIR_TAGS[:] OBJECT_TAGS.append("ROT-DEFI") # Particles section = "particles" for pid, name in cardini.items(section): if pid[:3] == "pid": tag, id = pid.split(".") mass = cardini.getfloat(section, "mass." + id) # comment = cardini.get(section, "comment." + id) # TODO not used ? pdg = cardini.get(section, "pdg." + id) Particle.add(int(id), name, mass, pdg) Particle.makeLists() # Read default materials and create fake MATERIAL card's section = "materials" i = 1 while True: n = "mat.%d" % (i) try: name = cardini.get(section, n) except Exception: break desc = cardini.get(section, "desc.%d" % (i)) Amass = cardini.getfloat(section, "Amass.%d" % (i)) Z = cardini.getfloat(section, "Z.%d" % (i)) rho = cardini.getfloat(section, "rho.%d" % (i)) mat = Card("MATERIAL", [name, Z, Amass, rho, i], desc) mat["@n"] = i _defaultMaterials.append(mat) _defaultMatDict[name] = mat i += 1 # Read special ICRU materials i = -1 while True: n = "mat.%d" % (i) try: name = cardini.get(section, n) except Exception: break desc = cardini.get(section, "desc.%d" % (i)) Amass = cardini.getfloat(section, "Amass.%d" % (i)) Z = cardini.getfloat(section, "Z.%d" % (i)) rho = cardini.getfloat(section, "rho.%d" % (i)) mat = Card("MATERIAL", [name, Z, Amass, rho], desc) mat["@n"] = i _icruMaterials.append(mat) _icruMatDict[name] = mat i -= 1 # Low neutrons energy groups section = "n-groups" # Read number of groups try: groups = cardini.get(section, "groups") NGROUPS = map(int, groups.split()) except Exception: say("ERROR! No neutron energy groups defined") pat = re.compile(r"^(\S*) *(.*)$") for g in NGROUPS: groupsList = [] groupsListS = [] for i in range(1, g + 2): n = "ene.%d.%d" % (g, i) try: energy = cardini.get(section, n) except Exception: break m = pat.match(energy) groupsList.append(float( groupsListS.append( _neutronGroups[g] = groupsList _neutronGroupsS[g] = groupsListS # Low neutrons energy groups for g in NGROUPS: section = "low-neut" i = 1 materials = [] while True: n = "elem.%d.%d" % (g, i) try: elem = cardini.get(section, n) except Exception: break mat = LowNeutMaterial() mat.elem = elem mat.desc = cardini.get(section, "mat.%d.%d" % (g, i)) mat.temp = cardini.get(section, "temp.%d.%d" % (g, i)) mat.db = cardini.get(section, "db.%d.%d" % (g, i)) = cardini.get(section, "name.%d.%d" % (g, i)) ids = cardini.get(section, "ids.%d.%d" % (g, i)).split() mat.id1 = int(ids[0]) mat.id2 = int(ids[1]) mat.id3 = int(ids[2]) mat.g = cardini.get(section, "g.%d.%d" % (g, i)) materials.append(mat) i += 1 _lowMaterials[g] = materials # Read user routines section = "usermvax" for routine, desc in cardini.items(section): _usermvax[routine] = desc del cardini
if __first: __first = False init() if __name__ == "__main__": inp = Input() inp.verbose = True[1]) inp.convert2Names() inp.regionProperties() # say(inp.materialList()) if len(sys.argv) >= 3: # f = open(sys.argv[3],"w") # inp.writeGeometry(f, FORMAT_FREE, FORMAT_FREE) # f.close() inp.write(sys.argv[2])